
Creator: coderz1093

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ada handle

A Flutter package containing conversion operations for ADA Handles ($handle)
Features #

Checks if given policyId matches a $handle policyId
Converts specific $handle value into $handle policyId + assetId HEX combination
Prepends $handle policyId to given HEX asset value

Getting started #
If you not yet familiar with ADA Handle please visit official page
Installation #
Run flutter pub add ada_handle
Run flutter pub get
Usage #
Import package import 'package:ada_handle/ada_handle.dart';
Additional information #
Check example how to use example
Check also the test use cases test file
Contribution #
You are very welcome to contribute to the package:

Fork the Repo
Add your changes (don't forget to add tests as well)
Create a Pull Request (PR)

We will check your input asap
Publisher #
Created by AndroDevs @2022
Follow us on X AndroDevs
Disclaimer #
Support for this library is given as best effort.
This library has not been reviewed or vetted by security professionals.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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