ali auth person ios ali_auth_person # flutter-阿里云金融级实人认证--上传身份证反正面-人脸识别 Getting Started # This project is a...
ali auth person platform interface
ali auth plugin ali_auth_plugin # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project...
alibabacloud rum flutter plugin Alibaba Cloud RUM SDK for Flutter #
alibc 阿里百川SDK # 接入说明 # 仅支持android,暂不支持IOS copied to clipboard 更新日志 # -...
alibc4 alibc4 # alibc4 是一个用于在 Flutter 中集成阿里百川 4.x SDK 的插件。免费的star支持一下。
ali bc taoke sdk ali_bc_taoke_sdk # 阿里百川,淘宝客专用SDK 开始使用 # iOS需要按照官方文档,配置APPKEY, 和下载安全图片等信息 (安卓暂未接入)...
alice Alice # Alice is an HTTP Inspector tool for...
alice dio Alice Dio # Documentation # You can find documentation here.
alice get connect AliceGetConnect is a Flutter library that enables seamless integration between the HTTP Inspector...
alice http Alice Http # Documentation # You can find documentation here.
alice lightweight Lightweight version of Alice: # Removed the following dependencies: flutter_local_notifications
alice manager I wrap it from alice :)) i supported getx
alice objectbox Alice ObjectBox # Documentation # You can find documentation here.
alicloud impinteraction classroom alicloud_impinteraction_classroom # 本插件是低代码音视频工厂课堂低代码接入(含UI)(以下简称课堂低代码)的Flutter实现插件。 环境要求 # Android环境要求: # 系统版本:支持Android...
alicloud impinteraction liveroom alicloud_impinteraction_liveroom # 本插件是低代码音视频工厂直播低代码接入(含UI)(以下简称直播低代码)的Flutter实现插件。 环境要求 # Android环境要求: # 系统版本:支持Android...
alicloud impinteraction sdk alicloud_impinteraction_sdk # 本插件是低代码音视频工厂标准集成(无UI)(以下简称标准集成)的Flutter实现插件。 环境要求 # Android环境要求: # 系统版本:支持Android...
ali devices ali_devices # android 接入 阿里 设备唯一id IOS 使用 keychain 存储唯一id Getting Started...
aliexpress sdk Aliexpress SDK written in dart. Used to call Aliexpress APIs. Built-in signed hash and different...
aligned dialog aligned_dialog # A Flutter package that allows you to open a dialog aligned with...
aligned tooltip aligned_tooltip # aligned_tooltip gives you more flexibility over the Flutter standard Tooltip by allowing...
align positioned align_positioned # Widgets in this package: AlignPositioned AnimatedAlignPositioned AnimChain
ali iot plugin ali_iot_plugin # 阿里飞燕平台 (生活物联网平台) Flutter plugin. 基于阿里生活物联网平台的Android和iOS架包实现的Flutter插件,方便开发自有APP ...
aliothx angular Package for web view interaction between angular and flutter. Features # Package for...
alipay auth 中文移步这里 contact us QQ:1552755354 What's alipay_auth # alipay_auth...
alipay kit alipay_kit # Flutter 版支付宝SDK 相关工具 # ...
alipay kit android alipay_kit_android # The Android implementation of [alipay_kit][1].
alipay kit ios alipay_kit_ios # The iOS implementation of [alipay_kit][1].
alipay verify alipay_verify # 阿里会员能力-身份验证 Getting Started # This project is a starting point...
aliplayer plugin aliplayer_plugin # aliplayer Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is a...
alist alist #
ali testing package BEST faker package available for dart that generates fake data you need.
ali trtc flutter ali_trtc_plugin # 2021/11/25 添加结束房间释放 Getting Started # This project is a...
ali trtc plugin ali_trtc_plugin # trtc Getting Started # This project is a starting...
alium sdk legacy alium_sdk # A wrapper around Alium's Android SDK. Usage # Configure...
alive Alive is a library inspired by Socket.IO and Laravel Echo for enabling "real"-time communication on multiple...
alive flutter plugin 活体检测 # 根据提示做出相应动作,SDK 实时采集动态信息,判断用户是否为活体、真人 平台支持(兼容性) #
aliyun arms aliyun_arms # 1.0.0 # aliyun_arms A new Flutter plugin project. Getting...
aliyun emas aliyun_emas #
aliyun emas android aliyun_emas_android # The Android implementation of aliyun_emas. Usage # This package...
aliyun emas ios aliyun_emas_ios # The ios implementation of aliyun_emas. Usage # This package...
aliyun emas platform interface aliyun_emas_platform_interface # A common platform interface for the aliyun_emas plugin. This...
aliyun log dart sdk Aliyun SLS SDK for Dart # ...
