
Creator: coderz1093

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almalak radio player

Flutter radio plugin handles a single streaming media preciously. This plugin was developed with maximum usage in mind.
Flutter Radio player enables Streaming audio content on both Android and iOS natively, as an added feature this plugin supports
background music play as well. This plugin also integrate deeply with both core media capabilities such as MediaSession on Android and
RemoteControl capabilities (Control Center) on iOS. This plugin also support controlling the player via both wearOS and WatchOS.
Features #

Supports both android and ios
Supports background music playing
Integrates well with watchOS and WearOS.
Handles network interruptions.
Developer friendly (Logs are placed though out the codebase, so it's easy to trace a bug)

Reactivity ? #
Unlike any other Music Playing plugin Flutter Radio Player is very reactive. It communicates with the native layer using Event and Streams, this
making the plugin very reactive to both Application (Flutter) side and the native side.
Plugin events #
This plugin utilises Android LocalBroadcaster and iOS Notification center for pushing out events. Names of the events are listed below.


Getting Started #

Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file

flutter_radio_player: ^1.X.X
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Install it

$ flutter pub get
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Import it

import 'package:almalak_radio_player/almalak_radio_player.dart';
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Configure it
Creat a new instance of the player. An FlutterRadioPlayer instance can play a
single audio stream at a time. To create it, simply call the constructor.
However DO NOT make multiple instances of the service as FRP is using a FOREGROUND SERVICE to keep itself
live when you minimize the application in Android.

FlutterRadioPlayer _flutterRadioPlayer = new FlutterRadioPlayer();
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When you have an FRP instance you may simply call the init method to invoke the platform specific player preparation.
For the API please reffer FRP API.
await _flutterRadioPlayer.init("Flutter Radio Example", "Live", "URL_HERE", "true");
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After player preparation you may simply call playOrPause method to toggle audio stream.
await _flutterRadioPlayer.playOrPause();
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FRP does allow you to change the URL after player initialized. You can simply change the stream url by calling setUrl on FRP object.
await _flutterRadioPlayer.setUrl('URL_HERE', "false");
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calling above method will cause the existing URL to pause and play the newly set URL. Please refer the FRP API for api documentation.
Besides above mentioned method, below are the methods that FRP exposes.

stop() - Will stop all the streaming audio streams and detaches itself from FOREGROUND SERVICE. You need to reinitialize to use the plugin again,

await _flutterRadioPlayer.stop()
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start() - Will start the audio stream using the initialized object.

await _flutterRadioPlayer.start()
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pause() - Will pause the audio stream using the initialized object.

await _flutterRadioPlayer.pause()
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Now that's not all. This plugin handles almost everything for you when it comes to playing a single stream of audio. From Player meta details to network interruptions,
FRP handles it all with a sweat. Please refer the example to get an idea about what FRP can do.
iOS and Android Support #
If the plugin is failing to initiate, kindly make sure your permission for background processes are given for your application
For your Android application you might want to add permissions in AndroidManifest.xml. This is already added for in the library level.
<!-- Permissions for the plugin -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

<!-- Services for the plugin -->
<application android:usesCleartextTraffic="true">
<service android:name=".core.StreamingCore"/>
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For your iOS application you need to enable it like this

Support #
Please hit a like to plugin on pub if you used it and love it. put a ⭐️ my GitHub repo and show me some ♥️ so i can keep working on this.
Found a bug ? #
Please feel free to throw in a pull request. Any support is warmly welcome.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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