a magic # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
a01r066 [Flutter] Hướng dẫn tạo plugin và gọi thư viện native # Giới thiệu #...
a11y service a11y_service # Usage # AndroidManifest.xml <service android:name="com.liasica.a11y_service.A11yService"
a1pos engine engine # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
aadhaar kyc flutter Overview # A Flutter plugin which helps you to add aadhaar kyc to...
aadhaar offline ekyc Deepvue Aadhaar Offline e-KYC Flutter SDK # Aadhaar Paperless Offline eKYC is a...
aaf rapid connect Australian Access Federation Rapid Connect # A Dart package for implementing AAF Rapid...
aamarpay aamarpay # aamarPay is an online payment gateway service for Bangladesh. Committed to provide best...
aapa TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
aargul core aargul_core
aargul crud aargul_crud # Aargul CRUD plugin Installation # First depend on the library...
aargul licence aargul_licence # Aargul Licence plugin Installation # First depend on the library...
aargul local file aargul_local_file # Aargul Local File plugin Installation # First depend on...
aatkit flutter plugin aatkit_flutter_plugin # A new Flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
aba pos sdk flutter ABA POS SDK - Flutter # Enable your Flutter app to connect...
abc abc # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project is...
abcamera Custom amazing camera Features # Use camera to : Take a picture...
abc app abc_app # An app to interact with the alphabet written in Flutter. Web...
abc pay 中国农业银行支付 # 用于安卓、IOS APP 进行农行掌银支付 Android...
abdallah sdk abdallah_sdk # A new Flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
aber Features # Aber is a state management package that is very simple to use and...
aberchat ABER CHAT # AberChat is a chat application that allows users to communicate with each...
abg utils TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
abhi flutter alertdialog abhi_flutter_alertdialog # A new Flutter package. AlertDialog # This project deals...
abhishek container1 #abhishek Containers abhishek container package lets you add a beautiful property container to your...
ablaevent flutter Ablaevent plugin # Usage # To use this plugin, add ablaevent_flutter as a...
ably flutter Ably Flutter Plugin # ...
about About # Displays an About dialog, which describes the application. ...
about custom About Custom # Displays an About dialog, which describes the application. ...
abouttoclose Introduction # Package created for the purpose of giving an easy option for those who...
abrar work shortcuts abrar_work_shortcuts # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
a bridge a_bridge # Storyline # The Flutter plugin "a_bridge" was conceived to enhance Appium...
absmartly sdk A/B Smartly Flutter SDK # A/B Smartly Flutter SDK Compatibility # The...
abstract date abstract_date # // registering the date systems that we want to use. //...
abstract kv store Abstraction layer for common key-value store libraries (WIP). Currently only supports Hive (without...
ab testing core AB Testing - Core # A Dart package that helps to implement multiple...
ab testing firebase AB Testing - Firebase # A Dart package that simplifies the implementation of...
abtesting sdk flutter 神策简介 # 神策数据 (Sensors Data),隶属于神策网络科技(北京)有限公司,是一家专业的大数据分析服务公司,大数据分析行业开拓者,为客户提供深度用户行为分析平台、以及专业的咨询服务和行业解决方案,致力于帮助客户实现数据驱动。神策数据立足大数据及用户行为分析的技术与实践前沿,业务现已覆盖以互联网、金融、零售快消、高科技、制造等为代表的十多个主要行业、并可支持企业多个职能部门。公司总部在北京,并在上海、深圳、合肥、武汉等地拥有本地化的服务团队,覆盖东区及南区市场;公司拥有专业的服务团队,为客户提供一对一的客户服务。公司在大数据领域积累的核心关键技术,包括在海量数据采集、存储、清洗、分析挖掘、可视化、智能应用、安全与隐私保护等领域。 More SDK 简介 # 神策...
abushakir Abushakir (ባሕረ ሃሳብ) # The words Bahire Hasab originate from the...
abutil abandoft开发常用工具类 # 判断系统平台 # 重启应用 # 检查更新时间 #
abw flutter sdk A flutter SDK contains a digital health assessment PWA (WebView) Feature :...
abw sample packagev1 Flutter SDK SDK contains a webview feature to do a digital health assessment
a cameras Cameras Plugin # A Flutter plugin for accessing camera features across multiple platforms with...
