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aeyrium sensor

Flutter Aeyrium Sensor Plugin #
Aeyrium Sensor Plugin
A Flutter sensor plugin which provide easy access to the Pitch and Roll on Android and iOS devices. It was made using TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR sensor on Android and DeviceMotion on iOS.
Import #
To use this plugin, add aeyrium_sensor as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file. For example:
aeyrium_sensor: ^1.0.7
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Usage #
import 'package:aeyrium_sensor/aeyrium_sensor.dart';

AeyriumSensor.sensorEvents.listen((SensorEvent event) {
//do something with the event , values expressed in radians
print("Pitch ${event.pitch} and Roll ${event.roll}")


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Real Demo #
We developed this plugin to use it on our Attitude indicator screen.

Issues #
Please file any issues, bugs or feature request as an issue on our GitHub page.
Author #
This Aeyrium Sensor plugin for Flutter is developed by Aeyrium Inc


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