
Creator: coderz1093

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zooper flutter logging

This library provides a wrapper for loggers. Some examples are included.
Note: This library is part of the whole zooper lib family.
For more information see: https://pub.dev/packages/zooper_flutter_core
Getting started #
Add a new line inside your pubspec.yaml:
zooper_flutter_logging: <latest>
Usage #
To use the logger you have to instantiate at least 2 classes:
The log writer #
The logger needs a writer it can write the log to. This can be the console,
an api or a file. You can also define multiple writer which the logger writes to simultanously.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:zooper_flutter_logging/zooper_flutter_logging.dart';

class ConsoleLogWriter extends LogWriter {
Future writeAsync(String message) {

return Future.value();
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This is an example of a console writer which also can be found inside this package.
var writer = ConsoleLogWriter();
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The logger #
After that, you need to pass the writer to the logger:
var logger = Logger(minimumLoggingLevel, _logWriter);
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The minimumLoggingLevel defines what type of log should be logged. These options are available (starting from the lowest to the highest):
enum LogLevel {
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The _logWriter expects a list of writers like our ConsoleWriter.
After all is set up, you can log messages like so:
logger.logInfoAsync('Your message');
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or with StackTrace
logger.logInfoAsync('Your message', StackTrace.current);
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logger.log('Your message', LogLevel.info, StackTrace.current);
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Formatting the output #
Use the LogFormatter base class to dress up the output. An example class is also included named PrettyFormatter.
var formatter = PrettyFormatter();
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Then you can pass it to our logger:
var logger = Logger(<minimumLoggingLevel>, <_logWriter>, formatter);
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