vcardtools 0.1.1

Creator: bradpython12

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vcardtools 0.1.1

# vcardtoolsCommand line tools for splitting and merging vCard files.There are a lot of tutorials for setting up contact servers and syncing -- but few cover the most basic step we need to take._Getting our vCards into a sensible shape where we can use them._Thus far there are two operations available in vcardtools:- splitting giant .vcf files into lots of little ones with nice names- **and**- merging little .vcf files two at a time with interactive prompting##Installation`pip install vcardtools`##vcardtool split --help```bashYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modeYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math mode vcardtool merge -husage: vcardtool merge [-h] [--outfile [OUTFILE]] vcard_files vcard_filespositional arguments: vcard_files Two vCard files to mergeoptional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --outfile [OUTFILE] Write merged vCard to filevcardtool merge john-1.vcf john-2.vcf```##vCard Merge Sample Usage`$ vcardtool merge john-1.vcf john-2.vcf`<output editted for brevity>In the even of a conflict you'll see something like:```Please select one of the following options for field "label"[ 1 ] "[<LABEL{'TYPE': ['WORK']}100 Waters Edge Baytown, LA 30314 United States of America>, <LABEL{'TYPE': ['HOME']}42 Plantation St. Baytown, LA 30314 United States of America>]"[ 2 ] "[<LABEL{'TYPE': ['HOME']}42 Plantation St. Baytown, LA 30314 United States of America>]"option> 5option> 1```And then hopefully victory.```BEGIN:VCARDVERSION:3.0ADR;TYPE=HOME:;;42 Plantation St.;Baytown;LA;30314;United States of AmericaADR;TYPE=WORK:;;100 Waters Edge;Baytown;LA;30314;United States of AmericaEMAIL;TYPE=PREF,INTERNET:forrestgump@example.comFN:Forrest GumpLABEL;TYPE=WORK:100 Waters Edge\nBaytown\, LA 30314\nUnited States of Ameri caLABEL;TYPE=HOME:42 Plantation St.\nBaytown\, LA 30314\nUnited States of Ame ricaN:Gump;Forrest;;Mr.;PHOTO;TYPE=JPEG;VALUE=URL:;TYPE=HOME,VOICE:(111) 555-5555TEL;TYPE=WORK,VOICE:(111) 555-1212TEL;TYPE=HOME,VOICE:(404) 555-1212TITLE:Shrimp ManEND:VCARD```By default the merge command writes to stdout although it can be directed to a file with `--outfile shiny_new.vcf`.


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