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agora chat callkit

Get Started with Agora Chat CallKit for Flutter #
agora_chat_callkit is a video and audio component library built on top of agora_chat_sdk and agora_rtc_engine. It provides logical modules for making and receiving calls, including one-to-one voice calls, one-to-one video calls, group audio calls, and group video calls. It uses agora_chat_sdk to handle call invitations and negotiations. After negotiations are complete, the ChatCallKitManager.setRTCTokenHandler callback is triggered, and the Agora RTC token needs to be returned. The Agora RTC token must be provided by the developer.
Understand the tech #
For a call, the call invitation is implemented via Agora Chat, while the call is made through Agora RTC. As the accounts of Agora RTC and Agora Chat are not globally recognizable at present, the accounts need to be mapped via the ChatCallKitManager.setUserMapperHandler callback in agora_chat_callkit. When a user joins the call, the Agora RTC user ID (UID) will be returned via the callback. After you get the corresponding Agora Chat user ID, you need to return it to agora_chat_callkit. If there is no mapping between the two user IDs, the call will not proceed properly. See ChatCallKitUserMapper.
This section describes how to implement a one-to-one call or group call.
The `ChatCallKitManager.initRTC` method is called before a call is made or answered.
The basic process for implementing a one-to-one audio or video call is as follows:

The caller calls the ChatCallKitManager.startSingleCall method to invite the callee to join the call.
The callee receives the call invitation through the ChatCallKitObserver.onReceiveCall callback and handles the call:

To answer the call, the callee calls the ChatCallKitManager.answer method. The other party receives the ChatCallKitObserver.onUserJoined event and the call starts.
To hang up the call, the callee calls the ChatCallKitManager.releaseRTC method. The other party receives the ChatCallKitObserver.onCallEnd event.

The basic process for implementing a group audio or video call is as follows:

The caller calls the ChatCallKitManager.startInviteUsers method to invite multiple users to join the call.
The callee receives the call invitation through the ChatCallKitObserver.onReceiveCall event and handles the call:

To answer the call, the callee calls the ChatCallKitManager.answer method. The other parties receive the ChatCallKitObserver.onUserJoined event and the call starts.
To hang up the call, the callee calls the ChatCallKitManager.releaseRTC method. Group calls do not end automatically, and therefore the users need to call this method to hang up the call.

When users join or leave the call, the UI should be modified accordingly.
Prerequisites #
In order to follow the procedure in this page, you must have the following:

A valid Agora account
An Agora project with an App Key that has enabled the Chat service

If your target platform is iOS, your development environment must meet the following requirements:

Flutter 3.3.0 or later
Dart >=3.0.0 <4.0.0
Xcode 12.4 or later with Xcode Command Line Tools
An iOS simulator or a real iOS device running iOS 10.0 or later

If your target platform is Android, your development environment must meet the following requirements:

Flutter 3.3.0 or later
Dart >=3.0.0 <4.0.0
macOS or Windows
Android Studio 4.0 or later with JDK 1.8 or later
An Android simulator or a real Android device running Android SDK API level 21 or later

You can run flutter doctor to see if there are any platform dependencies you need to complete the setup.
Project setup #
Add the dependencies #
Add the following dependencies in pubspec.yaml:
agora_chat_sdk: 1.2.0
agora_rtc_engine: 6.2.6
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Add project permissions #
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<!-- The Agora SDK requires Bluetooth permissions in case users are using Bluetooth devices.-->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK"/>
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Add the following lines to info.plist:


Privacy - Microphone Usage Description
For microphone access

Privacy - Camera Usage Description
For camera access

Prevent code obfuscation #
In the example/android/app/ file, add the following lines to prevent code obfuscation:
-keep class com.hyphenate.** {*;}
-dontwarn com.hyphenate.**
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Implement audio and video calling #
You need to make sure that the Agora Chat SDK is initialized before calling ChatCallKit and ChatCallKit widget at the top of your widget tree. You can add it in the MaterialApp builder.
import 'package:agora_chat_callkit/agora_chat_callkit.dart';

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
const MyApp({super.key});

