anadbtools 0.12.2 Analytics Database Tools A suite of tools and libraries for managing the analytics database...
anad dev 0.0.3 tools for development….. in anad labo Installation pip install anad_dev
anadea flutter loggy A loggy extensions package. Features # Logs inspector Dio...
anadea stepper Anadea Stepper for Flutter # Сorrected version of the stock Material Stepper in...
anaflow 1.1.0 Welcome to AnaFlow
anage 0.0.2 python -manage packages anage is a package manager for Python.
anagenexmdtraj 1.9.8.dev0 MDTraj is a python library that allows users to manipulate molecular dynamics (MD) trajectories...
anaglyph Nebula image credits: NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScI Anaglyph Package # Unlock the power...
anagog flutter anagog_flutter # Anagog SDK Flutter Plugin Overview # This is a Flutter...
anagram anagram # A simple anagram solving utility library for Dart based on the original anagram...
anagram 0.0.6 I’m a small script that help you get anagram use Install
Anagrammer 1.1 Program to anagram word(s). Useful for deciding moves in word games.
Find anagrams of words supplied on the command line
Returns a list of anagrams from a given list of words or from a dictionary
analchem 0.0.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
Analizaruptor is a tool that looks for 'break', 'require', and 'provides'
commands (and does a *teensy* bit of code analyzing...
Scale a number from one range or set to another
analogainas 0.1.0 analogai-nas AnalogAINas is a modular and flexible framework to facilitate implementation of Analog-aware Neural...
Enable users to import any analog media format directly into your app with the Analog Bridge API
analog clock Flutter Analog Clock Widget # Clean and fully customizable analog clock widget.
analogclock 1.0.1 A helper that lets you generate analog clock images.
analog clock anti clockwise analog_clock_anti_clockwise # this packages Provide the feature of rotating clock to anti...
analog clock for flutter analog_clock_for_flutter # Beautiful flutter analog clocks. Swipe to change the clock design
Analogger provides a fast and very stable asynchronous central logging service capable of handling heavy logging loads. It has been...
analog radio 📻 Analog radio emulator # About # This package...
analog time picker analog_time_picker package for Flutter # A Flutter package for iOS and...
analogvnn 1.0.8 AnalogVNN
Makes some failing tests for you
A terrible burden for a couch
Estimation of functional subsystems' work
analysis example string_literal_finder # Simple command line application and analyzer plugin to find non translated string...
analysisflow 0.1.0 analysisflow In development.
analysis options Analysis Options for Dart/Flutter #
analysis options cli generator What will this tool do for me? # 1- Generate analysis_options.yaml file...
A nice API for interacting with parsed Ruby source code.
analyststoolshare 0.0.1 Analyst's Tool Share, for Python Tools for analyzing data, using Python.
analysys e flutter plugin Analysys Flutter SDK # ======== This is the official Flutter SDK...
analysys flutter plugin Analysys Flutter SDK # ======== This is the official Flutter SDK for...
Gem for managing multiple analytics services in your rails app.
Emulate google analytics during development to test events
analytics Analytics # Made by Surf 🏄♂️🏄♂️🏄♂️ ...
Initially wrote code on top of gruff library. But eventually to do
more fined-tuned data rendering and the...
analytics debugger Analytics Debugger # LinkedIn GitHub analytics_debugger...
analyticsdf Overview The AutoGen (analyticsdf) is a Python library that allows you to generate synthetic...
analytics event gen analytics_events_gen # An easy generator for tracking firebase analytics events via type safe...
Event sender for multiple analuytics platforms
AnalyticsGoo provides server side non-javascript tracking using google analytics.
Add analytics to any app, quickly, robustly, and accurately.
Define events and their properties in a single, simple .yml...
A self-hosted copy of Analytics.js, a wrapper for web analytics services, for the Ruby on Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline.
A beautiful, minimal theme for Jekyll.
Monitors, logs and tracks events
analytics logger gen analytics_logger_gen # analytics_logger_gen is a code generator that generates analytics events for tools...
Analytics-psw is a wrapper providing access to the Perceptive Cloud Platform Analytics service
Adds a helper to create the google analytics script in rails.
