adrop ads flutter AdropAds # Adrop ads plugin for flutter Prerequisites #...
adsense adsense # A federated plugin for showing google ads (AdMob and AdSense)
ads flutter ads_flutter # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
adsjmsdk adsjmsdk # This project is a starting point for a Flutter plug-in package,...
adspostx Adpostx flutter package Initializing the SDK # Adspostx partners can use the Android SDK...
adspostx flutter adspostx_flutter # AdsPostX offers a Flutter plugin designed to help you integrate AdsPostX into...
ad suyi flutter sdk ad_suyi_flutter_sdk # [TOC] 1.1 概述 # 尊敬的开发者朋友,欢迎您使用ADmobile 苏伊士广告SDK。通过本文档,您可以在几分钟之内轻松完成广告的集成过程。 操作系统:...
adtrace sdk flutter Summary # This is the Flutter SDK of AdTrace. You can read more...
ad turbo ad_turbo # ad_turbo Implements Google Ads, Easy and Turbo Way, supporting All Type of...
advance animated progress indicator Flutter AnimatedProgressIndicator # This animated Flutter widget package aims to show an...
advance country picker Advance Country Picker # advance_country_picker is a Flutter package that provides a customizable...
advanced audio manager flutter_audio_manager # Support to get the current output audio device...
advanced background locator # Advanced Background Locator **`advanced_background_locator`** is a Flutter plugin for advanced...
advanced bar chart Bar Chart Package for Flutter # Welcome to the ultimate bar...
advanced change notifier Main purpose # This package helps you ensuring your services and widgets are...
advanced chips input Flutter Advanced Chips Input # A Flutter package that provides a customizable text...
advanced console Advanced console features for Dart. With version 0.0.1, only ANSI text styling...
advanced form generator advanced_form_generator # Usage # import 'package:advanced_form_generator/widgets/FormFieldItem.dart'; import 'package:advanced_form_generator/widgets/FormFieldSection.dart'; import 'package:advanced_form_generator/advanced_form_generator.dart';
advanced graphview Advanced Graphview enables user to create Tree, Graph, Topology Ui with simple Setup.
advanced guidance advanced_guidance # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
advanced icon Advanced Icon # A flutter package that contains a collection of icon decoration tools...
advanced in app review advanced_in_app_review # Description # A Flutter plugin that lets you show...
advanced infinite scroll Advanced Infinite Scroll # 2023 © Bikramaditya Meher A versatile...
advanced media picker Advanced Media Picker # Advanced Media Picker Package for Flutter Getting Started...
advanced navigator Advanced Navigator ...
advanced page slider AdvancedPagerSlider-Flutter # An Advanced version of Flutter [PageView] github-link with more extra awesome...
advanced page turn advanced_page_turn # Advanced Page Turn Widget # Add a advanced page turn...
advanced platform detection Advanced Platform Detection (os & browser) # A fully cross-platform plugin...
advanced polygons Finally!!, You can draw the polygon shapes like you want to!!. Get the polygons at...
advanced rich text Flutter AdvancedRichText # Intro # Flutter AdvancedRichText is the simple way to...
advanced salomon bottom bar advanced_salomon_bottom_bar # Yet another bottom navigation bar, but with a few key...
advanced search AdvancedSearch # Flutter library provides advanced capabilitis for searching through a predefined list using...
advanced storybook advanced_storybook # Advanced Storybook plugin.
advanced text Advanced Text # Advanced Text is a package that provides various text features, such...
advanced text button A widget package to ease usage of TextButton Widget available in Flutter Features...
advanced widgets This package makes making new apps easier by providing Modern and Useful widgets Features...
advance expansion tile Advance Expansion Tile # It allows you to manually...
advance list this package contain advance methods of List object Features # 1-get max/min value...
advance math Advance Math Library for Dart # ...
advance notification Advance_Notification # Advance_Notification is a Flutter package with custom snackabar. Development is continue...
advance pdf viewer2 advance_pdf_viewer2 # A flutter plugin for handling PDF files. Works on both Android...
advance text field advance_text_field # a customizable text field. an advance text field for flutter,...
adv async widget adv_async_widget # Utility...
adv camera Advanced Camera # This is our custom Camera that enabling you to tap focus,...
advertising id advertising_id # A Flutter plugin to access advertising ID. Wraps ASIdentifierManager.advertisingIdentifier (on iOS)...
advertising identifier advertising_identifier # Flutter plugin for Advertising Identifier. try { final AdvertisingIdInfo info...
advertising info advertising_info # A Flutter plugin for fetching Advertising info from Android and iOS...
