
Creator: coderz1093

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alice get connect

AliceGetConnect is a Flutter library that enables seamless integration
between the HTTP Inspector library
and the HTTP Networking library get_connect from GetX.
Features #

Detailed logs for each HTTP call (HTTP Request, HTTP Response)
Inspector UI for viewing HTTP calls
Statistics tracking
Error handling capabilities
HTTP call search functionality
Bubble overlay entry support
Support for GetConnect from GetX
Handle connection timeout

Usage #

Create AliceGetConnect instance

AliceGetConnect alice = AliceGetConnect();
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Since GetConnect does not have a callback for handling connection timeouts, AliceGetConnect will by default consider a request timeout if it exceeds 30 seconds. You can also set the timeout by configuring the time parameters at initialization
AliceGetConnect alice = AliceGetConnect(
timeout: const Duration(seconds: 60)
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You can also use it to set the timeout in getConnect
httpClient.timeout = alice.timeout;
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Add navigator key to GetMaterialApp

GetMaterialApp(navigatorKey: alice.getNavigatorKey(), home: ...);
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You need to add this navigator key in order to show inspector UI. You can use also your navigator key in Alice:
AliceGetConnect(navigatorKey: _navKey);
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Add OverlaySupport in GetMaterialApp

because AliceGetConnect uses bubble overlay, add OverlaySupport in GetMaterialApp GetMaterialApp(...));
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Add Request & Response Modifier

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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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