
Creator: coderz1093

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wordpress api

WordPress REST API client for Dart | Flutter #

Description #
A WordPress REST API client for dart with support for WooCommerce and custom namespaces/endpoints.
Features #

Retrieve data from standard WordPress endpoints.
Retrieve data from any custom namespace

Installation #
In the dependencies: section of your pubspec.yaml, add the following line:
wordpress_api: <latest_version>
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Usage #

Import the package

import 'package:wordpress_api/wordpress_api';
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Initialize WPAPI

WordPressAPI api = WordPressAPI('wp-site.com');
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Retrieve posts from .posts getter

You can fetch a list of posts by simply calling .posts. More arguments can be passed to further filter the data returned

void main() async {
final api = WordPressAPI('wp-site.com');
final WPResponse res = await api.posts.fetch();
for (final post in res.data) {
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As of v0.3.0, you can query a single post from the same endpoint by passing an id

void main() async {
final api = WordPressAPI('wp-site.com');
final WPResponse res = await api.posts.fetch(id: 1);
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Retrieve data from a custom endpoint

void main() async {
final api = WordPressAPI('wp-site.com');
final WPResponse res = await api.get(endpoint: 'your-custom-endpoint');
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ToDo #

Authentication using Application Passwords. WordPress 5.6+ only
Fully integrated WooCommerce support.
Full CRUD operations.
Support for other popular WordPress Plugins.

Contributions are welcome, report any issues here
Special Thanks #

WordPress REST API Handbook - Read the Handbank for additional arguments/query parameter.

Contributors ✨ #
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Kellvem Barbosa💻
NKlage💻 🐛
Elikem (Junior) Medehou💻
Okan Demir💻

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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