
Creator: coderz1093

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advanced media picker

Advanced Media Picker #
Advanced Media Picker Package for Flutter
Getting Started #
This plugin displays a gallery with user's Albums and Photos with ability to take photo and video.
Prepare for use #
Configure native platforms #
Minimum platform versions:
Android 16, iOS 9.0, macOS 10.15.

Android: Android config preparation.
iOS: iOS config preparation.
macOS: Pretty much the same with iOS.

Android config preparation
Kotlin, Gradle, AGP
We ship this plugin with Kotlin 1.7.22.
If your projects use a lower version of Kotlin/Gradle/AGP,
please upgrade them to a newer version.
More specifically:

Upgrade your Gradle version (
to 7.5.1 or the latest version.
Upgrade your Kotlin version (ext.kotlin_version)
to 1.7.22 or the latest version.
Upgrade your AGP version (
to 7.2.2 or the latest version.

Android 10 (Q, 29)
If you're not setting your compileSdkVersion or targetSdkVersion to 29,
you can skip this section.
On Android 10, Scoped Storage was introduced,
which causes the origin resource file not directly
inaccessible through it file path.
If your compileSdkVersion or targetSdkVersion is 29,
you can consider adding android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true"
to your AndroidManifest.xml in order to obtain resources:

<manifest xmlns:android="" package="com.example">

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" android:maxSdkVersion="32" />
<!-- Devices running Android 13 (API level 33) or higher -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_IMAGES" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_VIDEO" />
<!-- To handle the reselection within the app on devices running Android 14
or higher if your app targets Android 14 (API level 34) or higher. -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_VISUAL_USER_SELECTED" />

<application android:label="example" android:icon="@mipmap/ic_launcher"
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Note: Apps that are using the flag will be rejected from the Google Play.
iOS config preparation
Define the NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription , NSCameraUsageDescription
and NSMicrophoneUsageDescription
key-value in the ios/Runner/Info.plist:
<string>In order to access your photo library</string>
<string>your usage description here</string>
<string>your usage description here</string>
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Usage #
Request for permission #
This plugin requires the user's permission to access the media library and camera .
You should handle cases where the user denies the permission request.
Limited entities access
Limited entities access on iOS
With iOS 14 released, Apple brought a "Limited Photos Library" permission
( to iOS.
To suppress the automatic prompting from the system
when each time you access the media after the app has restarted,
you can set the Prevent limited photos access alert key to YES
in your app's Info.plist (or manually writing as below):
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Limited entities access on Android
Android 14 (API 34) has also introduced the concept of limited assets similar to iOS.
However, there is a slight difference in behavior (based on the emulator):
On Android, the access permission to a certain resource cannot be revoked once it is granted,
even if it hasn't been selected when using presentLimited in future actions.
Usage #

Add the plugin to your pubspec.yaml file:

advanced_media_picker: ^0.0.1
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Import the plugin in your Dart code:

import 'package:advanced_media_picker/advanced_media_picker.dart';
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Use the plugin in your Dart code:

final List<XFile> result =
await AdvancedMediaPicker.openPicker(
context: context,
style: PickerStyle(),
cameraStyle: CameraStyle(),
allowedTypes: PickerAssetType.image,
maxVideoDuration: 60,
selectionLimit: 10,
showCamera : true,
videoCamera : true,
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Parameters #

context: The BuildContext of the widget.
style: The PickerStyle object to customize the picker.

BorderRadius borderRadius;
BorderRadius itemsBorderRadius;
Color backgroundColor;
Color textColor;
Color selectIconBackgroundColor;
Border selectIconBorder;
Widget selectIcon;
Widget cameraIcon;
bool isNeedDragIndicator;
Color dragIndicatorColor;
EdgeInsets mainPadding;
Color shimmerBaseColor;
Color shimmerHighlightColor;
Color dividerColor;
Alignment selectIconAlignment;
BoxDecoration selectedFolderDecoration;
BoxDecoration unselectedFolderDecoration;
BoxDecoration cameraContainerDecoration;
Color selectedFolderTextColor;
Color unselectedFolderTextColor;
/// A function that returns a boolean value from your custom alert dialog.
bool Function()? showCustomAlert;
Widget? completeWidget;
Widget? typeSelectionWidget;
double bottomPadding;
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cameraStyle: The CameraStyle object to customize the camera.

Widget cameraCloseIcon;
Widget takePictureIcon;
Widget chooseCameraIcon;
Widget cameraBackButton;
Widget cameraAddMediaButton;
Widget cameraDeleteMediaButton;
Widget cameraSelectedMediaButton;
Widget videoIcon;
Widget flipCameraIcon;
String finishButtonTitle;
TextStyle finishButtonStyle;
EdgeInsets finishButtonPadding;
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allowedTypes: The PickerAssetType enum to allow the user to select.

enum PickerAssetType {
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bool isNeedToShowCamera = true,
bool isNeedVideoCamera = true,
int maxVideoDuration = -1,
List<String> fileSelectorAllowedTypes = const <String>['pdf', 'doc'],
/// The maximum number of files that can be selected in the picker.
/// If the value is -1, it means that there is no limit to the number of files that can be selected.
int selectionLimit = 3,
PickerController? controller,
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Screenshots / Demo #

Plugins #
This package is currently extended with the following plugins.
Instructions on how to use them in your own application are linked below.







For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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