
Creator: coderz1093

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active storage

active_storage #
Send files to Rails Active Storage using direct upload.

Getting Started #
First, you instantiate an ActiveStorage object, passing it your Rails' backend
url where ActiveStorage::DirectUploadsController (or your customization of it)
is responding.
var activeStorage = ActiveStorage(
directUploadURL: 'http://localhost:3000/rails/active_storage/direct_uploads',
copied to clipboard
Then, you just have to invoke the upload() method, passing it a File
instance along with its info, like this:
DirectUploadResponse response = await activeStorage.upload(
fileName: 'picture.jpg',
fileMimeType: 'image/jpeg',
file: File('my/picture.jpg'),
copied to clipboard
The returned DirectUploadResponse object provides a signedId getter. You
should set that value in the API request attribute that your Rails backend will
be setting on the ActiveRecord model attribute "powered by" ActiveStorage
(i.e. annotated with has_one_attached).
Custom Headers #
It's very likely that your Rails backend's upload endpoint is accessible to
authenticated users only. In that case, you'll need to pass an Authorization
header together with the upload request. To do so, you just have to invoke the
addHeader() method on the ActiveStorage instance, before invoking the
upload() method. Like this:
'Bearer ae38e518bfb4e2b11c2e5cefffe4581e66af07296cfec4b2299ab54a74ef3d8c',
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Another case when you might want to set a custom header is for adding
User-Agent information to your upload requests.
Upload Progress #
When uploading large files, it's important to be able to provide some feedback
to your users about the progress. To do so, you have the option to pass a
callback function to the upload() method, which would get called as many times
as the number of byte chunks that are sent to the server, and every time would
receive a double representing the upload progress percentage. Like this:
DirectUploadResponse response = await activeStorage.upload(
fileName: 'large.jpg',
fileMimeType: 'image/jpeg',
file: File('pics/large.jpg'),
onProgress: (percent) {
print('Uploaded ${percent.toStringAsFixed(2)}%');
copied to clipboard


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