unrar_wrapper 1.0.0

Creator: bradpython12

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unrar wrapper 1.0.0

# UnRAR wrapper[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/openSUSE/unrar_wrapper.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/openSUSE/unrar#_wrapper)UnRAR wrapper (`unrar_wrapper.py`) is a wrapper python script that transforms the basic UnRAR commands to unar and lsar calls in order to provide a backwards compatibility.## Reasons for wrapper[UnRAR](https://www.rarlab.com) is freeware command-line application for extracting RAR file archives. Unfortunately, this piece of software is non-free and therefore in many distributions, it's beeing replaced by LGPL [the Unarchiver (unar/lsar)](https://theunarchiver.com/command-line).In general, the Unarchiver seems to be a good alternative to non-free unrar. It supports basically the same formats (except for UUE and JAR and a limited support for ARJ (no multi-part) and ACE (no support for Ace 2.0)) and it also supports RAR5. Unfortunately, UnRAR and Unarchiver are not CLI compatible at all, they have a different set of options. Unrar supports quite a big set of options (sometimes rather obscure and unnecessary) while Unarchiver only supports a relatively small subset of it. Unarchiver also distributes this functionality between `unar` (unpacking) and `lsar` (listing and testing) utilities.## Supported functionalityAs it was already written, UnRAR provides a huge set of commands and options, while Unarchiver only a relatively small subset of it. As the main purpose of this wrapper is to preserve the basic backwards compatibility, only the essential commands and options are supported.### Synopsis`unrar command [option1] [optionN] archive [files...] [@listfiles...] [path_to_extract/]``unar [OPTION]... ARCHIVE [FILE]...``lsar [OPTION]... ARCHIVE...`As you can see even UnRAR and Unarchiver synopsis is different. Wrapper supports UnRAR synopsis as is only for extract (`x`) command. For list (`l`) and test (`t`) commands it supports neither `files`, `@listfiles` nor `path_to_extract/` as Unarchiver doesn't provide this functionality.| UnRAR | unar | wrapper implementation ||--|--|--|| `[files...]` | `[FILE]` | direct | | `[@listfiles...]` | not supported | via multiple `[FILE]` | | `[path_to_extract/]` | `unar -output-directory` | direct | ### Commands#### Extract| UnRAR cmd | unar cmd | wrapper implementation ||--|--|--|| `e` | not supported | not implemented || `x` | `unar` | direct | UnRAR command `e` extracts files without an archived path. Unarchiver doesn’t support this behaviour and therefore it would need to be simulated by this wrapper. Unfortunately, this would be quite a complex feature for example because of the interactivity when files conflicts emerge and therefore it’s not implemented within this wrapper.#### List UnRAR supports many variants for listing the information about the archive. `l[t[a],b]` for listing of a archive `[technical[all],bare]` and `v[t[a],b]` for verbose listing of a archive. Practically it means the following combinations: `l`, `lt`, `lta`, `lb` ( and vice versa for the `v` option). However, `lsar` supports only basic listing and options `l` and `L` for print more/all information about each file in the archive.According to my tests, there is no difference in the output for `l` and `v` command except for plain `unrar l` and `unrar v`, where `unrar v` adds `packed` and `ratio` column to the output. As the purpose of this wrapper is not to precisely simulate the output, the following simplified projection was used:| UnRAR cmd| lsar cmd | |--|--|| `lb`, `vb` | `lsar` || `l`, `v` | `lsar -l` || `lt`, `lta`,`vt`, `vta` | `lsar -L` |#### Test| UnRAR cmd | lsar cmd | wrapper implementation|--|--|--|| `t` | `-t` |direct#### Print| UnRAR cmd | unar cmd | wrapper implementation|--|--|--|| `p` | not supported | not implementedUnRAR's `p` command simply prints the file to stdout. It's not supported in unar and as I don't find this command critical, I didn't implement it.### OptionsUnRAR contains many options but only the following are directly supported in the Unarchiver. Simulation of the other options is beyond the scope of this wrapper.|UnRAR opt| unar/lsar opt| wrapper implementation|--|--|--|| `-o+` | `unar-force-overwrite` | direct| `-o-` | `unar -force-skip`| direct| `-or` | `unar -force-rename`| direct| `-p[password]` | `p PASSWORD`| directFor UnRAR, all these options can be used with all commands, even if it doesn't make any sense. In that case, it's simply ignored (e.g. when you use `-o+` with `l` command). Based on what is supported in `unar` I decided to support these options only for extract command, with the exception of `-p` that is supported for all commands. #### Default optionsIf the archive has no directory (i.e. files are present directly in the archive) then UnRAR unpack them as is. But unar create a containing directory by default if there is more than one top-level file or folder. Because of this, we need to use `-D, -no-directory` unar option as default. This option means to never create an extra containing directory for the contents of the unpacked archive.### Return codesUnRAR supports many return codes that indicate what was wrong (e.g. wrong password, write error, file create error etc.). However, Unarchiver uses only two basic return codes - 0 (success) and 1 (error). As it's impossible to translate return code 1 to any other more specific description of the error, only these two codes are supported by this wrapper with the addition of code 2 that indicates wrapper argument error.## TestsThis project contains two types of tests - unit and functional. Unit tests test the basic functionality of the particular python functions. Functional tests perform tests on real RAR archives (located in `tests/testdata` directory).If you want to run unit tests then run `python3 -m unittest tests.test_unrar_wrapper` from the main directory.If you want to run functional tests then run `./tests/functional_tests.sh tests/testdata/functional/ unrar_wrapper.py` from the main directory.


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