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
title: 'Flutter Demo',
theme: ThemeData(
builder: (context, child){
return ChatCallKit(
agoraAppId: <--Add Your Agora App Id Here-->,
child: child!,
home: const MyHomePage(title: 'Flutter Demo'),
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Add the Agora token callback #
Agora RTC needs a token and a channel ID to join a channel. Therefore, the two parameters are required when agora_chat_callkit is used. agora_chat_callkit gets the two parameters from the ChatCallKitManager.setRTCTokenHandler callback.
// channel: The channel to join.
// agoraAppId: The Agora app ID.
// agoraUid: The user ID (UID) of Agora RTC.
ChatCallKitManager.setRTCTokenHandler((channel, agoraAppId, agoraUid) {
// agoraToken: The token of the Agora RTC user.
// agoraUid: The user ID of Agora RTC.
return Future(() => {agoraToken, agoraUid});
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Add the user mapping callback #
Set the callback of the mapping between the Agora RTC user ID and Agora Chat user ID.
// channel: The channel to which the Agora RTC user ID belongs.
// agoraUid: The Agora RTC user ID that corresponds to the Agora Chat user ID.
ChatCallKitManager.setUserMapperHandler((channel, agoraUid) {
// channel: The channel to which the Agora RTC user ID belongs.
// agoraUid: The Agora RTC user ID that corresponds to the Agora Chat user ID.
// userId: The Agora Chat user ID that corresponds to the Agora RTC user ID.
return Future(() => ChatCallKitUserMapper(channel, {agoraUid, userId}));
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Listen for callback events #
Add a ChatCallKitObserver observer by using the ChatCallKitManager.addObserver(this) method. Call ChatCallKitManager.removeObserver(this); to remove the observer when not in use.
class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> with ChatCallKitObserver {
void initState() {

void dispose() {
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ChatCallKitObserver is described as follows:
abstract mixin class ChatCallKitObserver {
/// Callback when the call fails, See [ChatCallKitError].

void onError(ChatCallKitError error) {}

/// Callback when the call ends, See [ChatCallKitCallEndReason].

void onCallEnd(String? callId, ChatCallKitCallEndReason reason) {}

/// Callback when you receive a call invitation.

void onReceiveCall(
String userId,
String callId,
ChatCallKitCallType callType,
Map<String, String>? ext,
) {}

/// Callback when the current user joins the call.

void onJoinedChannel(String channel) {}

/// Callback when an active user leaves.

void onUserLeaved(int agoraUid, String? userId) {}

/// Callback when a user joins a call.

void onUserJoined(int agoraUid, String? userId) {}

/// Callback when the peer's mute status changes.

void onUserMuteAudio(int agoraUid, bool muted) {}

/// Callback when the peer's camera status changes.

void onUserMuteVideo(int agoraUid, bool muted) {}

/// Callback when the user rejects the call or the call times out.

void onUserRemoved(
String callId, String userId, ChatCallKitCallEndReason reason) {}

/// Callback when the call is answered.

void onAnswer(String callId) {}

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final void Function(ChatCallKitError error)? onError
Occurs when the call fails. For example, the callee fails to join the channel or the call invitation fails to be sent. The operator receives the event. This event is applicable to one-to-one calls and group calls. See ChatCallKitError.

final void Function(String? callId, ChatCallKitCallEndReason reason)? onCallEnd
Occurs when the call ends. This event is applicable only to one-to-one calls. Both the caller and callee receive this event. See ChatCallKitCallEndReason.

final void Function(int agoraUid, String? userId)? onUserLeaved
Occurs when an active user leaves. This event is applicable only to group calls. All other users in the call receive this event. In this event, agoraUid indicates the Agora RTC user ID and userId indicates the Agora Chat user ID.

final void Function(int agoraUid, String? userId)? onUserJoined
Occurs when a user joins a call. The user that joins the call receives this event. This event is applicable only to group calls. In this event, agoraUid indicates the Agora RTC user ID and userId indicates the Agora Chat user ID.

