unmessage 0.2.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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unmessage 0.2.0

unMessage is a peer-to-peer instant messaging application designed
to enhance privacy and anonymity.

unMessage is alpha software. While every effort has been made
to make sure unMessage operates in a secure and bug-free fashion,
the code has not been audited. Please do not use unMessage for
any activity that your life depends upon.


Transport makes use of Twisted, Tor Onion Services and
Encryption is performed using the Double Ratchet Algorithm
implemented in pyaxo (using PyNaCl)
Authentication makes use of the Socialist Millionaire Protocol
implemented in Cryptully
Transport metadata is minimized by Tor and application metadata by
the unMessage protocol
User interfaces are created with Tkinter (graphical) and
curses (command-line)

Quick Start
Install the following requirements via package manager:
# If using Debian/Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential gcc libffi-dev libopus0 \
libsodium-dev libssl-dev portaudio19-dev python-dev python-tk

# If using Fedora
$ sudo dnf install gcc libffi-devel libsodium-devel \
openssl-devel opus portaudio-devel python-devel \
redhat-rpm-config tkinter
If you have tor installed, make sure its version is at least
$ tor --version
If you must update it or do not have it installed, check the version
provided by the package manager:
# If using Debian/Ubuntu
$ apt-cache show tor

# If using Fedora
$ dnf info tor
If the version to be provided is not at least, you will
have to set up Tor’s package repository. Once you have a repository
which can provide an updated tor, install it:
# If using Debian/Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install tor

# If using Fedora
$ sudo dnf install tor

Finally, if you use pip and setuptools (probably installed
automatically with pip), you can easily install unMessage with:
$ sudo pip install unmessage
Launch unMessage with any of the commands:
$ unmessage-gui # graphical user interface (GUI)
$ unmessage-cli # command-line interface (CLI)
$ unmessage # last interface used

If you installed unMessage with pip, you can also use it for
$ sudo pip install --upgrade unmessage

You can find installation and usage instructions (for the GUI
and the CLI) on the documentation.

Please join us on #unMessage:anemone.me or #anemone:anemone.me
with Matrix, #anemone at OFTC, or use the
GitHub issue tracker to leave suggestions, bug reports, complaints
or anything you feel will contribute to this application.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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