
Creator: coderz1093

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all bluetooth

all_bluetooth #
This is a flutter plugin for communicating with bluetooth devices.
Features #

connect to a bluetooth devices
returning a list of bonded devices is supported
retrieving the Bluetooth state (on/off) as either a future or a stream.
starting a bluetooth server
listening to the state of a bluetooth connection
listening for data across a bluetooth connection

Getting Started #
Add all_bluetooth as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file
all_bluetooth: ^<latest-version>
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Add these to your AndroidManifest.xml file and request the needed permissions. You can use the permission_handler package to request the needed permissions.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN" />
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Create an instance in your app
final allBluetooth = AllBluetooth
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Objects and classes

Bluetooth device: The package provides you with the object to easily manage bluetooth devices. It has the following fields

device name: String
device address: String
bonded state bool

ConnectionResult: This object tells you the state of your bluetooth connection. This object is what is emitted by the listenToConnection stream whenever your connection with another device change. It has the following fields:

state(bool) -> whether connected or not
response(String) -> the response message
device(BluetoothDevice?) -> the bluetooth device returned when connection is successful

import "package:all_bluetooth/all_bluetooth.dart";
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Usage #
Before starting, take note that most functions are only going to work only if there is a bluetooth connection available. So always make sure you are streaming for the bluetooth connection state with the listenForConnection stream which emits ConnectionResult.
Methods like listenToData and sendMessage can only work properly if there is a proper bluetooth connection. You can also add validation like checking whether bluetooth turned on/off by using the isBluetoothOn method or streamBluetoothState stream before trying to call any function.
Methods and Streams #

closeConnection: This function closes your Bluetooth connection with another device and release all resources that was taken by the bluetooth connection. This function is used to also close a bluetooth server

connectToDevice: This function is used to connect to another bluetooth device, using the other device's address. For this function to be successful, make sure the other device is connecting as a server because you connecting are the client

getBondedDevices: This function simply returns a list of BluetoothDevice that your phone have bonded to them before.


final devices = await allBluetooth.getBondedDevices();

BluetoothDevice(name:"Device 1", address:"DA:4V:10:CE:17:00),
BluetoothDevice(name:"Device 2", address:"DA:5V:10:CE:17:00),
BluetoothDevice(name:"Device 3", address:"DA:6V:10:CE:17:00),
BluetoothDevice(name:"Device 4", address:"DA:7V:10:CE:17:00),
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isBluetoothOn: This simply returns true if bluetooth is turned on and false if it is turned off

startBluetoothServer: This function is used to open a server socket if you want to connect as a server. The opened socket will keep listening for clients unless you explictly close the bluetooth server with closeConnection function. Use the listenForConnection to listen for clients.

startDiscovery: This function is used to start bluetooth discovery of unpaired or new devices. This function should be used together with [discoverNewDevices] stream in order in get discovered devices. If you are not getting the devices as expected, just call [stopDiscovery], and [startDiscovery] again.

stopDiscovery: Use this function to stop discovering.


It doesn't matter if you connect as client or server. Both parties can send and receive data.
It is just how connections are formed, one should start as client and the other as server.

If you want to know the result of (startBluetoothServer and connectToDevice), you should always use them together with listenForConnection stream, to know whether your connection was successful or not. This is because the success/failure result of bluetooth connections are not handled by the function itself but it is handled by a broadcast receiver which is separate.

You can refer to main.dart in the example tab for reference

sendMessage: This function returns true if successful and false if unsuccessful for a message sent

discoverDevices: This stream is used to listen for new bluetooth devices. In other words, this stream emits new bluetooth devices. Unlike the [getBondedDevices] function which returns a list of bluetooth devices, this stream emits one device at a time so you would want to store the device in a list when it is emitted. For instance
allBluetooth.discoverNewDevices.listen((device) {
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listenForConnection: This stream is used to listen for bluetooth connections. This connection contains the ConnectionResult, that is, the status, the response message of that connection, and if the connection was successful, there will also be a BluetoothDevice object also. It is best prefered if you wrapped your entire app with this stream in a stream builder

listenForData: The stream for listening for data/messages across a bluetooth connection. Make sure you use it with the listenForConnection stream so that you will be sure you are send across a proper connection

streamBluetoothState: This stream is used to listen to the state of your device's bluetooth, whether it is turned on/off.
If you change the state of your device bluetooth, this stream will emit a value corresponding to that state. So if you turn the bluetooth on, you get true and vice versa.

Contributions and support #

All contributions and issues are welcome.
Contact me at
If you want to contribute code, please create a pull request
If you find a bug or want a feature, please fill an issue


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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