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advanced infinite scroll

Advanced Infinite Scroll #
2023 © Bikramaditya Meher

A versatile Flutter package for implementing advanced scrolling. Whether you're looking for infinite scrolling, responsive grid views, or customizable loaders, AdvancedInfiniteScroll has got you covered.

Features: #

Infinite Scrolling
Responsive Grid/List Views
Pull-to-Refresh Capability
Customizable Loaders For Loading More or Initial Loader
"No Data Found" Widget Handling
"ON ERROR" Widget Handling,
Optimized Rendering for Visible Items
Header/Footer widget
empty loader size (check example)

Usage: #
To use this package, add advanced_infinite_scroll as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
Data Fetching: #
You can fetch data from your network or any source. For demonstration purposes, here's a dummy data-fetching function:
Future<List<String>> onListFutureDummy(int page, int perPage, Map? params) async {
debugPrint("ON LOAD DATA AIS :: $page");
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1));
return List.generate(perPage, (index) => "PAGE :: $page ::");
// return [];
copied to clipboard
This function simulates a network call with a delay and generates dummy data.
Basic Setup: #
Here's a simple example demonstrating the usage:
minItemWidth: 120,
minItemsPerRow: 1,
maxItemsPerRow: 1,
controller: controller,
loaderSize: 1,
headerWidget: Container(
height: 50,
child: const Center(child: Text("Header")),
footerWidget: Container(
height: 50,
child: const Center(child: Text("Header")),
noDataFoundWidget: (c) {
return TextButton(
onPressed: () {
child: const Text("Refresh"),
loadingWidget: const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()),
// onFuture: onListFutureDummy,
loadingMoreWidget: Center(
child: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(10),
child: LinearProgressIndicator(
minHeight: 60,
valueColor: AlwaysStoppedAnimation<Color>(Colors.grey.shade50),
builder: (BuildContext context, listData, index) {
return ListTile(
title: Text(
"${listData[index]}:: INDEX :: $index ::",
copied to clipboard
Parameters: #
Here's a brief overview of the key parameters:

minItemWidth: The minimum width for an item.
minItemsPerRow: The minimum number of items per row.
controller: The controller associated with AdvancedInfiniteScroll.
loadingMoreWidget: A widget to display while more items are being loaded.
builder: A function that returns a list of widgets based on the provided data.

For more information and please checkout example folder.
Contributing: #
Feel free to submit issues or pull requests to enhance the package. Contributions are always welcome!


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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