Naghni 0.1

Creator: bradpython12

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Naghni 0.1

Naghni is a simple side-scrolling game. You are a round creature whose
purpose is to fill empty holes with matter, thus closing them. It
matters greatly to your round friends that you do a job well-done,
because if you don’t, they’re all going to die!
If you want to save the naghnies (for that is the name of the people),
you should not hesitate to play Naghni. You will be their Saviour,
their Hope, their Light in the darkest of times.
Naghni levels consist of you and a lot of other objects. At least one
hole is always present. It is your purpose to collect edible objects
and then return those objects to the holes. Holes disappear when they
have had enough to eat. When all holes are gone, the level has been
completed. Holes differ from other objects in that they have borders.
As of now, it’s not possible to die. You may however end up in
situations that require a restart.
Naghni is free software under the terms of the GNU General Public
License version 3 (or any later version). The author of Naghni is
Niels Serup, contactable at . This is version 0.1 of
the program. Naghni includes program data created by other people and
under other free licenses; the details can be found in the file

Naghni depends on PyGame 1.8.1+ for graphics and sound. To install
PyGame, do one of these things:

For Debian etc.: type apt-get install python-pygame
For Fedora etc.: type yum install pygame
Or get it at

Naghni also depends on pycairo, NumPy and librsvg.
apt-get install python-cairo, or yum install pycairo, or visit
apt-get install python-numpy, or yum install python-numpy, or
apt-get install python-rsvg, or gnome-python2-rsvg, or

Optional extras
If present, Naghni will also use these Python modules:


Web address:
$ sudo easy_install setproctitle


Web address:
$ sudo easy_install termcolor

Way #1
Get newest version of Naghni at
Extract the downloaded file and run this in a terminal:
$ sudo python install

Way #2
Just run this (requires that you have python-setuptools installed):
$ sudo easy_install naghni

When Naghni has been installed, you can run it from the command-line
like this:
$ naghni [options]
naghni has several options. Run naghni --help to see a list of
them. Most of them can also be changed in-game.

All special aspects of Naghni will (ultimately) be explained
in-game. Do not worry. Use the arrow keys to control your character,
press PageUp/PageDown to zoom in/out and Shift+F to toggle an FPS
viewer. Press the R key to restart a level.

For developers
Naghni uses Git for branches. To get the latest branch, get it from like this:
$ git clone git://
Naghni is written in Python and should be relatively easy to integrate
into other programs (in the future, that is).

Designing levels
Levels are simply Python files using the Naghni Python files installed
as a mini library. The easy way to create a new level is to modify an
existing level. Such levels can be found in the naghnilevels
directory within the data directory. No real documentation is
present at this time, and the “API” might change in the future.

The future / TODOs
Naghni currently misses several features.

It doesn’t have a menu.
It only works with SDL. Creating bindings to OpenGL might be a good
It has only 3 builtin levels, and all of them are test levels,
i.e. they are not hilariously fun to play.
There is no story mode. There is barely any story, anyway.
Characters are boring circles. They should have fancy things on them
(like eyes, ears, tentacles, etc.).
It has only 3 builtin patterns. More are needed.
It lacks real background color/image support.
It lacks documentation (and a finalized level “format”).
It lacks music and sounds.
It hasn’t been tested thorougly.
Too few people are playing it.
There are a few physics-related issues which need to be fixed. It
would be nice to implement Naghni in a general-purpose physics
engine instead of its current fault prone one.
It’s slow. Optimization is sadly a must. The more objects a level
has, the slower it is, partly because of slow loops.
Code (especially the more complex stuff) isn’t explained very well.
Probably several other things as well.

It will take time to fix this.

The logo
The logo of Naghni, found in the “logo” directory, is available
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 (or
any later version) Unported license. A copy of this license is
available at
This document has been released under the Creative Commons Zero 1.0
Universal license.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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