aliyun ocr sdk A sdk tool for developers use functions of aliyun OCR text recognition in...
aliyun oss aliyun_oss # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
aliyun oss flutter tko aliyun_oss_flutter_tko # aliyun oss plugin for flutter. Use this plugin to upload...
aliyun oss macos aliyun_oss_macos # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
aliyun oss plugin aliyun_oss_plugin # Flutter plugin for aliyun oss.
aliyunoss plus flutter 阿里云oss,目前最好用的库,没有之一.终于为杂乱无章的非官方库画上句号! # Features # Upload to the aliyun_oss . It can be...
aliyunpan api [非官方] 阿里云盘开放平台 API #
aliyunpan flutter sdk auth aliyunpan_flutter_sdk_auth # A Flutter plugin for aliyunpan oauth. Getting Started #
aliyun push Aliyun Push Flutter Plugin # 阿里云移动推送官方Flutter插件 一、快速入门 # 1.1 创建应用...
aliyun rtc plugin aliyun_rtc_plugin # A new Flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
aliyun saf 阿里云风险识别 # 使用步骤 # 初始化 # AliyunSAF().init(ACCESS_KEY_ID, ACCESS_KEY_SECRET); 调用请求...
aliyun sign 阿里云签名 # 快速通过 Query Map 获得多数阿里云 SDK 通用的签名。 使用方法 # 传入服务所需的 Access...
all animations All animations for Flutter # All Animations Features # Making...
all bluetooth all_bluetooth # This is a flutter plugin for communicating with bluetooth devices. Features...
allcontrypicker Country Picker Flutter Package # The Country Picker Flutter package provides a simple...
all country picker all_country_picker # A new Flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
all english words All English Words # The All English Words package is a Dart library...
all except all_except # A package that add the ability to use a new method (allExcept)...
all extensions All extensions # all extension available use many extension to your flutter app...
all gallery images All Gallery Images # Flutter plugin use to fetch all the...
all in one basic All In One Basic Plugin # All in one basic plugin for...
all in one image All in One Image Flutter Package # A Flutter package for loading...
allnotification allnotification # A flutter plugin project to display notification with system ringtone sounds or custom...
allow http TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
all platform device id all_platform_device_id # get device id from android、ios、windows、linux、mac、web Description #
all pubg TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
allride package Features # This Package is for AllRide Apps to use custom components. Installation...
all sensors All Sensors Flutter Plugin # A Flutter plugin to retreive all of sensor's data.
alltuu common widget /* alltuu基础ui组件 */
allure report Dart Allure Report Adapter # Allure Report packages defines AllureReporter class used by test_reporter...
allure server cli Allure Server CLI # allures is meant to be used to upload reports...
all validations br All Validations BR Descrição do Projeto # AllValidations é uma...
all widgets Sure, here's an example of a file for your package, following package standards:...
almalak radio player # Flutter radio plugin handles a single streaming media preciously. This plugin was...
almas image almas_image # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is...
alneamah TextField Widget # Fancy container package lets you add a beautiful gradient container to your...
alog macos alog_macos # A new Flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
alog windows alog_windows # A new Flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
alpaca markets Alpaca Markets plugin # A wrapper for the Alpaca Markets trading APIs. Provides an...
alphabetical scroll A Flutter package to achieve alphabet scrolling. Based on flutter_sticky_header # Features #...
alphabet index listview ///Your list ,maybe a string list. List ///generated AlphabetIndexGroup list, return your...
alphabet list scroll view Apologize for the lack of updates as I do not have the bandwidth...
alphabet list scroll view fix Apologize for the lack of updates as I do not have the...
alphabet list view Alphabet List View # A...
alphabet scroll view A Scrollable ListView Widget with the dynamic vertical Alphabet List on the Side which...
alphabet search view Flutter component for list and search a simple or complex data items, similar to...
alphabet slider alphabet_slider # A Flutter plugin for an Alphabet slider, commonly used in phone contact...
alpha lib A database-less package for performing astronomical calculations with any third-party database of deep-sky objects....
alphanum comparator alphanum_comparator # Porting of "The Alphanum Algorithm" in Dart. The Problem #...
alpha player plugin alpha_player_plugin # 对字节跳动官方原生组件AlphaPlayer一个flutter plugin封装 具体实现功能见字节跳动官方github: 运行效果 #
alphatar Alphatar # Create an avatar with the initials of your text. Screenshot...
alphatile Features # This package will help you to add shadow and change color of shadow
al quran ওয়াল কুরআ-নিল হাকীম - وَٱلْقُرْءَانِ ٱلْحَكِيم # A simple Quran package for flutter with...
alquran client Client for API Usage # Initialize # AlQuranClient client = AlQuranClient();
alt bloc alt_bloc # Library for BLoC design pattern implementation. Authors # ...
