ahgora api Ahgora API # Unofficial Dart API for Ahgora. About # This is...
aho corasick trie The second-worst Aho-Corasick implementation on pub.dev. Usage # AhoCorasick.from(['b', 'ab', 'e'])...
ahs flutter router
ah widgets ah_widgets # Kumpulan widgets buat kamu Cara menggunakan # Install package #
ai amap ai_amap # English Document
ai amap platform interface ai_amap_platform_interface # A new Flutter package about ai_amap platform interface. Getting...
ai amap web ai_amap_web # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
ai awesome message ai_awesome_message | AiAwesomeMessage # A new Awesome message widget that is sames to...
ai barcode ai_barcode # English Document
ai barcode platform interface ai_barcode_platform_interface # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started #...
ai barcode scanner ai_barcode_scanner # Screenshots # ...
ai barcode web ai_barcode_web # support "ai_barcode" plugin web platform, see more ai_barcode
ai blue tooth print interface ai_blue_tooth_print_interface # ai_blue_tooth_print interface package. Getting Started # This...
ai blue tooth print web ai_blue_tooth_print_web # bluetooth,bluetooth print,printer,bluetooth print library package on web platform of...
ai clock Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
ai color Name # AIColor # Description # This is a package that will...
ai commit ai_commit # ...
a icons test aguila_icons # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
aidocs flutter view AIDocs Flutter View # This is a Flutter view for the docs....
ai function Defines the annotations used by ai_function_generator to create code automatically with GPT-4. For details...
ai function generator How to use ai_function_generator # 1. Prepare your machine # ...
ai image generator flutter_ai_generator # INIT # void main() async { AiImageGenerator.init( key:...
ail auth Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
ailext Kod yazmayı kısaltan ve basitleştiren küçük kestirmeler Features # Bişiler. Getting started #
ailink ailink # ##中文 AiLink broadcast scale data decryption and body fat algorithm Flutter library.
ailink food probe ailink_food_probe # ##中文 AiLink probe and probe box protocol data processing Flutter...
ai load status ai_load_status # English...
ai notification enable ai_notification_enable # English...
aiprise flutter sdk AiPrise Flutter SDK # AiPrise offers identity verification and AML services in the...
ai profanity textfield ai_profanity_textfield # A Flutter package for a TextField widget with built-in AI-powered profanity...
ai progress ai_progress # English Document
airbridge flutter sdk Airbridge Flutter SDK # Airbridge SDK for Flutter More infos #...
airbridge flutter sdk restricted Airbridge Flutter SDK # Airbridge SDK for Flutter More infos #
air brother air_brother # A Flutter SDK for scanning using the Brother Scanners. Android Support...
air design air_design # A new air design Flutter package. Getting Started # This...
airex flutter plugin airex_flutter_plugin # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
airia box 开发过程中 积累的感觉不错一些功能代码 可以在不同项目之间共享 免去了每次创建项目都需要复制过来的步骤
airkiss dart airkiss_dart[nullsafety] # A dart wechat airkiss lib to config IOT device from...
airoute Airoute | 爱路由 # English...
airpay Airpay Example # Shows how to use the Airpay plugin. Getting Started #...
airpay emar package Airpay EMAR SDK Package # Airpay EMAR Flutter plugin for payment integeration with...
airpay example Airpay Example # Shows how to use the Airpay plugin. Getting Started #
airpay flutter package ___# Airpay Flutter Airpay Flutter plugin for payment integeration. Usage #...
airpay package Airpay Flutter # Airpay Flutter plugin for payment integeration. Usage # Add...
airplane mode checker AirplaneModeChecker # A Flutter plugin allows you to check...
airplane mode detection airplane_mode_detection # A Flutter Plugin for Detecting the Airplane Mode in...
airportinfo AirportInfo # Library for retrieving data from the Airport Info API by Active...
air quality Air Quality Index # Collects air quality index from the World's Air Quality Index...
air quality waqi Air Quality Index # Collects air quality index from the World's Air Quality...
airship flutter Airship Flutter # A Flutter plugin for Airship's iOS and Android SDK. Resources...
airtable icons Airtable Icons # Unofficial Flutter package for Airtable UI Kit icons. Airtable...
airwallex Airwallex # [] (https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/airwallex) A plugin to deal with Airwallex platform on Flutter...
airwatch socket workaround airwatch_socket_workaround # This plugin has been created to enable flutter apps to reach...
