Helper package to fix coding styles and run unit testing
SimpleStripe makes it easier than ever to integrate basic Stripe-powered payments into a site. With only a small amount of...
Billingo API DataMapper
Billingo API Provider for Laravel 5+
voprov 0.0.4 A library for IVOA Provenance Data Model supporting PROV-N, PROV-XML, PROV-JSON export ...
vor12 0.2 Copyright (c) 2015 Jeremie DECOCK (http://www.jdhp.org) Web site: http://www.jdhp.org/projects_en.html#vor12 Online documentation:...
authenticate token base
Add Replay Gain volume tags to Ogg Vorbis files
Laravel Form Components
3D Voronoi cell software library
voronoi diagram voronoi_diagram # This repository is used to draw voronoi diagrams. You just...
vortem face detector vortem_face_detector #
Composer script handling your ignored app_loader.ini file
Payonline payment system php SDK.
Watches a dir and starts up php workers when files are added or changed
vosk flutter Vosk Flutter Plugin # Flutter plugin for Vosk...
vosk flutter 2 Vosk Flutter Plugin # Flutter plugin for...
A PHP wrapper for the Taiga.io API
Allows you to inline svgs in html so you can use normal CSS to apply styles to your svg. (No...
The toolkit of manage Mandrill templates in your project for Yii2
A responsive equal heights jQuery plugin for Yii2
PNotify widget for Yii2
Google Places Api
vove id flutter Here's the documentation for the Flutter VoveSDK plugin based on the provided React Native...
The Provisioning API enables Voxbone customers to automate the ordering and configuration of phone numbers and channels.n
voxel51eta 0.13.0 ETA: Extensible Toolkit for Analytics An open and extensible computer vision, machine...
vox flex theme When integrating the flex_color_scheme package into flutter you may want to more easily attach...
Laravel implementation of CryptoCompare APIs.
In-site module for Enlighten data collection
Component for calculating difference of arrays
vox widgets VoxWidgets is a set of customizable widgets for flutter applicaitons. It is designed to...
voyager Navigate and prosper 🖖 Voyager is a Widget router for Flutter with a...
voyager flutter voyager_flutter # Flutter library for algorithms and UI components related to maps.
CRUD operations with data structures in relational databases.
vpcrouter 1.8.11 # VPC-router## Introduction### SummaryThe vpc-router implements automatic route failover and backup routes for AmazonVPC environments.vpc-router...
A drupal module to keep content during site install.
Generates api client package for your REST API from NelmioApiDocBundle annotations
PHP RAML to HTML documentation generator
GCWorld Industries Object Manager
Simple middleware to force https
PSR7 Aura\Session Handler
Simple low security access restriction/password protection PSR7 middleware
vph calendar Event Calendar for Flutter # Features # ...
vph common widgets Common widgets. Not intended for direct use. #
vph data grid DataGrid for Flutter # Features # ...
vph web date picker Flutter date picker package for web application # ...
This Magento extensions aims to send an eamil to customer who abandoned their cart
Extends Mage_Cataloginventory to allow Magento to manage several stocks. Stocks can be assigned to one or several websites.
v platform this package serve some types v platform file is used...
vpn check vpn_check # Get vpn active status for Android, iOS and MacOS Getting Started...
vpn checker Features # Checking is the device use VPN or not.
vpn connection detector VPN Connection Detector # The vpn_connection_detector package provides a simple and efficient way...
vpn detector VPN Detector 🛡️ # A package created out of a real need for precuse...
vpn info vpn_info # A Flutter package that provides utilities for checking...
vpnotebook 0.1.3 Adds “VPython” to the list of kernels in the Jupyter Notebook “New” menu
vpnroulette 0.0.1 Vpnroulette 🚨NOTE: vpnroulette client is in BETA🚨 This is...
vpnserver 1.7.1 Platform Supported Repo Stats Deployments
Vpnc-script replacement for easy and secure split-tunnel VPN setup
vpon mobile ads vpon_mobile_ads # A Flutter plugin for integrating Vpon SDK with ease. Getting...
vptree 1.3 This package contains an implementation of a vantage-point tree data structure. Installation
vpuyuvocaloiddejichuyingyong 2024.3.5.0 V 谱与 Vocaloid 的基础应用 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/v-pu-yu-vocaloid-de-jichu-yingyong docker run...
Content Localized PHP Sync API
Content Localized PHP library for ordering via API
Locator for transmiting device
Library for different types of notifications
MVC PHP framework
Atgames Digital Service PHP Library
Add progress bars to command-line applications
Framework to create Facebook Messenger Bots on PHP
Open Source alternative of Command-line client of VRChat Package Manager
vrchat dart vrchat_dart # A Dart client to interact with the unofficial VRChat API. Supports all...
vrchat dart generated vrchat_dart_generated (EXPERIMENTAL) # Welcome to the VRChat API # Before...
A different UI for the JMSTranslationBundle
Nette control for managing meta data and canonical link in HTML header.
dataTable for smartadmin-laravel
MultiLangage Menu for vreyz/smartadmin-laravel
Simplify add, delete, modify, get nodes in html files by using css selector
SilverShop submodule that provides JSON responses for cart updates
Create a single .phar file containing an entire application
vroom vroom # A new Flutter FFI plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
vropackagediff 2.2.2 Project description vRO-package-diff is a Python package to compare 2 VMware vRealize Orchestrator...
vrouter A Flutter package that makes navigation and routing easy. Learn more at vrouter.dev Here...
Tool for packaging, publishing and managing VS Code extensions
vschttpd VSCHTTPD # Dart server for hosting your local flutter web apps inside the VS Code...
vscod 0.1.0 VSCOD VSCOD is short for Visual...
vscode ext cli VSCode Extension Download # Download VSCode extension for code-server. Code server extension...
vscode extensions manager VSCode Extensions Manager CLI # A command...
vscodeicons 1.0.0 vscode-icons Django app to provide vscode icons for web application. Please refer to...
Language servers for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JSON extracted from vscode
vscode theming tools VSCode Theming Tools (in Dart) # Have you ever been annoyed at making...
vscodetqdm 4.66.2 Fork of tqdm that fixes a rendering bug in VSCode. See: https://github.com/tqdm/tqdm/pull/1504 ====
vsc quill delta to html VSC Quill Delta to HTML Converter # Converts Quill's Delta format...
vsdk 更新内容 #1.0.1 (20231215) 更新支持二目,三目 var supportMutilSensorStream = RxInt(0); /// 1 2 是双,...