wavemaker 0.1.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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wavemaker 0.1.0

This project lives at GitHub.

You need Python 3. I don’t want to support Python 2 for now. This is a pure
Python package with no other dependencies.
I recommend you install the latest version from
PyPI with pip:
pip install wavemaker
The standard distutils installation works too:
tar xzf wavemaker-*.tar.gz
cd wavemaker-*
python setup.py install

The command line tool is called make_wave. This is how you use it:
make_wave sine-wave.wav
There is more help built in:
$ make_wave --help
usage: make_wave [-h] [--waveform {sine}] [--frequency FREQUENCY]
[--amplitude AMPLITUDE] [--duration DURATION]
[--sample_rate SAMPLE_RATE] [--sample_size {16}]

Generate WAVE files.

positional arguments:
output_path The path to the resulting WAVE file

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--waveform {sine} The shape of the signal being generated (default:
--frequency FREQUENCY
The oscillating rate of the wave. A non-negative
float, in Hz (default: 440.0)
--amplitude AMPLITUDE
The amplitude of the wave. A float between 0.0 and 1.0
(default: 1.0)
--duration DURATION The time duration of the signal. A non-negative float,
in seconds (default: 1.0)
--sample_rate SAMPLE_RATE
The number of samples per second. A non-negative int,
in Hz (default: 44100)
--sample_size {16} The number of bits used to store each sample (default:

There is a single public API function call. It takes the same arguments that the
command line tool does as keyword arguments. Please see the docstring for more:
write_wave_file(output_path, waveform='sine', frequency=440.0, amplitude=1.0,
duration=1.0, sample_rate=44100, sample_size=16)
Basic usage:
import wavemaker

v0.1.0 - Jan 04, 2014

First release.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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