final void Function(String channel)? onJoinedChannel
Occurs when the current user joins the call. This event is applicable only to group calls. All other users in the call receive this event. In this event, channel indicates the channel ID.

final void Function(String callId)? onAnswer
Occurs when the call is answered. This event is applicable only to one-to-one calls. Both the caller and callee receive this event.

final void Function(String userId, String callId, ChatCallKitCallType callType, Map<String, String>? ext)? onReceiveCall
Occurs when a call invitation is received. This event is applicable to both one-to-one calls and groups calls. The callee receives this event. In this event, userId indicates the Agora Chat user ID of the caller, callId indicates the ID of the current call, and callType indicates the current call type. See ChatCallKitCallType.

final void Function(int agoraUid, bool muted)? onUserMuteAudio
Occurs when the microphone status of the peer user changes. This event is applicable to both one-to-one calls and groups calls. The peer user in one-to-one calls or other users in group calls receive this event. In this event, agoraUid indicates the Agora RTC user ID of the peer user and muted indicates whether the peer microphone is muted or not.

final void Function(int agoraUid, bool muted)? onUserMuteVideo
Occurs when the camera status of the peer user changes. This event is applicable to both one-to-one calls and groups calls. The peer user in one-to-one calls or other users in group calls receive this event. In this event, agoraUid indicates the Agora RTC user ID of the peer user and muted indicates whether the peer camera is disabled or not.

final void Function(String callId, String userId, ChatCallKitCallEndReason reason)? onUserRemoved
Occurs when the callee rejects the call or the call times out. This event is applicable only to groups calls. The caller receives this event. In this event, callId indicates the current call ID, userId indicates the Agora Chat user ID of the callee, and reason indicates the hangup reason. See ChatCallKitCallEndReason.

Start a call #
Before making or answering a call, you need to first call the ChatCallKitManager.initRTC method to initialize Agora RTC.
Start a one-to-one call
Call the ChatCallKitManager.startSingleCall method to make a one-to-one call. This method returns the callId parameter which can be used by the caller to hang up the call. The callee receives the onReceiveCall event.
await ChatCallKitManager.initRTC();
try {
// userId: The Agora Chat user ID of the callee.
// type: The call type, which can be `ChatCallKitCallType.audio_1v1` or `ChatCallKitCallType.video_1v1`.
String callId = await ChatCallKitManager.startSingleCall(
type: ChatCallKitCallType.audio_1v1,
} on ChatCallKitError catch (e) {
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Start a group call
To make a group call, you can call the await ChatCallKitManager.startInviteUsers method to invite users to join
the call. This method returns the callId parameter which can be used by the caller to hang up the call. The callees receive the onReceiveCall event.
await ChatCallKitManager.initRTC();
try {
// userList: The Agora Chat user IDs of the callees.
String callId = await ChatCallKitManager.startInviteUsers(userList);
} on ChatCallKitError catch (e) {
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Receive a call #
To listen for the received call invitation, the users need to first add a ChatCallKitObserver observer by using the ChatCallKitManager.addObserver(this); method. Call ChatCallKitManager.removeObserver(this); to remove the observer when not in use.
In either a one-to-one call or group call, once a call invitation is sent, the callee receives the invitation in the onReceiveCall callback. The audio or video page can be displayed, depending on the call type.
class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> with ChatCallKitObserver {
void initState() {

void onReceiveCall(
String userId,
String callId,
ChatCallKitCallType callType,
Map<String, String>? ext,
) async {
// show receive call page.

void dispose() {
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The callee needs to choose whether to answer or reject the call:

To answer a call, call the ChatCallKitManager.initRTC method first and then the answer method.

