Products manager for Laravel 5
Small library containing utilities for
Auto class hooking for WordPress development
utility to work with roma numbers.
Open Auth
Simple ZF2 Module that switches layouts based on arrays of layout names and route names
Content Security Policy plugin for PhalconPHP framework.
Germania KG's extensions for the Twig template engine.
Pea is a Pico Framework for PHP with Multilanguage, Routing e BladeTemplate.
Provides Zurb Foundation styled pagination slider HTML markup to Laravel4
Better Date, Time and DateTime handling classes.
image resize height ,width and quality
Library that helps you build your API
This package is meant to create a nice review
The wrapper for smartqq api using php
CMS controller helps user to create and manage their own pages
Yii2 widget for jquery toastr notifications
Alexya's SocksWork components
Alexya's Router utilities
Alexya's Logger
Alexya's Localization utilities
Cms Skeleton
A way to install j4mie/uberloader via composer
PHP library to find podcasts
Laravel 5.1 (LTS) Dashboard Base
SAML ECP client implementation in PHP
It creates model classes by reading the database tables.
To export data to CSV with Laravel 5.2
Show global navigation icons at a smaller size
tinyMVC mini framework
Simple site on tinyMVC mini framework
Alexya's Validator utilities
Calendar generator with optional events for Laravel
Bit6 Backend API PHP Library
Object Oriented File Management
Skeleton of Magento project
Reads the Symfony projects log files.
A wrapper to google translate that generate a audio from a text.
Logs to a PSR3-compliant logger when requests/responses are sent through an httplug HTTP client
Alexya's FileSystem utilities
rob verystar api sdk
Website reutilizável do Oxws, modifique livremente os módulos para adequar ao seu projeto.
tag management system for Yii2
A simple debug function
Prevent ANY overlapping for Laravel Artisan commands.
Alexya's Tools utilities
Alexya's Database utilities
a qq login demo sdk
Restful Remote Object Proxies
A RESTful API package for the Laravel and Lumen frameworks.
API Client For Private Cloud.
A simple PHP pagination class working perfectly with all PHP projects
ZF translation setup for MVC and Expressive
a simple authenticate package.
PB Web Media Buzz bundle for Symfony
Organize your log entries
Firebase notification for laravel 5.2
File modification timestamps for your website assets.
Auto-generates Phinx migrations from Doctrine scheme differences.
Сáша ElasticSearch client
Codepotato OAuth2 Provider for Laravel Socialite
A Craft plugin (Twig filter) for grouping entries.
Provides Elasticsearch indexing and managing functionality for Laravel Eloquent Models.
A modular controller for exposing your Laravel 5 Eloquent models as a REST API.
Smarty plugin to help format rail vehicle numbers (NS)
PHP client to connect Wavelabs API
Adds the PHP Mock function mocking library as a phpspec Collaborator
Ultra-simple clock abstraction for PHP 7+, allowing developers to properly mock time-related functions
ZF1legacy Example Application to migrate to the Zend Framework 3
install this to show sql queries in silex profiler
Yii 2 Extended Project Template
PHP API Client for ServerPilot's RESTful API
Library for working with collections in PHP
pdo wrapper fork of pdo wrapper from Neeraj Singh
a simple observer pattern implementation
Oxws, sigla para Oxsys Websites, é um framework que possibilita criar Websites e uma forma simples, rápida e eficiente.
Magento2 Bahasa Indonesia Language Pack (id_ID)
Скролл по секциям
Adds CSS classes for responsive tables to Twitter Bootstrap.
A fast and full-fleged routing library for PHP
A simple PHP Locale Value Object
Symfony integration for Phospr\Locale Value Object
Mobile game leaderboards, currency log, and user data storage in PHP.
Funciones para iniciar en gafa
A starter project for building web site
BLM Reader to parse BLM files and output as CSV, Excel, Collection or Array
Bootstrap UI for Laravel Overseer
A PHP proxy script with https and post support
package for wechat develop
Jquery form validation bundle for symfony 2
codecasts/laravel support meta-package.