aiscript AiScript for Dart # AiScript parser and interpreter for...
ai sdk AI_SDK # Coming soon
aisha AI Voice Chat Package # This Flutter package allows you to create a seamless voice...
ai sun ai_sun # ai_sum about use CustomPainter painter sun package. ...
ai text ai_text # 默认情况下:当一行有多个不同尺寸的Text时,会发现多个Text无法对其在一条线上。 AiText可实现一行的多个Text对其在同一条线上...
ajanuw http A http interceptor in dart # Install # dependencies: ajanuw_http: copied...
aj captcha flutter aj_captcha_flutter # flutter 滑动验证码与文字点击验证码组件 后端采用的是 https://github.com/anji-plus/captcha Getting Started # //项目启动时设置接口地址
aj image editor Image Editor Welcome to the Image Editor - your go-to tool for unleashing...
ajlocation ajlocation # Plugin to allow you get users location for iOS and Android. You can...
aj text editor Text Editor Welcome to the The AJ text editor provides you with complete...
ajwah bloc ajwah_bloc # A dart package that helps implement the BLoC pattern. Every StateController has...
ajwah bloc test ajwah_bloc_test # A Dart package that makes testing ajwah_bloc easy. Built to work...
ak ads plugin ak_ads_plugin # This Flutter package facilitates seamless integration of ads into your projects.
akar icons flutter akar_icons_flutter # The Akar Icons Icon pack available as set of Flutter Icons.
aki calendar date time picker AKI Calendar DateTime Picker # A lightweight and calendar...
aki datetime picker AKI DateTime Picker # A lightweight and cupertino date time picker.
ako Ako Flutter Widgets # Ako is a collection of generic Flutter widgets, extensions and utilities.
ako core Ako Core # Ako Core is a collection of generic Flutter widgets, extensions and...
ako map Ako Map # Ako Map is an Ako Core extension module for the OpenStreetMap...
ako optional Ako Optional # Ako Optional is an Ako Core extension module for the Optional...
akram full Copy Akram 2023 Tell users more about the package: where to find more information, how...
aksara jawa Aksara Jawa # Translating latin to aksarajawa or aksarajawa to latin # Usage...
ak tiny image 基于tiny image的无损图片压缩工具 # 功能说明: # 使用该工具包可以实现项目内指定目录下所有图片的压缩 可以记录以前项目中旧图片不做压缩 压缩后的图片会有压缩记录下次压缩不会重复压缩
ak tiny img 基于tiny image的无损图片压缩工具 # **注意 “ak_tiny_img” 是测试上传的项目请使用“ak_tiny_image”**后续不再更新 # 功能说明: # ...
akvelon flutter share plugin Flutter Share Plugin # A Flutter plugin for both iOS and Android...
akwap akwap # A database of Uganda's districts, counties, sub-counties, parishes and villages, complete with full...
alan3 Alan3.dart is forked from Alan.dart and add custom features. Alan.dart is a pure Dart package...
alarm 🏆 Winner of the 2023 OnePub Community Choice Awards. Alarm plugin for iOS and Android...
alarm calendar alarm_calendar # 一款ios,Android 的日历提醒flutter插件 ios注意事项 # 需要添加以下权限...
alarmplayer alarmplayer # alarmplayer is a very simple plugin to play sounds with their own volume,...
alarm widget A Flutter plugin for showing an alarm widget, allowing you to select a specific time...
alatpay flutter AlatPay Payment SDK # The AlatPayFlutter class is a flutter widget that allows you...
albiruni A wrapper to easily access IIUM's Course Schedule website data. Thank you @PlashSpeed-Aiman for the...
album saver Album saver plugin for Flutter # A Flutter plugin for iOS and Android for...
alchemist 🧙🏼 Alchemist Developed with 💙 by Very Good Ventures 🦄 and...
alchemist test reporter Alchemist Test Reporter # Special Golden Test Runner to report golden test results
alchemy web3 Alchemy An Alchemy Platform client for Flutter & Dart ...
al downloader al_downloader # A URL-based flutter downloader that supports to download any type...
alert flutter-alert # A Flutter plugin for showing native alert dialog in IOS and Toast messages...
alert banner 🔥 A powerful & beautiful alert banner that animates a message to the user 🔥...
alert box alert_box # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
alert box flutter Custom alert box will help to create custom alert box. Features #...
