yamily 0.2.0

Creator: bradpython12

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yamily 0.2.0

Define family trees in YAML
Debian / Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install python3-yaml python3-graphviz
$ pip3 install --user --upgrade yamily

$ brew install graphviz
$ pip3 install --upgrade yamily[yaml,graphviz]


Download and install Graphviz.
Download and install Python.
Open Command Prompt / cmd.exe.
Run command pip install --user --upgrade yamily[yaml,graphviz].

Import YAML
>>> import yaml, yamily, yamily.yaml
>>> alice_yaml = '''
... !person
... identifier: alice
... name: Alice Test
... birth_date: 1919-12-23
... mother: !person
... identifier: alice-mother
... name: Carol Test
... birth_date: 1892-10-26
... death_date: 1983-11-02
... father: !person
... identifier: bob
... name: Bob Test
... '''
>>> alice = yaml.load(alice_yaml, Loader=yamily.yaml.Loader)
>>> alice
Person(alice, Alice Test, *1919-12-23)
>>> alice.mother
Person(alice-mother, Carol Test, *1892-10-26, †1983-11-02)

Multiple YAML Files
>>> alice_yaml = '''
... !person
... identifier: alice
... name: Alice Test
... birth_date: 2019-12-23
... mother: carol
... '''
>>> carol_yaml = '''
... !person
... identifier: carol
... name: Carol Test
... birth_date: 1992-10-26
... '''
>>> collection = yamily.PersonCollection()
>>> for person_yaml in [alice_yaml, carol_yaml]:
... person = yaml.load(person_yaml, Loader=yamily.yaml.Loader)
... collection.add_person(person)
Person(alice, Alice Test, *2019-12-23)
Person(carol, Carol Test, *1992-10-26)
>>> collection['alice'].mother
Person(carol, Carol Test, *1992-10-26)
>>> collection['carol'] is collection['alice'].mother

Export YAML
>>> import datetime, yaml, yamily, yamily.yaml
>>> alice = yamily.Person("alice")
>>> alice.name = "Alice Test"
>>> alice.birth_date = datetime.date(2019, 12, 23)
>>> alice
Person(alice, Alice Test, *2019-12-23)

>>> alice.father = yamily.Person("alice-father")
>>> alice.father.name = "Bob Test"

>>> print(yaml.dump(alice, Dumper=yamily.yaml.Dumper))
birth_date: 2019-12-23
father: !person
identifier: alice-father
name: Bob Test
identifier: alice
name: Alice Test

Plot Family Tree
$ yamily-dot . > tree.dot
$ dot -Tpdf -O tree.dot

$ git clone git@git.hammerle.me:fphammerle/yamily.git
$ cd yamily
$ git config --local core.hooksPath .githooks/


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