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whisper2subs 0.2.1
A CLI tool that transcribes audio using openai-whisper and translates it using DeepL.
pip install --user whisper2subs
whisper2subs --help
In order to perform translations into languages other than English, it's required to provide an API key from DeepL. Using the --deepl-apikey option or with the DEEPL_APIKEY environment variable. You can create a free account to get an API key.
Transcribe and then translate to Spanish the audio of an mp4 file, using the large-v2 model.
whisper2subs -m large-v2 -t es --deepl-apikey "yout-api-key" input.mp4 subs/
If the language of the input file is not specified Whisper will try to detect it. To specify the language of the input file, use the -l option.
whisper2subs -l ja -m large-v2 -t es --deepl-apikey "yout-api-key" input.mp4 subs/
Change output format to str only:
whisper2subs -l ja -t es --output-format srt --deepl-apikey "yout-api-key" input.mp4 subs/
For more information:
whisper2subs --help
Transcribe audio without translating it:
whisper2subs input.mp4 text/
DeepL API reference
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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