alert craft alert_craft # alert_craft is a Flutter package for managing various types of overlays and...
alert dialog Alert Dialog # Alert Dialog Widget for Flutter(JS-LIKE). https://pub.dev/packages/alert_dialog Installation...
alert dialog box This plugin is used for open a dialog box within your project, you only...
alert dialog example s Example # it is a simple example of how to use the...
alert feed page alert_feed_page # Installation # If the juneflow project doesn't exist,...
alert notification AlertNotification # This package shows a simple alert for all the information your user...
alert system alert_system # A Flutter plugin project for displaying alert messages. Description...
alert tool alert_tool # A flutter plugin imitates iOS style pop-up window,Provide a variety of highly...
alexa web api A Dart-JavaScript interoperability for Alexa Web API for Games. Alexa Web API for Games...
alex core A core plugin for develop Flutter project fast Include Widgets what is used regularly
alexets alexets # An ever growing personal collection of frequently used widgets & utilities for Flutter.
alex ui alex_ui # Test UI package using M3 dynamic colors Getting started #...
alexv525 A CLI with an entrypoint in bin/, and library code in lib/.
alfa vector mbtiles VectorMBTiles # VectorMB Tiles is a Flutter plugin for working with Mapbox Vector...
alfred Alfred # A performant, expressjs like web server / rest api framework thats easy to...
alfredito alfredito # An extension on the Alfred package that includes helpers...
alfred workflow Alfred Workflow # A helper library in Dart for authors of workflows for Alfred.
algeria Features # for now only [Algeria.cites] and [Algeria.states] is available.
alghwalbi awesome popup alghwalbi_awesome_popup Package # It creates a popup widget with various properties using a...
alghwalbi core alghwalbi_core # alghwalbi_core is a Flutter package designed to simplify state management and provide...
alghwalbi easy router Demo Videos # alghwalbi_easy_router # Experience effortless navigation...
alghwalbi images converter alghwalbi_images_converter Package # It is A Package to convert between Images extensions by...
alghwalbi prompter cli alghwalbi_prompter_cli # It is A Package to create CLI wizard in Easy way
algo360pfm algo360pfm # Flutter plugin for algo360PFM SDK algo360pfm # Flutter plugin for algo360pfm...
algo360sdk algo360sdk # Flutter plugin for algo360SDK algo360sdk # Flutter plugin for algo360sdk on...
algo angle algo_angle # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
algolia client core Algolia API Client Core Streamline your interactions with the...
algolia client insights Algolia Insights API Client The Algolia Insights API lets...
algolia client search Algolia Search API Client The Algolia Search API Client...
algolia helper flutter Provides patterns and APIs that make it possible to customize search experiences at a...
algoliasearch The perfect starting point to integrate Algolia within your Dart project ...
algorand dart algorand-dart # Algorand is...
algorand json algorand-json # Algorand is...
algorand msgpack msgpack_dart # MessagePack implementation for dart. Clean, simple, fast and with sane API...
algorithms for flutter Features # My package is a simple one, containing a multitude of various...
alh calendar With this Widget, you can build a custom calendar. Index # ...
alh pdf view With this widget, you can display a PDF with bytes or a path....
alh pdf view android alh_pdf_view_android # The Android implementation of alh_pdf_view.
alh pdf view ios alh_pdf_view_ios # The iOS implementation of alh_pdf_view.
alh pdf view platform interface alh_pdf_view_platform_interface # The platform interface of alh_pdf_view. In this package,...
ali auth 🔵 国际化 # 中文文档 | English 这是一个阿里云号码认证服务中的一键登录的插件 由于项目的其他功能都采用阿里云的服务,在一键登录的功能上也采用阿里云利于后期的更好维护。 本插件免费开源,高定制,如果在使用中有什么问题,欢迎反馈,如果觉得本插件还不够好可以提供您的宝贵意见, 如果你想在自己项目中定制,请将本插件clone为本地进行修改,但是通过本插件进行修改后发布其他版本的插件也欢迎,
ali auth fplus ali_auth #
ali auth person ali_auth_person # flutter-阿里云金融级实人认证--上传身份证反正面-人脸识别 Getting Started # This project is a starting...
ali auth person android ali_auth_person # flutter-阿里云金融级实人认证--上传身份证反正面-人脸识别 Getting Started # This project is a...
ali auth person interface