In a one-to-one call, both the caller and callee receive the onAnswer event. In a group call, the new user that joins the call receives the onUserJoined event and other users in the call receive the onJoinedChannel event.
await ChatCallKitManager.initRTC();
try {
// callId: The call ID which can be obtained from the onReceiveCall callback.
await ChatCallKitManager.answer(callId);
} on ChatCallKitError catch (e) {
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To reject the call, call the ChatCallKitManager.releaseRTC method:

For a one-to-one call, the caller receives the onError event. For a group call, other users than the callee receive the onUserRemoved event.
try {
// callId: The call ID which can be obtained via the `onReceiveCall` callback.
await ChatCallKitManager.hangup(callId);
} on ChatCallKitError catch (e) {
await ChatCallKitManager.releaseRTC();
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End the call #
A one-to-one call ends as soon as one of the two users hangs up, while a group call ends only after the local user hangs up.
For a one-to-one call, either the caller or callee can call the ChatCallKitManager.releaseRTC method to end the call. When one party ends the call, the other party receives the onCallEnd event.
For a group call, when a user calls the ChatCallKitManager.releaseRTC method to leave a call, other users in the call receive the onUserLeaved event.
Next steps #
Turn on or off the speaker #
You can call the ChatCallKitManager.speakerOn or ChatCallKitManager.speakerOff method to turn on or turn off the speaker during a call.
await ChatCallKitManager.speakerOn();
await ChatCallKitManager.speakerOff();
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Mute or unmute the microphone #
You can call the ChatCallKitManager.mute or ChatCallKitManager.unMute method to mute or unmute the microphone during a call. When the microphone status changes, the peer user in the one-to-one call or other users in the group call receive the ChatCallKitObserver.onUserMuteAudio event.
await ChatCallKitManager.mute();
await ChatCallKitManager.unMute();
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Turn on or off the camera #
You can call the ChatCallKitManager.cameraOn or ChatCallKitManager.cameraOff method to turn on or turn off the camera. The peer user in the one-to-one call or other users in the group call receive the ChatCallKitObserver.onUserMuteVideo event.
await ChatCallKitManager.cameraOn();
await ChatCallKitManager.cameraOff();
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Switch the camera #
You can call the ChatCallKitManager.switchCamera method to switch the front and rear cameras.
await ChatCallKitManager.switchCamera();
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Get the local preview view #
When making a one-to-one video call or group call, you can call the ChatCallKitManager.getLocalVideoView method to obtain the local camera preview widget.
Widget? localPreviewWidget = ChatCallKitManager.getLocalVideoView();
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Get the remote video view #
During a one-to-one video call or group call, if a user joins the call, you can call the ChatCallKitManager.getRemoteVideoView method to obtain the video widget of this user.
// agoraUid: The Agora RTF user ID of a user in the call.
Widget? remoteVideoWidget = ChatCallKitManager.getRemoteVideoView(agoraUid);
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Delete the listener handler #
You can call the ChatCallKitManager.removeObserver(this); method to remove callbacks when the callkit is no longer needed.
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Push notifications #
In scenarios where the app runs on the background or goes offline, use push notifications to ensure that the callee receives the call invitation. To enable push notifications, see Set up push notifications.
Once push notifications are enabled, when a call invitation arrives, a notification message pops out on the notification panel. Users can click the message to view the call invitation.
Reference #
API list #
This section provides other reference information that you can refer to when implementing real-time audio and video communications functionalities.
In agora_chat_callkit, ChatCallKitManager provides the following APIs:


Adds an event listener.

Removes an event listener.

Initializes the Agora RTC.

Makes a one-to-one call.

Invites users to join a group call.

Answers a call.

Rejects a call or hangs up a call.

Turns on the speaker.

Turns off the speaker.

Mutes the microphone.

Unmutes the microphone.

Turns on the camera.

Turns off the camera.

Switches the front and rear cameras.

Gets the local video view.

Gets the remote video view.

ChatCallKitObserver contains call-related events. For details, see [Listen for callback events](#Listen for callback events).
Sample project #
If demo is required, configure the following information in the example/lib/config.dart file:
class Config {
static String agoraAppId = "";
static String appkey = "";

static String appServerDomain = "";

static String appServerRegister = '';
static String appServerGetAgoraToken = '';

static String appServerTokenURL = "";
static String appServerUserMapperURL = "";
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To obtain the Agora RTC token, you need to set up an [App Server](./authentication#Deploy an app server to generate tokens) and provide a mapping service for the agora user ID and the Agora Chat user ID.


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