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pass2csv 1.1.1
pass2csv is a tool that exports a
pass(1) password store to a CSV. It
can export whole stores, subdirectories of a store, and single password
files. It can use regexp patterns to find and group data after the first
line of each password into additional CSV columns, as well as exclude
data from the export.
Source is available at GitHub,
and the package is published to the
Python Package Index.
You can install the package with pipx
pipx install pass2csv
or with pip:
python3 -m pip install --user pass2csv
$ pass2csv --help
usage: pass2csv [-h] [-b path] [-g executable] [-a]
[--encodings encodings] [-e pattern] [-f name pattern]
[-l name pattern] [--version]
positional arguments:
STOREPATH path to the password-store to export
OUTFILE file to write exported data to, use - for stdout
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b path, --base path path to use as base for grouping passwords
-g executable, --gpg executable
path to the gpg binary you wish to use (default:
-a, --use-agent ask gpg to use its auth agent
--encodings encodings
comma-separated text encodings to try, in order,
when decoding gpg output (default: 'utf-8')
-e pattern, --exclude pattern
regexp for lines which should not be exported, can
be specified multiple times
-f name pattern, --get-field name pattern
a name and a regexp, the part of the line matching
the regexp will be removed and the remaining line
will be added to a field with the chosen name.
only one match per password, matching stops after
the first match
-l name pattern, --get-line name pattern
a name and a regexp for which all lines that match
are included in a field with the chosen name
--version show program's version number and exit
The output format is
Group(/),Title,Password,[custom fields...],Notes
You may add custom fields with --get-field or --get-line. You supply
a name for the field and a regexp pattern. The field name is used for
the header of the output CSV and to group multiple patterns for the same
field; you may specify multiple patterns for the same field by
specifying --get-field or--get-line multiple times with the same
name. Regexp patterns are case-insensitive.
Example usage
$ gpg -d ~/.password-store/sites/example/login.gpg
username: user_name
email [email protected]
Some note
$ pass2csv ~/.password-store - \
--exclude '^---$' \
--get-field Username '(username|email):?' \
--get-field URL 'url:?'
"sites/example","login","password123","","user_name","email [email protected]
Some note"
The group is relative to the path, or the --base if given.
Given the password ~/.password-store/sites/example/login.gpg:
$ pass2csv ~/.password-store/sites
# Password will have group "example"
$ pass2csv ~/.password-store/sites --base ~/.password-store
# Password will have group "sites/example"
gpg-agent password timeout
If your private key is protected by a password, gpg will ask for it
with the pinentry program if you haven't set it to something else. If
using gpg2 or the -a option with gpg, by default, the password is
cached for 10 minutes but the timer is reset when using a key. After 2
hours the cache will be cleared even if it has been accessed recently.
You can set these values in your ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf:
default-cache-ttl 600
max-cache-ttl 7200
Create a virtual environment:
python3 -m venv venv
Activate the environment:
. venv/bin/activate
Now you may either use pip directly to install the dependencies, or
you can install pip-tools. The latter is recommended.
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip-tools can keep your virtual
environment in sync with the requirements.txt file, as well as
compiling a new requirements.txt when adding/removing a dependency in
It is recommended that pip-tools is installed within the virtual
pip install pip-tools
pip-compile # only necessary when adding/removing a dependency
See Python Packaging User Guide for detailed info.
pip-sync requirements.txt dev-requirements.txt
Increment __version__ in
rm -rf dist/* && python3 -m build
python3 -m twine upload dist/*
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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