
Creator: coderz1093

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vy string utils

A collection of string utilities.
These utilities simplifies some formatting needs.
The main methods are:

cut() -> Cuts a String at the required length if bigger or returns the origin otherwise.

cutAndAlign() -> Cuts a String or pads it right or left with a certain character
to the required length if needed

preserveOnlyChars() -> returns a String containing only the required characters.
Optionally the removed characters can be substituted by a placeholder.

splitInLines() -> split a sentence in lines of the required length based on a given separator.

capitalize() -> Capitalize the first character of the string and lowercase the others.

onlyContainsDigits() -> returns true if the string contains only digits.

onlyContainsAlpha() -> returns true if the string only contains alpha characters (RegExp [a-zA-Z])

isDartIdentifier() -> returns true if the characters starting at the given position are a valid Dart

getDartIdentifier() -> return the valid Dart identifier (if any) at certain position in a
source string.
All these methods are presented also as extensions.

Usage #
A simple usage example:
import 'package:vy_string_utils/vy_string_utils.dart';

main() {
print('please cut'.cutAndAlign(15, paddingChar: '*')); // 'please cut*****'

print('main'.capitalize()); // 'Main'

print('1953'.onlyContainsDigits()); // true
copied to clipboard
Features and bugs #
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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