
Creator: coderz1093

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aggrepay flutter

Aggrepay Flutter #
Flutter plugin for Aggrepay SDK,

Getting Started

Getting Started: #
This flutter plugin is a wrapper around native Android and iOS SDKs.
To know more about aggrepay flutter sdk payment flow and steps, read up here :
Prerequisites: #
Learn about the aggrepay payment flow.
Signup in Aggrepay website and contact the aggerpay team to get a API key and Salt Key.
Installation: #
Add this to dependencies in your pubspec.yaml file.
aggrepay_flutter: ^0.0.2+1
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Requirements #

Add Theme Compat

The aggrepay SDK requires that you add the theme compat in your AndroidManifest.xml file
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Add Dependency in app level “build.gradle” file

Open the build.gradle file in your project. To open the build.gradle file, in your root folder Android => app => src => build.gradle.
implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.3.1'
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Usage: #
Import package,
import ‘package: aggrepay_flutter/aggrpay_flutter.dart’
Create hash for payment
Create a method for Generating hash.
Write a variable with Map<String, dynamic> type to create a hash.
Then create a List with String type and add all key names as string.
Sort that list with inbuilt sort(); method.
Create a For Loop for adding a vertical pipeline for each data.
Add Crypto package for creating hash.
Then create a hash with SHA512 algorithm.
Convert the hash to uppercase with .toUpperCase(); inbuilt method.
Example :
void createHash(String amount, String order) {
var params = {
'api_key': api_key,
'order_id': orderController.text,
'mode': mode,
'description': description,
'currency': currency,
'amount': amountController.text,
'name': name,
'email': email,
'phone': phone,
'city': city,
'state': state,
'country': country,
'zip_code': zip_code,
'address_line_1': address_line_1,
'return_url': return_url

List _hashList = [


var hashData = 'your salt key';
for (int i = 0; i < _hashList.length; i++) {
if (params.keys.contains(_hashList[i])) {
if (params[_hashList[i]].toString().isNotEmpty) {
hashData += '|' + params[_hashList[i]]!.trim().toString();

var hashed = sha512.convert(utf8.encode(hashData.toString()));
setState(() {
hash = hashed.toString().toUpperCase();
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Create method for Aggrepay #
Create an async method for communicating with aggrepay sdk which will return a payment response.
Then create an instance for Aggrepay with the static method “pay” which accepts map type payment details.
Map<String, String> params = {
'api_key': api_key,
'hash': hash,
'order_id': order_id,
'mode': mode.toUpperCase(),
'description': description,
'currency': currency,
'amount': amount,
'name': name,
'email': email,
'phone': phone,
'city': city,
'state': state,
'country': country,
'zip_code': zip_code,
'address_line_1': address_line_1,
'return_url': return_url

void open(Map<String, dynamic> params) async {
try {
var response = await;
PaymentResponse data = PaymentResponse.fromJson(response);
if (data.status.toString().contains('success')) {
builder: (_) => PaymentSuccess(paymentResponse: data),
} else {
const SnackBar(
content: Text('Transaction failed!'),
} on PlatformException {
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In the above example response variable returns a payment response as Json object with respective message and payment_response.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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