
Creator: coderz1093

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aliexpress sdk

Aliexpress SDK written in dart. Used to call Aliexpress APIs. Built-in signed hash and different request methods (POST, GET) to call API. Based on the aliexpress python sdk.
Features #
Calls Aliexpress APIs in dart package. Generates hashes for request authentication.
Usage #
Start by importing the library
import "package:aliexpress_sdk/aliexpress_sdk.dart";
copied to clipboard
Example Usage:
final client = IopClient("", 'your_app_key', 'your_app_secret');
final request = IopRequest('/auth/token/create');
request.addParam("code", "3_508156_0B6q8xRJgGk4iSTVqmhSSaKC566");
request.addParam('uuid', 'uuid');
final response = await client.execute(request);
copied to clipboard
Additional information #
Examples are found in the example folder


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