Same as ActsAsTaggableOn but tagging happens within the context of a domain id. This means an object could be tagged...
A partial mongoid implementation of tagging based on/inspired by acts-as-taggable-on.
It hears you but doesn't care.
Description of ActsAsTemplate.
In the event that you do not want to clutter your production databases with what could be temporary data you...
Integrates multi-tenancy into a Rails application in a convenient and out-of-your way manner
It adds support for Delayed Job.
ActsAsTextcaptcha provides spam protection for Rails models with text-based
logic question captchas. Questions are fetched from Rob Tuley's
Any Ruby class with a start time and an end time will be more intuitive with ActsAsTimeFrame. It supports determining...
Record one item's start and finish time
Toggleable attributes for your ActiveRecord models.
creates a random token number
Multiple tokens for Rails application.
Make ActiveRecord models easily searchable via tokens.
Track activities in your ActiveRecord models.
Ruby on Rails plugin for easy translation of database fields.
add a translate box at the bottom of page.
ActsAsTranslated is an acts_as for ActiveRecord that allows easy attribute translation.
ActiveRecord extension that serializes destroyed records into a trash table from which they can be restored. This is intended to...
A gem that adds simple support for organizing ActiveRecord models into parent–children relationships.
A gem that adds simple support for organizing ActiveRecord models into parentâchildren relationships.
ActsAsTreeDiagram extends ActsAsTree to add simple function for draw tree diagram with html.
Model gets: root, siblings, ancestors, descendants and other methods for tree navigation
A drop in replacement for acts_as_tree with super fast ancestors and subtree access
Tumblr Essentials
A gem make a model attribute acts as a type
An easy way to include external video services in a rails app. This gem provides you wrappers for the most...
Add simple versioning to ActiveRecord models.
ActiveRecord plugin for versioning your models. For Rails 3.
Active Record model versioning
A build of acts_as_versioned, that works with rails 3.1.3
The original gem's source on github had updates that were not available in the published gem.
Versioning of ar tables
Create, Store, and Embed videos from different Oembed host using their url
Rails plugin that easily allows you to show video streams on your site.
Its provide flexibility sustem for calculate counts of page view
Rails gem to allowing records to be votable
Allows models to issue warnings if a task goes wrong
This gem allows you to use the acts_as_wild_searchable tag to your models and make methods for each attribute to search...
Returns values for specified methods on each object containing mixix and values from general methods specified for models that don't...
acts_as_working_days is a Rails plugin to add working days on models
Extend Rails capabilities of importing and exporting excel files thanks to Spreadsheet gem
acts_as_xlsx lets you turn any ActiveRecord::Base inheriting class into an excel spreadsheet.
It can be added to any...
ActsEnumTranslable convention translate enums with .yml file.
This gem gives functional for update elements has_many relation
Add relational feature to Rails (e.g. follow, block and like).
Gem makes your ActiveRecord models more SEO friendly. Changes URL to look way better
Allows for arbitrary permissions on arbitrary collections of objects, rather than system-wide role based management
ActTensortf 1.0.0 ActTensor: Activation Functions for TensorFlow What is it? ActTensor is a...
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
A Ruby wrapper for the Active API
Add a bag to a Rails model
Handles booleans packed in an integer
Handles flags/booleans in a Rails model instance
actyon 0.3.1 actyon Action with a Y! Why? Cause async is in the box.
acuant flutter acuant_flutter # Acuant document camera and selfie camera for flutter For IOS #
ACube api wrapper for rails
Provides an API for the following actions:
* Logging in and Logging out
* Creating a sprint
* Finding a...
A client for using API in Ruby. This is an unofficial project.
A wrapper for the acumatica API
Generate a unique token with Active Record
ruby-prof is a fast code profiler for Ruby. It is a C extension and
therefore is many times faster than...
acurr package acurr_package # A Flutter package that provides [describe what your package does or its...
Easily convert .acv (Photoshop Curves) to .lrtemplate (Adobe Lightroom Preset) files.
Currency conversions for Ruby
Active Campaign Wrapper.
acx70 widgets FlutterFlow Widgets # This package is developed for FlutterFlow. And...
Wrapper for Acxiom API.
acyclic steps Acyclic Steps for Dart # Disclaimer: This is not an officially supported Google product.
