name-of-thrones 0.2.10

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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nameofthrones 0.2.10

Name of Thrones
Command line tool to generate words that sound like characters from Game of
Thrones. Useful for unique project names, host names and the occasional stray

You can install the Name of Thrones using pip:
$ pip install name-of-thrones

You can use the name-of-thrones command from the shell to run Name of Thrones:
$ name-of-thrones --help
Generate words that sound like characters from Game of Thrones.

name-of-thrones [--quantity=<number>] [--min=<length>] [--max=<length>]
[--json] [--nocolour] [--alphabetical] [--length] [--reverse]
name-of-thrones (-h | --help | --version)

--version show program's version number and exit.
-h, --help show this help message and exit.
-q, --quantity=<number> the quantity of words to generate [default: 10].
--min=<length> the minimum length of each word [default: 4].
--max=<length> the maximum length of each word [default: 10].
-j, --json output the words in JSON format.
-n, --nocolour output the words without colourization.
-a, --alphabetical output the words in alphabetical order.
-l, --length output the words in order of their length.
-r, --reverse reverse the order of the words.

Copyright © 2023 Matthew Stevens, released under the ISC Licence.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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