The tabernicola's blog
Base components for JSON API for Nette applications
Troubadour PHP Framework
Laravel Zurb Foundation Boilerplate
Common basic configuration for a WordPress site using Composer and WPStarter
Extension connect Behat scenario with Zendframework application
File system Abstraction Layer for Yii2
Venezuela Phone Parser, change numbers to (02xx)-123-4567. Cambia telefonos de Venezuela a formato (02xx)-123-4567
CliEngine is a quick and easy way to create your own command-line tools
Extremely simple and lightweight PHP spam validator class to add an small additional layer of security.
"Spanish Guest Report Generator" is an utility for hotels and other hospitality establishments to generate a report of all its...
Middleware to implement the Post/Redirect/Get pattern in Zend Expressive
Track your Fixme comments real quick with just a command!
A framework for rapid prototyping REST applications
Bootstrap3 assets for use with BORS© framework
Uzbek language pack for Flarum.
A library to parse audioscrobbler log files produced by Rockbox and other devices
Boosted version of telegram's bot API
Components for laravel CMS
A Laravel package for captcha recognition for popular services like,,,,,
WP-CLI wrapper for Composer
A bridge package for legacy system to your new system
A Composer plugin that downloads WordPress releases zip from official repo.
Laravel IDE Helper, generates correct PHPDocs for all Facade classes, to improve auto-completion.
fork riverslei/payment 集成支付宝、微信支付、银联支付
Queue Library for Yaf Framework
Uzbek language pack.
A RESTful API package for the Laravel and Lumen frameworks.
Integration dependency injection container Pimple in Yii framework
Summon files within the Laravel 5 framework.
Helper classes for Shopware
PSR-7 Middleware that determines the client remote port and stores it as an ServerRequest attribute
access, authentication, login, register
Symfony HipI18nRoutingBundle
Get orders and messages from mailbox
OAuth strategy for Opauth
Twig template engine implementation for Laravel. Allows you to use twig without replacing the default blade templating engine in Laravel...
A simple PHP HTTP Client
Verificare TVA API
CouchDb client library for PHP 5.3+
Provides a basic system to organize and execute php code validators
Troubadour application installer.
PHPSlang is a library that allow you to write a purely functional code in PHP
Package to create backups with Laravel 5
Utilities and helpers for WHSuite
Form helper for WHSuite Framework
Custom Composer installer for WHSuite Addons
ZF2 Geolocation module
Copya Laravel CMS built by CODIGU
Settings helper for WHSuite Framework
Purchase data helper for WHSuite Framework
Migrations system for WHSuite Framework
Simple, stand-alone validation library
HTTP Package to wrap around for Guzzle3 for requests and Symfony for Responses
Custom Fields handler for WHSuite
Breadcrumb helper for WHSuite Framework
eNom plugin for use within WHSuite
DirectAdmin plugin for use within WHSuite
Allow the addition of custom products in WHSuite
cPanel plugin for use within WHSuite
Authorizenet plugin for use within WHSuite
Biblioteca de integração com o PagSeguro
Markdownify is a HTML to Markdown converter written in PHP
Logicboxes plugin for use within WHSuite
Offline Payment plugin for use within WHSuite
Uploader plugin for use within WHSuite
Oauth2 client for zf2. Facebook, github and google is supported.
Stripe Payment plugin for use within WHSuite
GUI for managing CRON tasks sent by appui
CakePHP skeleton app
myqee mongodb database library
A sitemap generator that saves all of your links, tracks any updates, and makes the entire site searchable.
Yet another copy of the PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser project.
A modern PHP framework built-upon configuration, dependency injection and middlewares.
Netgen Push provides a simple and effective way to push any kind of content from eZ Publish to various social...
Netgen Language Switcher is an extension that provides another way of generating links for language switcher in eZ Publish
OAuth provider for connecting to LinkShare's developer APIs.
extension that helps using your symfony application's services in your tests
Composer installer plugin for phossa framework.
A PHP library for dealing with the Pingdom REST API
laravel-jpush, the Jpush driver of broadcaster
a php server framework
Helps iterating big sets of data
Custom post type used to integrate former mini-websites on
PHP classes for logging framework
FuelPHP 1.7.x or later, add original Queue system
PHP SDK for Fairlingo.
Zend Framework module for setting locale to all view helpers, validators and filters
Repository of ( business ) interfaces.
Eye-sports view package.
A simple PHP Web Scraper