ulif.rest 0.1.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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ulif.rest 0.1.0

is a package that provides some ReStructuredText extensions. The
extensions collected in this package provide support for some of the
markup used in RestructuredText documents of the stock Python
documentation toolchain. Also a pygments directive (written by Georg
Brandl) is included, which enables syntax highlighting of code
fragments in reStructuredText docs with the pygments package.
See README.txt in the src/ulif/rest directory for API
Note, that this is alphaware! Do not use it in productive

You need:

Python 2.4. Rumors are, that also Python 2.5 will do.
setuptools, available from

Other needed packages will be downloaded during
installation. Therefore you need an internet connection during

Normally, this package should from other packages, that use it as a
helper lib. Thus, you do not have to care for installation. If you
want to integrate ulif.rest in your project, just declare
ulif.rest as a required package in your setup.py.

with buildout
You can install this package with buildout as follows:
From the root of the package run:
$ python2.4 bootstrap/bootstrap.py
This will download and install everything to run buildout in the
next step. Afterwards an executable script buildout should be
available in the freshly created bin/ directory.
Next, fetch all needed packages, install them and create provided
$ bin/buildout
This should create a test script in bin/.
$ bin/test
you can test the installed package.

with easy_install
Run as a superuser:
# easy_install ulif.rest
This should make the package available in your system Python.

See README.txt and other .txt files in the src/ulif/rest/ directory
for API documentation.

Detailed Documentation
RestructuredText (ReST) Extensions

What is this?
The extensions collected in this package provide support for some of
the markup used in RestructuredText documents of the stock Python
documentation toolchain.
RestructuredText is a document markup language with special human
readable markup, that is widely spread in the Python
world. RestructuredText documents are a bit like HTML but better
readable. The text you are reading, for example, is written as ReST.


to learn more about ReST (and docutils).
Normally, ReST documents can be processed with tools of the Python
package docutils. The docutils include so-called readers,
parsers, writers and publishers for reading ReST documents and writing
various output formats like HTML, XML or LaTeX.
Since Python switched from LaTeX to ReST documentation with the 2.6
version, some special markup was introduced like function,
seealso or versionchanged, that helps to describe a
programming API more precisely. These additional ‘tags’, however,
needed specialized readers, parsers, writers and publishers to be
understood. The normal docutils tools did not understand the new roles
and directives.
This package makes it possible to use the standard docutils
parsers and writers with the additional roles and directives listed

Prerequisites and requirements

docutils – version 0.4 is recommended.
It can be retrieved from http://docutils.sourceforge.net/.

Pygments – a syntax highlighter.
It can be retrieved from http://pygments.org/. This is only needed,
if you want syntax highlighting of code fragments in your ReST
Because there is currently only support for HTML with pygments, you
won’t use it for other output formats. In this case you don’t need

Both packages can also retrieved via cheeseshop and easy_install.

Activate support for the additional set of roles/directives
Just import the modules in this package:
from ulif.rest import directives_plain
from ulif.rest import roles_plain
from ulif.rest import pygments_directive # for syntax-highlighting support
That’s it. The modules define and register the new roles and
directives with the docutils automatically. You don’t have to call
a special function.

Running the tests
Call tests/alltests.py with your favourite Python interpreter:
$ python tests/alltests.py
Note, that docutils must be available in your PYTHON_PATH.
If you installed the source version with buildout (not an egg), you
can generate a buildout executable in the bin/ directory of the
source root and run:
$ bin/test

Which roles and directives are supported:
pygments_directive adds the following new directives:

sourcecode – a directive to highlight syntax of the following
code block. It takes one parameter, the language,
and currently only supports HTML output.
.. sourcecode:: python

class Cave(object):

This will render the class definition with

An additional optional parameter is ``linenos``,
which adds linenumbers to the code::

.. sourcecode:: python

class NumberedCave(object):

will render the code block with line numbering.

See the source for further options.

code-block – an alias for sourcecode.

directives_plain adds the follwing new directives:

function – a directive to describe functions with their

data – ???
class – a directive to define a Python class.
method – a directive to describe the method of a Python class.

attribute – a directive to describe an attribute of a Python

exception – a directive to describe an exception.
cmdoption – a directive to describe a command option.
envvar – a directive to describe an environment variable.
describe – a directive to describe something.

seealso – a directive to add a ‘See also’ subsection. It requires
some ‘body’-text.

deprecated – a directive to add a deprecation warning. It also
requires some explanatory body text and a version

versionadded – a directive to add a note that tells, in which
version the surrounding thing was added to the
Requires a version number and an explanatory text.
.. versionadded:: 0.11

Added for convenience reasons.

versionchanged – a directive to add a note that tell, in which
version a signature or something else changed
and why.
.. versionchanged:: 0.11

Added cave parameter, because every caveman
needs a cave.

toctree – a directive that requests to generate a
table-of-contents tree of files, given in the body part
of the directive. The so-called toc-tree will not
be generated by standard writers, because it needs at
least two parsing passes (one to collect all
references, another pass to generate the reference
If you insert a toctree directive in a document, this
will not block parsing of the document any more, but
the toctree will be ‘invisible’ in rendered documents.
The toctree directive supports a maxdepth
parameter, a number, that tells, to which depth a
toctree should be generated (default: no limit).
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2


This should render a table of contents with the
headings of the three given files. Only headers of
level 1 and 2 will be included in the toctree.

roles_plain adds the following new roles:


Every role can be used like this :<rolename>:<text>. For example:
will output the text my_function, rendered in
a different way than normal text. The exact kind of rendering depends
on the writer and translator that is used. In usual HTML writers it
will be rendered with roman fonts.
The same applies to all the other roles.

0.1.0 (2008-02-24)

Feature changes

Initial Release



For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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