adv fab AdvFAB (More Than Just A Floating Action Button) # AdvFAB is An Advanced floating...
adv flutter weather adv_flutter_weather # A updated and revised version of flutter_weather_bg and flutter_weather_bg_null_safety Original...
adv image cache adv_image_cache # network image laod with cache rules , and handy cache manager
advn bottom nav bar Persistent Bottom Navigation Bar Version 2 #
advn video advn_video # A module for show video Flutter project. Getting Started #...
advstory AdvStory 📸 # Quite simple & Quite advanced 🚀 Advanced Story viewer...
adyen checkout Adyen Flutter # The Adyen Flutter package provides you with the building blocks to...
adyen client side encryption Adyen client side encryption # Note: This library is not official from...
adyen drop in plugin adyen_drop_in_plugin # Note: This library is not official from Adyen. Flutter...
adyen flutter adyen_flutter # An Adyen Flutter plugin to support the Adyen API integration. It...
adyen flutter dropin adyen_flutter_dropin # Note: This library is not official from Adyen and is a...
adyen helper adyen_helper # Adyen custom card integration for Android and iOS. Provide bridge to encrypt...
adyen payment Adyen Payment # Implementation of Adyen Terminal API for Dart. See more
aegis flutter sdk aegis_flutter_sdk # 项目介绍 # Aegis(读音/ˈiːdʒɪs/) 是腾讯云监控团队提供的前端监控 SDK,涵盖了错误监控,资源测速(img, script, css),接口测速,页面性能(首屏时间)。无需侵入代码,只需引入 SDK 即可自动完成所有监控上报。...
aerodatabox aerodatabox # ![AeroDataBox API](/img/logo.png "AeroDataBox API") Summary # AeroDataBox API is an enthusiast-driven...
aero f ble Aero Flutter BLE # Aero is a Flutter library for handling Bluetooth Low...
aerosync flutter sdk Introduction # This Flutter SDK provides an interface to load Aerosync-UI in Flutter...
aes256 AES256 # Available at AES CBC mode with 256-bit key, PKCS7 padding, and...
aes256cipher aes256cipher # AES256Cipher secure module. Getting Started # This project is a starting...
aes256gcm aes-256-gcm-dart # AES 256 GCM encryption algorithm in Dart Use # var text...
aes assets widget aes_assets_widget plugin for Flutter # Getting Started # A Flutter plugin for...
aes cbc cipher AESCBCCipher # The AESCBCCipher is a singleton class that provides AES encryption and...
aes crypt aes_crypt # Introduction # aes_crypt is a library for Dart and Flutter developers...
aes crypt null safe aes_crypt # Note # This package is a fork of...
aescryptojs CryptoJS in Dart. Usage # import 'package:aescryptojs/aescryptojs.dart'; void main() {...
aes ctr aes_ctr # AES CTR - Counter Flutter plugin. Usage #...
aes dart Aes Dart # Usage # final encprypted = await...
aes ecb pkcs5 flutter Null Safety support # Fork packages flutter_aes_ecb_pkcs5 Solve the null safety...
aes gcm plugin aes_gcm_plugin # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project...
aesthetic dialogs AestheticDialogs v0.0.15 # AestheticDialogs is inspired by Laravel Notify This Flutter plugin allows...
aether core aether_core # Aether Core for Flutter Aether Core is a comprehensive application framework...
aeyrium sensor Flutter Aeyrium Sensor Plugin # Aeyrium Sensor Plugin A Flutter sensor plugin which...
affine Affine transformations calculations to get a mix of a transformation matrix and translation. For two-dimensional input...
afgdatepicker 📆 A persian (Afghanistani,shamsi) datetime picker for flutter # Usage # Add it to...
a flutter amap a_flutter_amap # 高德地图Flutter插件 Android 自行添加并管理相关权限
afra package #Example
africa schools Africa Schools - Tertiary Institutions # This is a package that is created out...
after first frame mixin AFTER FIRST FRAME MIXIN # Features # Brings functionality to execute...
after init after_init # Adds a didInitState() lifecycle method to stateful widgets where you can safely...
after layout Flutter After Layout # Brings functionality to execute code after the first...
afya moja core afya_moja_core # afya_moja_core is an open source project — it's one among many...
agar agar:with agar you can use if. Features # agar: ...
agconnect apm AppGallery Connect APM for Flutter # Introduction # App Performance Management (APM) of...
agconnect applinking AppGallery Connect Applinking Kit Flutter Plugin # Contents # ...
agconnect appmessaging AppGallery Connect App Messaging for Flutter # Introduction # You can use App...
