openai-assistants-cli 0.1.1

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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openaiassistantscli 0.1.1

Command-line interface for ChatGPT Assistants:

Command-Line Interface: Interact with ChatGPT or Claude directly from your terminal.
Multiple Assistants: Easily switch between different assistants defined in the config file.
Keyboard Shortcuts: Use Ctrl-C, Ctrl-D, and Ctrl-R shortcuts for easier conversation management and input control.
Multi-Line Input: Enter multi-line mode for more complex queries or conversations.
Markdown Support: Enable or disable markdown formatting for chat sessions to tailor the output to your preferences.
Logging: Log your conversations to disk or stdout

Coming Soon

Usage tracking: Track your API usage with token count and price information.

This install assumes a Linux/OSX machine with Python and pip available.
pip install openai-assistants-cli

Install latest version from source:
pip install git+

Or install by cloning the repository manually:
git clone
cd gpt-cli
pip install .

Add the OpenAI API key to your .bashrc file (in the root of your home folder).
In this example we use nano, you can use any text editor.
nano ~/.bashrc
export OPENAI_API_KEY=<your_key_here>

Run the tool

You can also use a gpt.yml file for configuration. See the Configuration section below.
Make sure to set the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable to your OpenAI API key (or put it in the ~/.config/gpt-cli/gpt.yml file as described below).
Add your assistant to the config file. See Configuration below. (TODO Add assistant-id arg and use this in Usage/quickstart)
usage: openai-assistants-cli [-h] [--no_markdown]

Run a chat session with ChatGPT. See for more information.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--no_markdown Disable markdown formatting in the chat session.
The log level to use
--no_stream If specified, will not stream the response to standard output. This is
useful if you want to use the response in a script. Ignored when the
--prompt option is not specified.
--no_price Disable price logging.

Type :q or Ctrl-D to exit, :c or Ctrl-C to clear the conversation, :r or Ctrl-R to re-generate the last response.
To enter multi-line mode, enter a backslash \ followed by a new line. Exit the multi-line mode by pressing ESC and then Enter.
You can configure the assistants in the config file ~/.config/gpt-cli/gpt.yml. The file is a YAML file with the following structure (see also
default_assistant: <assistant_name>
markdown: False
openai_api_key: <openai_api_key>
anthropic_api_key: <anthropic_api_key>
log_file: <path>
id: <assistant id string>

You can override the parameters for the pre-defined assistants as well.
You can specify the default assistant to use by setting the default_assistant field.
default_assistant: my_assistant
markdown: True
openai_api_key: <openai_api_key>
id: asst_abcdabcdabcd
id: asst_123412341234

$ openai-assistants-cli my_other_assistant


pytest tests

TODO for v1.0

Implement PriceChatListener for Assistants
Add configurable instructions for each assistant to be passed to runs.create()
Accept an assistant ID as a cli arg
Make file names clickable in citations (that were created by add_citations_to_messages())
Cache File retrievals
Consolidate the two log file / persistance implementations

## Build
pip install build
python -m build

## Test it
pip install twine
twine upload --repository testpypi dist/* --username __token__ # Use your API token as the password when promtped
pip install --index-url openai-assistants-cli

## Publish


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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