
Creator: coderz1093

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vwo flutter

VWO Flutter SDK #
This open source library allows you to A/B Test your Flutter app.
Requirements #

Dart sdk version >=2.12.0 <3.0.0
Flutter version >=1.20.0

Documentation #
Refer Official VWO Documentation
Basic Usage #
SDK provides a method to instantiate a VWO client as an instance. The method accepts an apiKey and an object to configure the VWO client.
The required parameter for instantiating the SDK is apiKey.
VWOConfig vwoConfig = VWOConfig();
if (Platform.isIOS) {
await VWO.launch(ios_apiKey, vwoConfig: vwoConfig);
} else {
await VWO.launch(android_apiKey, vwoConfig: vwoConfig);
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Push Custom Dimension
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Get Variation Name
await VWO.getVariationNameForTestKey("campaign_key");

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Get Variable Value
//get String variable value
await VWO.getStringForKey("variable_key", "default_value")

//get Integer variable value
await VWO.getIntegerForKey("variable_key", default_value)

//get Double variable value
await VWO.getDoubleForKey("variable_key", default_value)

//get Boolean variable value
await VWO.getBooleanForKey("variable_key", default_value)

//get Object variable value
await VWO.getObjectForKey("variable_key", default_value)
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Trigger Goal
await VWO.trackConversion("test_goal");

await VWO.trackConversion("test_goal", revenue_value);
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Credentials #
This SDK requires an app key. You can sign up for an account at VWO.
Once there, you can add a new Android/iOS App, and use the generated app key in the app.
Setting up VWO account #

Sign Up for VWO account at https://vwo.com
Create a new android app from create menu
Use the app generated app key, while integrating SDK into android/iOS app.
Create and run campaigns.

Authors #

Main Contributor & Maintainer - sanyamjain65
Repo health maintainer - softvar

Changelog #
Contributing #
Please go through our contributing guidelines
Code of Conduct #
Code of Conduct
License #
Apache License, Version 2.0
Copyright 2021 Wingify Software Pvt. Ltd.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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