zoom value calculator If you are using Google maps and clustering feature, you can calculate how close...
zoom view Widget that allows both zooming and scrolling a ListView or other Scrollables ...
zooper flutter core This is the core package of the whole zooper library on flutter side....
zooper flutter ddd domain Zooper Flutter DDD Domain # This project aims to provide helper classes...
zooper flutter encoding utf16 zooper_flutter_encoding_utf16 # Helper classes to encode and decode UTF16 string to List
zooper flutter id3 zooper_flutter_id3 # The best library written in dart for reading and writing id3...
zooper flutter localization zooper_flutter_localization # A simple localization library which aims to have multiple localization files.
zooper flutter logging This library provides a wrapper for loggers. Some examples are included. Note: This...
zooper table Zooper Table # Zooper Table is a highly versatile and dynamic table widget for...
zotdb flutter ZotDB, is constantly improving opensource project which tries to provide all functionalities same as firebase...
z picker z_picker # A time picker and item picker in Cupertino style. Features #
zpj flutter zpj_flutter # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
zpj flutter 1 zpj_flutter # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
zplbuilder zplbuilder # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # It's useful when...
zrepository zrepository # A reactive key-value store for Flutter projects. zrepository simplify your...
zsdk zsdk # Zebra Link OS SDK Flutter plugin. # This is a flutter plugin...
zsh calendar zsh_calendar # A new Flutter package project. 日历组件,支持周日切换,支持滑动收缩,支持上下页跳转,支持跳到某个日期,支持边界效果, 日历中每个日期、周的widget都可自定义 # This project...
zsm hello plugin hello_plugin # flutter create --template=plugin --platforms=android,ios -i objc -a java hello_plugin copied...
zstd ffi Zstandard library(zstd) ffi binding for Dart Features # ✅...
zsw ecommerce zsw_ecommerce # A new Flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
ztexts ztexts # a simple tool for fetching texts and consuming them. The original purpose...
z time ago This package is used to get time duration from now and given time for...
z tools z_tools # 介绍 # 集成了一些通用的 flutter 工程使用的工具。包括计算 widget size, 一些有用的扩展,像 Map.forceConvertMap, List.tryGet 和...
zubkit core
zugclient Basic Flutter/Dart Client Package for the ZugServ Library Features # Enables the rapid creation...
z ui 功能说明 # 目前是一些开发过程中需要用到的布局ui的二次封装,增加一些方便开发的方法等 copied to clipboard 安装方法 # 引用 #...
z ui plus Z UI PLUS # This is a package for styling your UI....
zuk fancy container Fancy Containers # Fancy container package lets you add a beautiful gradient container...
zupdate zupdate # A simple plugin version update for flutter. On Android it...
zupi zupi # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project is...
zustand This package aims to bring the joy of zustand to dart. A huge shoutout to @dai-shi,...
zwap design system zwap_design_system # The Zwap design system kit General Info # This...
zwap utils zwap_utils # A Flutter library to handle Util functions in any Zwap project...
zwave zwave.dart # zwave is a Dart package for interacting with Z-Wave devices. Overview #
zweidenker heinzelmen ZWEIDENKER Heinzelmen # These are little helper heinzelmen to help Flutter Development at ZWEIDENKER
zwidget ZWidget creates a 3D-like visual by stacking widgets one above the other and transforming them adequately.
zwj scan plugin zwj_scan_plugin # A new Flutter scan plugin. Getting Started # This...
zxcvbn Zxcvbn-Dart # zxcvbn is a password strength estimator inspired by password crackers, developed...
zxcvbnm A password strength estimator inspired by password crackers. This is a Dart rewrite of...
zxcvbnm flutter Translations for zxcvbnm for use in Flutter. Usage # import 'package:zxcvbnm_flutter/zxcvbnm_flutter.dart'; ...
zxing2 zxing-dart # ZXing ("zebra crossing") is an open-source, multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library....
zxing lib ZXing-Dart # A Dart port of zxing that encode and decode multiple...
zxing widget ZXing Widget(Dart) # A Barcode Generator Widget that can be embedded inside...
zxj city pickers Language: English city_pickers # 中国的城市三级联动选择器 Demo #
zxspectrum ZX Spectrum emulator # A ZX Spectrum 48K emulator written entirely in Dart. More...
zycloud chat Language: English | 中文 Flutter chat app library for ZyCloud service. This library is...
zycloud client Language: English | 中文 Dart network client library for ZyCloud service. The library includes...
zycloud widget Language: English | 中文 Flutter widget library for ZyCloud service. This library contains a...
zyh battery zyh_battery # A easy to use battery show widget. Feedback welcome...
zyh screen zyh_screen # A Flutter plugin to manage the device's screen on Android and iOS.
zyz core flutter Features # List what your package can do. Maybe include images, gifs, or...
zz zz # Internal Function Plugin for Android and iOS Getting Started # This...
zzy type conversion 简介 # 这个package里封装了一些基本类型的转化方法, 无论你输入何种类型的参数,都会得到你期望的类型。 我的设想是以后工作中用到的小工具,都逐渐的添加进来,方便调用。 摘要 # static...