twempest 0.2.12

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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twempest 0.2.12

Twempest is a command-line program written in Python.

Twempest was born of the need to periodically echo my Twitter tweets as
posts on first a Jekyll-based and then Pelican-built blog. That’s it,
that’s all.

Copyright 2018 Dave Rogers. Licensed under the GNU General Public
License, version 3.
Refer to the attached LICENSE file or see
for details.

Change Log
The current version is 0.2.12. Twempest is
semver-ish in its versioning scheme.
Twempest is currently a beta release candidate in preparation for
version 1.0.0.


Homebrew (macOS)
On macOS, Homebrew will take care of installing any dependencies,
including Python 3.
brew tap yukondude/tap
brew install twempest

On *NIX, you will first need to install Python 3.6 (or higher) using
your preferred method.
pip3 install twempest

Unicode Locale Configuration
If the Unicode locale is not configured in a particular environment
(e.g., cron), you will see the following error:
RuntimeError: Click will abort further execution because Python 3
was configured to use ASCII as encoding for the environment.
Consult mitigation steps.
To solve
this, you must
explicitly export the Unicode locale in the environment. For example,
insert something like the following near the top of your crontab
Use the locale appropriate for your language and region. The error
message should show the list of available locales.

Development Setup

Make sure that Python 3.6 or better is installed.
Install pipenv: pip install pipenv
Clone the Twempest repo:
git clone ; cd Twempest
Install dependencies: pipenv install --dev --three
Install the project in development mode:
pipenv run ./ develop
Run the unit tests to make sure everything is copacetic:
pipenv run ./ test
Pour a snifter of Château de Montifaud and light up a Laranja Reserva

While developing, you will always have to run the Twempest CLI from
within the pipenv virtual environment: pipenv run twempest

Run twempest --help to view the usage instructions:
Usage: twempest [OPTIONS] TEMPLATE

Download a sequence of recent Twitter tweets and convert these, via the
given template file, to text format. Twempest uses the Jinja template
syntax throughout:

-c, --config-path TEXT Twempest configuration directory path, which must be
writable, and must also contain the twempest.conf
file. [default: ~/.twempest]
-A, --abbreviated Render the abbreviated form of the tweet text rather
than the full, extended, version.
-a, --append Append rendered tweet(s) to existing file(s) rather
than skipping past with a warning.
-n, --count TEXT Maximum number of tweets to retrieve. The actual
number may be lower. [default: 200]
-D, --dry-run Display all configuration options and template
contents without retrieving tweets.
-i, --image-path TEXT The directory path (template tags allowed) to write
downloaded image (media type == 'photo') files. The
directory path will be created if it doesn't exist.
Media file names use the --render-file name followed
by a number and the appropriate file extension. If
omitted, media files will not be downloaded.
-u, --image-url TEXT The URL path (template tags allowed) to use for all
image files downloaded via the --image-path option.
--pickle Serialize a list of the rendered tweet statuses as a
standard Python pickle byte stream. The stream will
be written to 'twempest.p' in the current working
-q, --quiet Suppress warning messages.
-f, --render-file TEXT The file name (template tags allowed) for the
rendered tweets. If omitted, tweets will be rendered
-p, --render-path TEXT The directory path (template tags allowed) to write
the rendered tweet files. The directory path will be
created if it doesn't exist. [default: .]
-@, --replies Include @replies in the list of retrieved tweets.
-r, --retweets Include retweets in the list of retrieved tweets.
-s, --since-id TEXT Retrieve tweets that follow this ID in the timeline.
Required, unless the ID has already been recorded in
the config path directory after a previous run of
-k, --skip TEXT Skip any rendered tweets that contain this regular
expression pattern.
-V, --version Show version and exit.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.

Sample Configuration
Contents of twempest.config.sample:
# Sample Twempest configuration file. See
# for details. Save this to ~/.twempest/twempest.config as the default
# configuration whenever twempest is run, or save it somewhere convenient as
# twempest.config and reference it via the -c/--config-path command-line switch.

# Most twempest long-form command-line switches may be used here (excluding the
# leading double-dash). The obvious exceptions would include --config-path,
# --help, and --version, but go ahead and try them if you like. The commented-
# out defaults are shown below. See the --help output for details.

# Render the full text of the tweet.
# abbreviated=false

# Do not append to existing files.
# append=false

# Retrieve at most 200 tweets.
# count=200

# Retrieve tweets normally.
# dry-run=false

# Do not download image files.
# image-path=

# Do not download image files.
# image-url=

# Do not serialize the rendered tweets.
# pickle=false

# Do not suppress warning messages.
# quiet=false

# Render tweets to STDOUT.
# render-file=
# Because template expressions are allowed for this option, you can generate
# rendered file names using any of the tweet context variable contents. For
# example: render-file={{tweet.created_at|isodate}}-{{tweet.text|slugify}}.md
# might render to something like:
# Use the slugify filter to eliminate any non-filesystem-safe characters from
# the tweet text.

# Write rendered tweets to the current directory.
# render-path=.
# Template expressions are also allowed for this option, so the directory path
# can be made to change based upon a tweet status variable.

# Exclude @replies from the list of retrieved tweets.
# replies=false

# Exclude retweets from the list of retrieved tweets.
# retweets=false

# Don't specify a most recent Twitter ID.
# since-id=
# Since this isn't specified (and normally wouldn't be in a config file), there
# must already be an ID recorded in the config path directory after a previous
# run of Twempest.

# Don't skip any tweets.
# skip=

# Visit to generate these keys, secrets, tokens, and
# token secrets. Secret tokens? Token keys? Secret secrets?

Sample Template
A simple template to render a tweet as Markdown text suitable for Jekyll
posts (twempest.template.sample):
title: '{{ tweet.text|delink|truncate(80,False)|qescape }}'
author: '{{|qescape }}'
date: '{{ tweet.created_at }}'
tweet_id: {{ }}
{{ tweet.text | relink("[{{ text }}]({{ url }})") | reimage("![{{ alt }}]({{ url }})", "\n\n") }}

[tweet]({{tweet.user.screen_name}}/status/{{ }})
The rendered output of this template might look something like the
title: 'Ice fog 'boiling' up from the Yukon River.'
author: 'Dave Rogers'
date: '2016-12-06 12:12:36-08:00'
tweet_id: 806229878861201408
Ice fog 'boiling' up from the [#Yukon]( River.



tweet Context Variable
See the Twitter API documentation for
tweets for a list of
all of the keys that can be found under the tweet context variable
(a dictionary).
A couple of other keys are also available:[].original_media_url
The original value of the media_url key within the list of media
items before any downloaded image URL rewriting took place.[].original_media_url_https
The original value of the media_url_https key within the list of
media items before any downloaded image URL rewriting took place.

Template Filters
These are in addition to the built-in Jinja2

Remove URLs and hashtag ‘#’ prefixes.

Format a date as YYYY-MM-DD.

Escape just single quote characters as HTML entities.

reimage(tag_format, delimiter=" ")
Remove image URLs and append them to the end (following the delimiter),
using the template tag_format with variables alt and url to
format each.

Replace non-image URLs, hashtag, and user mention links, using the
template tag_format with variables text and url to format each.

Transform the given text into a suitable file name that is also scrubbed
of URLs and hashtags. generated December 11, 2018


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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