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passforge 0.4
PassForge is an advanced password generation tool designed to provide users with highly customizable and secure password options. It blends sophistication with flexibility, allowing users to craft passwords tailored to their specific needs, enhancing both security and usability in a user-friendly manner.
Generate passwords with specific counts of digits, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and special characters.
Specify total length of the password, including optional prefixes and suffixes.
Exclude certain characters from the password.
Convert custom names to leet speak.
Output passwords in plain text or JSON format.
Evaluate and display password strength as a percentage.
You can install PassForge using pip:
pip3 install passforge
Available Parameters
____ ____ ___________/ __/___ _________ ____
/ __ \/ __ `/ ___/ ___/ /_/ __ \/ ___/ __ `/ _ \
/ /_/ / /_/ (__ |__ ) __/ /_/ / / / /_/ / __/
/ .___/\__,_/____/____/_/ \____/_/ \__, /\___/
/_/ /____/v0.4
usage: PassForge [-h] [-n NUMBERS] [-l LOWERCASE] [-u UPPERCASE] [-s SPECIAL_CHARS] [-a AMOUNT] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [--output-format {txt,json}] [--exclude-chars EXCLUDE_CHARS]
[--prefix PREFIX] [--suffix SUFFIX] [--total-length TOTAL_LENGTH] [--seed SEED] [--custom CUSTOM]
Advanced Password Generator that generates customizable passwords with sophisticated options.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n NUMBERS, --numbers NUMBERS
Number of digits in the password
Number of lowercase characters in the password
Number of uppercase characters in the password
Number of special characters in the password
-a AMOUNT, --amount AMOUNT
Number of passwords to generate
-o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
File to write the generated passwords to
--output-format {txt,json}
Format of the output file (txt or json)
--exclude-chars EXCLUDE_CHARS
Characters to exclude from the password
--prefix PREFIX Prefix to add to each password
--suffix SUFFIX Suffix to add to each password
--total-length TOTAL_LENGTH
Total length of the password (including prefix and suffix) If 0, use specified counts
--seed SEED Seed for randomization to allow reproducible results
--custom CUSTOM Custom name for the password with leet speak conversion
Generate a Password with Specific Counts
passforge -n 2 -l 4 -u 2 -s 2
This generates a password with 2 digits, 4 lowercase letters, 2 uppercase letters, and 2 special characters.
Generate a Password with a Total Length
passforge --total-length 12
This generates a password with a total length of 12 characters, including any specified prefixes and suffixes.
Exclude Certain Characters
passforge -n 3 -l 2 -u 4 -s 3 or --total-length 12 --exclude-chars "0OIl"
This generates a password excluding the characters 0, O, I, and l.
Add Prefix and Suffix
passforge -n 3 -l 2 -u 4 -s 3 or --total-length 12 --prefix "start-" --suffix "-end"
This generates a password with the specified prefix and suffix.
Convert a Custom Name to Leet Speak
passforge --custom "example"
This generates a password based on the leet speak conversion of the custom name "example". (Note: All parameters cannot be applied in customized password)
Output to a file
passforge -n 3 -l 2 -u 4 -s 3 or --total-length 12 --output-file passwords --output-format txt
This generates passwords and saves them to passwords.txt in plain text format. You can also use json format.
Contributions are welcome! Please fork this repository and submit a pull request with your changes. Make sure to follow the code of conduct and ensure all tests pass before submitting.
This project is licensed under the MIT License
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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