acanthis Acanthis # Acanthis is a Validation library heavily inspired by Zod. It is designed to...
ac bcp47 BCP-47 # BCP-47 related types with parsing, formatting, canonicalization and format validation. Features...
accemus Accemus # Tool for fetching substitution plans from DSB/DSBMobile and parsing Untis...
access contacts access_contacts # A flutter plugin to access and manage device contacts. Getting Started...
accessibility provider Accessibility Provider # Accessibility Features for flutter apps.
accessibility service accessibility_service # Well it's a plugin for interacting with Accessibility Service in Android. This...
accessibility stats logger Accessibility Statistics Logger # This Flutter plugin is able to gather Accessibility data...
accessibility tools accessibility_tools # Checkers and tools to ensure your app is accessible to all....
accessible text view accessible_text_view # Renders a native platform text view to address accessibility with embedded...
accessibly Accessibly Features # Overview # The Accessibly Features app allows users to customize their...
accessing security scoped resource accessing_security_scoped_resource # Call iOS / macOS startAccessingSecurityScopedResource and stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource in Flutter....
access settings menu access_settings_menu # A flutter plugin to open Android settings menus programatically. This...
access wallpaper AccessWallpaper Flutter Plugin - README # The AccessWallpaper Flutter plugin is a plugin that...
ac connectivity connectivity_plus extended with Internet Connectivity # This package extends the connectivity_plus plugin :...
accordion accordion # An expandable Flutter widget list where each item can be expanded or collapsed...
ac core A package made for my own applications and use, it might not be able to...
account abstraction alchemy ERC-4337: Account Abstraction, for usage with Alchemy Account Abstraction # Read...
account cmd parser AccountCmdParser # Features # This package is a...
accounting models This holds models for accounting_blade and accounting_api
accountmanager Account manager # Account manager for Flutter Supported platforms: Android 8.1+...
account manager plugin account_manager_plugin # This plugin allows Flutter apps to obtain all accounts registered in...
account name checker account_name_checker # A new Flutter package to get Account Name Getting Started...
account picker plus account_picker_plus # This Flutter plugin prompts user to pick an Email or a...
account saver against uninstall account_saver_against_uninstall # account_saver_against_uninstall Getting Started # This project is a...
account selector account_selector # A Flutter package which provides helper widgets for selecting single or multiple...
accumulate api Accumulate Dart Client # Dart client for Accumulate...
accumulate api ng Accumulate Dart Client # Dart client for...
accuracy setting accuracy_setting # Get Location Accuracy Setting Getting Started # This project is...
accura sdk accura_sdk # Accura OCR is used for Optical character recognition. Accura Face Match...
acdc Overview # Dart client for generating an ACDC object from provided issuer id, data in...
ac fetch An easy to use HTTP data fetcher # An easy to use HTTP data...
achievement view AchievementView # Beautiful toast to show Achievements in your application Usage...
ac inet connectivity checker A simple, cancellable and stateless Internet Connectivity Checker # An Internet Connectivity...
ackable ackable # Ack messages from different sources
ackee dart Ackee Dart Tracker # Ackee tracker implemented in Dart (for both Dart and Flutter...
acme common acme demo package
acme login acme login
ac oauth2 client Unopinionated OAuth 2.0 client # An unopinionated RFC-compliant OAuth 2.0 client which doesn't...
a colors a_colors (All Colors) # A new Flutter package contains 140 colors. By adding this...
ac posix locale POSIX Locale # POSIX locale related types. Features # The following...
acrcloud rest Acrcloud Rest # A Dart http client for...
acr cloud sdk ACR Cloud SDK # ** This is an unofficial SDK for flutter...
acronym A simple, lightweight and easy to use package to generate acronyms. Usage # You...
acrylic any acrylic_any # acrylic_any is a package which can convert any widget into blurred objects.
acs card reader thailand Flutter ThaiNationalIDCard # Flutter ThaiNationnalIDCard This work is made for use in...
acs nfc acs_nfc # A new flutter plugin project. Library Pub link https://pub.dev/packages/acs_nfc/...
ac string ext #666
actcms flutter vnpay ACTCMS Flutter VNPAY Package # Introduction # Show up VNPAY...
acter avatar Acter Avatar # Acter Avatar is a package to generate different shapes of avatars...
