ndg-httpsclient 0.5.1

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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ndghttpsclient 0.5.1

A HTTPS client implementation for

httplib (Python 2), http.client (Python 3) and
urllib2 (Python 2) and urllib (Python 3)

… based on PyOpenSSL. PyOpenSSL provides a more fully featured SSL implementation
over the default provided with Python and importantly enables full verification
of the SSL peer using pyasn1.



Clean up handling for description file - pull in content from this file into setup()
Allows the nightly build to fail
Add Trove version classifiers to make it explicit what is supported
Add python_requires to help pip
Drop support for EOL Python 2.6 and 3.3

Thanks to @hugovk for contributions


Fix to Subject Alternative Name handling to allow for certificates with
more than 64 names (max now 1024). Thanks to Matt Pegler
Fix to subjectAltName string to use byte type for correct matching
Updated SSL Context objects to default to TLS 1.2


Updated test certificates


Fix to ndg namespace package warning issue (https://github.com/cedadev/ndg_httpsclient/issues/3).
__init__.py file now included in ndg directory so that there are no longer warnings with imports
when using Python 2.x. Thanks to Max Mauntner for fix.
Minor fix for installation: set minimum release for pyasn1 to avoid conflicts with Ubuntu
install - see https://github.com/cedadev/ndg_httpsclient/issues/5 and
https://github.com/cedadev/ndg_httpsclient/pull/10. pyasn1 also becomes mandatory rather
than optional package for install. - It required by cryptography anyway which is a
dependency for pyOpenSSL from version 0.14.


Fix to bug in ndg.httpsclient.utils.open_url - duplicate open call.
Nb. This bug and the fix DO NOT affect the httplib``and ``urllib2
interfaces that this package provides.


Added explicit ref to Python 3 in classifier text for Python 3 checking tools.
Moved LICENSE file into package


Made dual compatible with Python 2 / 3.


Fix to add in AnotherName for subjectAltNames field - added for support for CACert issued
certs (thanks to Gu1).
Fix to HTTP Basic Auth option for ndg.httpsclient.utils.main
Fix to ServerSSLCertVerification so that it can pass a function-based callback instead of using __call__. In newer versions of OpenSSL (>= 0.14) the latter failed because of a request for __name__ attribute.


Fix to SubjectAltNames support check - should only be enabled if pyasn1 is
Fix to open_url: HTTP Request object was being created inside if headers is
None block - now corrected to create regardless.
Added http basic auth support to script. (Thanks to Willem van Engen)


extended utils functions to support keyword for passing additional urllib2


Added ndg.httpsclient.utils.fetch_stream_from_url function and added
parameter for data to post in open_url and fetch_* methods.
fix to ndg.httpsclient.utils module _should_use_proxy and open_url functions


added support for SSL verification with subjectAltNames using pyasn1
fixed minor bug - SSL cert DN prefix matching

Initial release

This has been developed and tested for Python 2.7 with pyOpenSSL 0.13
and 0.14. Version 0.4.0 tested with pyOpenSSL 0.15.1 and Python 2.7 and
pyasn1 is required for correct SSL verification with subjectAltNames.

Installation can be performed using easy_install or pip.

Running ndg_httpclient
A simple script for fetching data using HTTP or HTTPS GET from a specified URL.

The URL of the resource to be fetched


-h, --help
Show help message and exit.

-c FILE, --certificate=FILE
Certificate file - defaults to $HOME/credentials.pem

-k FILE, --private-key=FILE
Private key file - defaults to the certificate file

-t DIR, --ca-certificate-dir=DIR
Trusted CA certificate file directory.

-d, --debug
Print debug information - this may be useful in solving problems with HTTP or
HTTPS access to a server.

-p FILE, --post-data-file=FILE
POST data file

-f FILE, --fetch=FILE
Output file

-n, --no-verify-peer
Skip verification of peer certificate.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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