A wrapper around Ruby's net-ldap library to ease authentication and record finding
Tools for interacting with Active directory. Geared towards user authentication against active directory, to be used with RequestRefinery
ad1459 1.19.0 ad1459 IRC Client AD1459 is an IRC client written in Python and GTK3....
UI components for ad2games projects
ad2openldap 1.0.2 Why ad2openldap ? ad2openldap is a lightweight replicator for user, group and netgroup information...
ad9xdds 0.5.6 The author of this package has not provided a project description
AdaBoost classifier!
ada chatbot ada_chatbot # ADA chatbot plugin. Getting Started # This project is a...
adachiresourceassistant 3.0.2 adachi-resource-assistant 弃用警告( Deprecation Warning ) 从原神 3.1 版本开始此模块已经弃用,功能已经整合到 Adachi-BOT ,使用说明详见《资源文件制作指引》 This module...
* Simple data access for dynamic data sets through postgres with ruby
A gem to automate Ada Dev life
AdafruitADS1x15 1.0.2 UNKNOWN
AdafruitADXL345 1.0.1 UNKNOWN
Adafruit AMG88xx 1.4.3 DEPRECATED LIBRARY Adafruit_AMG88xx_python===================This library has been deprecated!We are currently only supporting the circuitpython version...
Adafruit AS726x 0.1 UNKNOWN
AdafruitBBIO 1.2.0 Adafruit Beaglebone I/O Python API Adafruit BBIO is...
AdafruitBME280 1.0.1 UNKNOWN
AdafruitBMP 1.5.4 DEPRECATED LIBRARY Adafruit Python BMP This library has been deprecated! the bmp085 and...
AdafruitBNO055 1.0.2 UNKNOWN
Adafruit CCS811 0.2.1 DEPRECATED LIBRARY Adafruit CCS811 Python This library has been deprecated! We are...
A port of the Adafruit_Python_CharLCD Library
AdafruitDHT 1.4.0 Python library to read the DHT series of humidity and temperature sensors on a...
AdafruitDHTFixed 1.4.2 DEPRECATED LIBRARY Adafruit Python DHT Sensor Library his library has been deprecated! We are...
AdafruitDHTtest 1.3.2 Adafruit Python DHT Sensor Library==================================Python library to read the DHT series of humidity and temperature...
AdafruitILI9341 1.5.1 UNKNOWN
API Client Library for the Adafruit IO product
adafruitio 2.7.2 Adafruit IO Python A...
adafruit lcd plate menu 2.0.1 UNKNOWN
AdafruitLEDBackpack 1.8.1 UNKNOWN
AdafruitLSM303 1.0.1 UNKNOWN
AdafruitMCP3008 1.0.2 UNKNOWN
AdafruitMCP4725 1.0.4 DEPRECATED LIBRARY Adafruit Python MCP4725 This library has been deprecated! we are now...
AdafruitMCP9808 1.5.6 DEPRECATED LIBRARY Adafruit Python MCP9808 This library has been deprecated! we are now...
AdafruitMPR121 1.1.2 UNKNOWN
AdafruitPN532 1.2.1 UNKNOWN
Adafruit Python DHT 1.4.0 Python library to read the DHT series of humidity and temperature sensors on...
AdafruitSSD1306 1.6.2 Python library to use SSD1306-based 128x64 or 128x32 pixel OLED displays with a Raspberry Pi...
AdafruitTCS34725 1.0.3 DEPRECATED LIBRARY Adafruit Python TCS34725 This library has been deprecated! We are now...
AdafruitVCNL40xx 1.0.4 DEPRECATED LIBRARY Adafruit Python VCNL40xx This library has been deprecated! we are now...
AdafruitWS2801 1.0.1 UNKNOWN
adage 0.11.0 Adage - A DAG Executor
adagio 0.2.6 A-DAG-IO Framework Join Fugue-Project...
ada handle A Flutter package containing conversion operations for ADA Handles ($handle) Features #
adalabcli 3.1.0 adalab-cli This repository contains the source code of adalab-cli, the CLI app to interact...
adalib 7.3.0 adalib This repository contains the source code of adalib, the Python library to interact...
adalibauth 1.2.3 adalib-auth This repository contains the source code of adalib-auth, the Python library used to...
A not-quite logger, with several storage methods. Records occurrences, provides a web app for viewing entries. Motivated by the need...
Adam is a library for all things EVE