agconnect auth AppGallery Connect Auth for Flutter # Introduction # Most apps need to identify...
agconnect clouddb AppGallery Connect Cloud DB for Flutter # Introduction # Cloud DB is a...
agconnect cloudfunctions AppGallery Connect Cloud Functions Kit Flutter Plugin # Contents #
agconnect cloudstorage AppGallery Connect CloudStorage for Flutter # Introduction # AppGallery Connect CloudStorage allows you...
agconnect core AppGallery Connect Core for Flutter # Introduction # A Flutter plugin for AppGallery...
agconnect crash AppGallery Connect Crash for Flutter # Introduction # The AppGallery Connect Crash service...
agconnect remote config AppGallery Connect Remote Configuration for Flutter # Introduction # HUAWEI AppGallery Connect...
age age # A Flutter package to calculate someone's age in days, months, and years; in...
agecheck Age Check # A dirt simple way to validate users and stay compliant worldwide....
agent core Agent Core # It's just a concept draft of Agent core library Full...
agent dart agent_dart # An agent library built for Internet Computer, a plugin package...
agent dart auth agent_dart_auth # A seperate package from agent_dart, with agent_dart a pure package without...
agent logger Hey, everybody. I am sharing a package to create and read application logs in the...
age yubikey pgp Yubikey PGP Age Encryption plugin # Proof of concept age plugin that uses...
aggregamus aggregamus # Big data with substitution plans. How to use # Make sure...
aggregatori capaci sdk tracking The AggregatoriCapaci sdk sos is a Flutter package to integrate location-based garage finder...
aggrepay flutter Aggrepay Flutter # Flutter plugin for Aggrepay SDK, Getting Started...
agility redux agility_redux # Agility Redux 是一款模块化,可插拔的 Redux 状态管理库。 支持多业务模块,模块间解耦。 模块可插拔。...
agility redux bloc agility_redux # Agility Redux 是一款模块化,可插拔的 Redux 状态管理库。 支持多业务模块,模块间解耦。 模块可插拔。
agility redux generator A sample command-line application with an entrypoint in bin/, library code in lib/,...
agility redux widget agility_redux # Agility Redux 是一款模块化,可插拔的 Redux 状态管理库。 支持多业务模块,模块间解耦。 模块可插拔。
agixtsdk AGiXT SDK for Dart # ...
agl passcode Flutter - Passcode Screen # One stop Package which will provide Set Passcode, Verify...
agnext common library flutter Agnext Common library for reusable various widgets and functions Features #...
agones Agones # Agones is a library for hosting, running and scaling dedicated game...
agora chat callkit Get Started with Agora Chat CallKit for Flutter # agora_chat_callkit is a video...
agora chat sdk Get Started with Agora Chat # Instant messaging connects people wherever they are...
agora chat uikit Get Started with Chat UIKit for Flutter # Overview # Instant messaging...
agora class agora_class # 声网SDK 灵动课堂插件 # Getting Started # 声网SDK 灵动课堂插件,本插件目前仅实现了iOS平台。
agora flutter webrtc Agora_Flutter_WebRTC # Agora Flutter WebRTC is a real-time audio/video plugin based on Flutter...
agora fpa service agora_fpa_service # Flutter plugin to integrate Agora FPA service into your app with...
agora rtc agora_rtc and fumanger # FUManager # FUManager -faceunity管理工具 使用前必须 buildFaceUnity FUConfig -美颜参数配置
agora rtc engine agora_rtc_engine #
agora rtc rawdata agora_rtc_rawdata # The rawdata plugin for agora_rtc_engine. Important # The plugin...
agora rtm AgoraRtm # This Flutter plugin is a wapper for Agora RTM SDK.
agora rtm nic flutter_agora_rtm_1_4_1 # agora flutter plugin with sdk 1.4.1
agora screen share agora_screen_share # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
agora token service Agora Token Service for Dart # This...
agora uikit Agora VideoUIKit for Flutter #
ag prompter cli ag_prompter_cli # It is A Package to create CLI wizard in Easy way
agromart google maps place picker Google Maps Place Picker - MB edition # This...
ags authrest TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
agschat agschat # Auxano Global Services Chat. Getting Started # This project is a...
ag widgets OVERVIEW # ag_widgets # ag_widgets is a comprehensive package that offers a treasure...
ahai animation stickers ahai_animation_stickers # A new Flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
ahailayout const like = 'ahailayout'; copied to clipboard
ahai pub data TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
ahai pub guide data const like = 'ahai_pub_guide_data'; copied to clipboard