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agar:with agar you can use if.
Features #
you can use agar(dynamic firstValue,String operator,dynamic secondValue) and it return true or false
you can use agarWidget(dynamic firstValue,String operator,dynamic secondValue,Widget trueWidget,Widget falseWidget), and it return falseWidget or trueWidget
you can use agarVoid(firstValue, operator, secondValue, () { }, () { }) and it call a function
Usage #
first of all use import 'package:agar/agar.dart';
after that you can use agar or agarWidget
example 1 :
it return true
and you can use '=' , '!=' , '<=' , '>=' , '<' , '>' operator
example 2 :
agarWidget('kawa', '=', 'kawa', Text('it is true'), Text('it is false')),
it return a text widget which has 'it is true' value
and you can use '=' , '!=' , '<=' , '>=' , '<' , '>' operator
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