action bloc action_bloc # Extends bloc with a second stream for actions (one time events that...
action bloc test action_bloc_test # Package to make creating tests for action_bloc easy. This package...
action bottom sheet This package is still under development, and some Functions might not be available yet.
action box A library for Dart developers. Usage # A simple usage example: import...
action box generator A library for Dart developers. Usage # A simple usage example:...
action broadcast action_broadcast # 一个简单的全局广播系统,类似于Android的本地广播 Usage # 添加 action_broadcast 到...
action cable ActionCable in Dart # ActionCable is the default realtime websocket framework and protocol in...
action cable stream ActionCable in Dart using streams # ActionCable is the default realtime websocket framework...
action channel Action Channel # Communication channel, that bundles a sink and a stream. Wrapper with...
action indicators Action Indicator # Animated indicators indicating action on any type of widget in Flutter.
action process text ACTION_PROCESS_TEXT Flutter # A flutter plugin for ACTION_PROCESS_TEXT implementation in android. What...
actions TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
action slider If you like this package, please leave a like there on pub.dev and star on...
actions toolkit dart Actions Toolkit for Dart # A third-party toolkit for GitHub Actions written in...
active dart active_dart # Helpful Ruby-on-Rails style helpers to make the code readable.
active list functions active_list_functions # A package with functions for Lists (arrays) that don't involve Iterables
active package active_package # A Flutter plugin that helps you know the package name of any...
active property change notifier Active Property Change Notifier # Actively pushes changes of itself and nested...
active property change notifier generator This package is the code generator of active_property_change_notifier and cannot use without...
active storage active_storage # Send files to Rails Active Storage using direct upload. ...
active window active_window # Plugin to detect active window Usage # A simple usage...
activity button Activity Button # A customizable widget for creating activity buttons with an image and...
activitypub Fedodo.Pub.ActivityPub # In this repository I have created a README-Template based on Best-README-Template
activity recognition activity_recognition # Activity recognition plugin for Android and iOS. Only working while...
activity recognition flutter Activity Recognition # Activity recognition plugin for Android and iOS. Only...
activity ring Activity Rings # Library to create Progress bars in Apple Watch style...
activout firebase options selector Use this library from Activout AB to switch between different Firebase projects in...
actor cluster ⚠️ ALPHA ⚠️ This package is in early stage of development. Breaking changes will...
actors actors # actors is a library that enables the use of...
actor system ⚠️ ALPHA ⚠️ This package is in early stage of development. Breaking changes will...
acuant flutter acuant_flutter # Acuant document camera and selfie camera for flutter For IOS #
acurr package acurr_package # A Flutter package that provides [describe what your package does or its...
acx70 widgets FlutterFlow Widgets # This package is developed for FlutterFlow. And...
acyclic steps Acyclic Steps for Dart # Disclaimer: This is not an officially supported Google product.
ada chatbot ada_chatbot # ADA chatbot plugin. Getting Started # This project is a...
ada handle A Flutter package containing conversion operations for ADA Handles ($handle) Features #
adamsdartutilities Utilities for Adams Foodservice App. Features # Getting started # Usage #...
adaptable screen The plug-in scales sizes based on the size of the UIDesign prototypes and the windows...
adapters Adapters # Seguindo os princípios do Ports and Adapters - Alistair...
adapters flutter Test IT TMS Adapter for Flutter # Getting Started # Requirements #...
adaptic Adaptive # This package provides set of widgets and functions which makes it easy and...
adaptive appbar A model for an adaptive AppBar. Created to easily make an app bar that changes...
adaptive bottom navigation Adaptive Bottom Navigation # Adaptive Bottom Navigation is a Flutter package that provides...
adaptive botton navigation Adaptive Bottom Navigation # Adaptive Bottom Navigation is a Flutter package...
adaptive botton navigatione Adaptive Bottom Navigation # Adaptive Bottom Navigation is a Flutter package...
adaptive breakpoints freezed material design adaptive_breakpoints with freezed functionality Features # Detect current...
adaptive button AdaptiveButton # While AdaptiveButton is compatible with the platform, it disables the clicking feature...
adaptive chameleon theme Adaptive Chameleon Theme # A Flutter package that will automatically retrieve your OS...