altfire authenticator AltFire Authenticator # Provides a wrapper class for FlutterFire Authentication package to simplify its...
altfire configurator AltFire Configurator # Provides a wrapper class for the FlutterFire RemoteConfig package to simplify...
altfire lints AltFire Lints # Provides lint rules for altfire packages. Getting started #...
altfire tracker AltFire Tracker # Provides a wrapper class for FlutterFire Analytics and Crashlytics packages to...
alt http Alt HTTP # If you don't absolutely need it, DON'T USE THIS PACKAGE....
altibbi Altibbi Flutter SDK # This Flutter SDK provides integration for the Altibbi services, including video...
altogic Altogic Dart # Altogic Dart is a Dart client for the Altogic Client Library. It...
altogic dart Altogic Client Library # Dart client for Altogic backend apps. This...
alt persian date picker A persian (farsi, shamsi) date picker for flutter, inspired by material datetime picker....
alt point components Alt.Point Components # How install # Pub Dev # In the...
alt rick and morty Rick and morty documentation # All doc can find.
alt sms autofill alt_sms_autofill # Alt Sms Autofill. Getting Started # This project is...
altv dart This package in progress
alvin connect Alvin Connect Widget # The Alvin Connect Widget is a Flutter widget designed to...
aly oss aly_oss # 阿里云 oss 服务 flutter 版插件。 基础使用 # 代码可参考 example。记得将 token...
amadeus Dart Amadeus # Unofficial dart library for Amadeus API This is a...
amadeus flutter amadeus # Amadeus flutter API Getting Started # To make your first...
aman device information plugin aman_device_information_plugin # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This...
amap core amapcore # 高德地图组件 类型包 Getting Started # 地图组件的全部类定义包 支持web、android、ios
amap core fluttify amap_core_fluttify # 高德地图 公共组件.
amap flutter base amap_flutter_base # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project...
amap flutter location 前述 # 高德定位Flutter插件 登录高德开放平台官网分别申请Android端和iOS端的key 如需了解高德定位SDK的相关功能,请参阅Android定位SDK开发指南和iOS定位SDK开发指南 使用高德定位Flutter插件...
amap flutter map amap_flutter_map # 基于高德开放平台地图SDK的flutter插件 Usage # 使用Flutter插件,请参考在Flutter里使用Packages, 添加amap_flutter_map的引用 准备工作 #...
amap flutter search 前述 # 高德搜索Flutter插件 登录高德开放平台官网分别申请Android端和iOS端的key 如需了解高德搜索原生SDK的相关功能,请参阅Android搜索SDK开发指南和iOS搜索SDK开发指南 使用高德搜索Flutter插件...
amap flutter tools amap_flutter_tools # 基于高德地图sdk,集成导航、路线规划、定位、地图 # flutte amap tools plugin Getting Started #
amap location @@ -1,184 +1,14 @@ amap_location #
amap location muka amap_location # Flutter 高德定位插件 引入方式 # amap_location_muka: ^0.1.1 copied to...
amap map amap_map # 基于高德开放平台地图 SDK的 flutter 插件
amap map extensions amap_map_extensions # A new Flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
amap map lite amap_map # 基于高德开放平台地图SDK的flutter插件
amap search fluttify 高德地图 搜索组件 # 高德地图搜索组件. Dart接口基于Fluttify引擎生成. 接口文档. DEMO 与...
amap search utils 前述 # 高德搜索Flutter插件 登录高德开放平台官网分别申请Android端和iOS端的key 如需了解高德搜索原生SDK的相关功能,请参阅Android搜索SDK开发指南和iOS搜索SDK开发指南 使用高德搜索Flutter插件...
amap special amap_special # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
amap tools AMap tools # 一些高德地图的方法 基于高德地图 amap_flutter_map: ^3.0.0 工具方法 # ...
amap track fluttify 高德地图 猎鹰组件 Flutter插件 # demo apk下载 demo apk下载 demo apk下载 专业版为付费插件,有意请联系qq 382146139
amap view muka amap_view_muka # Flutter高德地图插件 引入方式 # amap_view_muka: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard
amap webservice AMap Web Service # A Flutter package that packaging amap web service.
amarcdn s4 AmarCDN SDK for Flutter # AmarCDN is a product of TongBari. We have started...
amaxdart amaxdart # A library for AMAX Node API It talks to the AMAX nodes...
amazing calendar amazing_calendar # This is a calendar widget that is designed in white-black themed UI...
amazingcard ##instalation add the latest version of package to your pubspec.yaml (and...
amazon cognito identity dart Amazon Cognito Identity SDK for Dart # Unofficial Amazon Cognito Identity SDK...