A Ruby interface to the Google Analytics API
analyticstoolbox 0.1.1 Title summary %load_ext autoreload %autoreload 2
analytix 5.3.0 A simple yet powerful SDK for the YouTube Analytics API. ...
calcurate tf idf and hse(html semantic element)
A dead-simple analytics library for Ruby on Rails
analyzefit 0.3.8 [![PyPI](]([![Build Status](]([![codecov](]([![Code Health](]( analyzefitAnalyze fit is a python package that performs standard analysis on thefit...
analyzer This package provides a library that performs static analysis of Dart code. It is useful...
analyzereextras 0.2.1 An extension to the analyzere python library that facilitates “extras” including visualizations of Analyze...
analyzerePythonTools 0.1.5 An extension to the analyzere python library that facilitates “extras” including visualizations of Analyze...
analyzer formatter analyzer_formatter # About # Tool for converting Dart Analyzer...
analyzer plugin A framework for building plugins for the analysis server. Usage # Note: The...
analyzer plugin proxy generator Analyzer plugin proxy generator # A CLI tool to generate a proxy...
analyzer pro test
anamator 1.0.1 anamator Project created on purpose of animating basics concepts of real analysis.
is empty
anamic 0.2.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
Linux agent for
Ananke enables a new kind of ReST implementation
ananother 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
Data structures that use constant memory by spilling to disk after crossing a size threshold
anansitags 1.0.0 Anansi Tags Apply simple BBCode-like tags to Python strings to get ANSI No...
anany tool This First Package Features # 1- show basic color Getting started #
ana page loop 简单的全局路由埋点处理插件 建议用在不太复杂的埋点场景中使用。 安装插件 # 在flutter项目中的pubspec.yaml,添加以下依赖项: dependencies: ... ana_page_loop:...
A theme designed to be used as a blog and portfolio.
You have twenty or so methods, and you want to call the first one that returns something other than nil,
This gem demonstrates executable scripts
anarchy 1.1 Overview anarchy is a package for managed & beautiful chaos, designed with incremental...
i18next JSON generator from yaml
AnaText 2.1.2.dev0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
A document authoring system inspired by Scribble.
Web scraper that collects assets and links.
anbocas tickets api Anbocas Tickets API # Anbocas Tickets API is a Dart plugin designed to...
anbocas tickets ui Anbocas Tickets UI # Anbocas Tickets UI is a Flutter plugin designed to...
ANBOT 3.1.0 AN Discord Bot Music, Moderation, Trivia, Stream Alerts and Fully...
A tool for SQL formatting written in Ruby. Ruby port of Blanco SQL Formatter.
get ancestors that implement instance method
Automatically generate an ancestors-relationship diagram for the gem.
Ancestration 0.1.0 This project implements the so-called family inheritance for Python 2 and 3. It is...
Ancestry allows the records of a ActiveRecord model to be organized in a tree
structure, using the materialized path...
An extension of ancestry gem to show a tree view
Uniqueness validator when using the ancestry gem.
Before, after and around method calls.
anchorbio 1.1.1 ![Anchor logo]([![](]([![](]([![codecov](]( What is `anchor`?Anchor is a python package to find unimodal, bimodal, and multimodal...
anchordropletchip 0.4.6 ⚓ anchor-droplet-chip Measuring single-cell susceptibility to antibiotics within monoclonal fluorescent bacteria. We are...
anchored popups anchored_popups # A package to show context menus on right-click or long-press. [...
anchorer 0.4.0 Anchorer Plugin for virtualenvwrapper that extends mkvirtualenv behaviour to add code that is...
anchoresyft 0.76.0 Syft Python Distributions A project that packages Syft as a Python package,...
Convert any string to be used as a valid HTML anchor
Add anchors to your h1-h6 tags in Middleman or Rack
anchor scroll controller flutter anchor_scroll_controller # This package implement a ScrollController which supports anchor. That is,...
anchor tabs This project is a way to implement a anchor tabs panel like the one of...
UI Kit based on open source projects to allow rapid prototypes of internal apps.
anchovy 1.0.0 Anchovy Anchovy is a minimal, unopinionated file-processing framework equipped with a complete static...
anchovycss 0.1.1 Anchovy CSS anchovy_css is a pure-Python CSS pre-processor. The key feature it currently...
Decompression routines for ancient formats
ancientfiles 0.2.0 Project web page is in
A simple mock object library I built on stage at Ancient City Ruby. Do not use in production!
AncIndMatAst 0.0.1 Python Module for Ancient Indian Mathematics and Astronomy
summary, because Rubygems requires one
an console A developer can fully customize the console content, which can be used to display logs...
ancv 1.4.1 ancv Getting your resume aka an CV (ANSI-v 🤡) straight to your and anyone...
Testing create gem with RubyJains
Maybe Monad in idiomatic Ruby.
Unlike andand, andand2 can be placed at the start of a chain, not just where you anticipate nils.
Only available : 'AndBilling::Security.verify(base64_encoded_public_key , data , signature)'
PHP Captcha
andebox 0.59 andebox Ansible Developer's (tool)Box, andebox, is a script to assist Ansible developers by...
Carries out Tweets analysis using Alchemy Sentiment Analysis API
Andeogen is a tiny gem to ease android layout development
Setup Rspec for Rails environment including all configurations and command line inputs required. Once the setup is ran, user can...
Set of tools that help you make WordPress sites more easily.
andersen 0.0.1 Andersen 一个Python的日志库的封装 使用方式 安装 pip install andersen 代码使用
"Creates a copyright tag with parameters for name"