Simple DateTime wrapper allowing strict date and time validation
A concrete implementation of the PSR LoggerInterface using mongo
consumo de webservices pse -> PlacetoPay
A session library for PHP.
The unittest tools to run api
Utilities to assist with PSR-3 logger implementations
Hypercharge API JSON Schema
A simple module that allows you to use OwlCarousel with Magento 2
TraknPay Payment Gateway Integration
Specify objects using attributes and scores
Specify your Eloquent models
Interface for StatusCake API
The client for Cobweb information's SHREK API.
This is the "Currency" module for Nails; it brings support for currency and currency conversion.
fluentdb allows the expressive writing of database queries and routines. fluentdb is fluent, which is intuitive as you can nearly...
Crypto Tools for Web Services and Web Applications
Answers Ask queries against a collection of Wikibase entities
The filter service for laravel app
DHL plugin for CakePHP
Provides an interface for adding and retrieving database stored notifications.
MJML Client
Traits for re-use in immutable collections
A quantity class for cryptocurrency values
Cart component for Blcms-shop module
Many support classes and interfaces
Simple mongdb provider for Silex2
A port of Infusionsoft's PHP SDK to composer package for Laravel 4
Prints any number of strings, each followed by the appropriate line terminator
Symfony AlertifyBundle
Create mail from controller action render
Event Manager System
A smart, lightweight Laravel wrapper around Doctrine's mongodb-odm Document Mapper
Blogette Platform
captcha package for thinkphp5
UEditor.js for laravel5
Drupal 8 HTTP Middleware to handle IP and path restrictions
Create easy model from MySQL Databases
Exeggutor is a dual-type Grass/Psychic PHP library to execute shell commands.
Graphiql UI for laravel
Chronos: An object oriented cron job library
Manipulates outgoing mails from Swiftmailer
Scripts helpful for testing a Drupal site on a Continuous-Integration server, or locally.
Some methods
Yo PHP SDK is the official SDK wrapper for the Yopify Yo API service
SMSGatewayMe Notifications Channel for Laravel
Generic Admin controller & helpers for Laravel Resources
Biblioteca de integração com o PagSeguro
Library for read CSV with conditions
Support classes to provide Guzzle in Laravel 5
APIs management for Symfony2 projects.
Provide Controller plugin and View helper for reading a config.
Raw content helpers for Neos CMS
Phalcon Routering for Yaml
Create Reports in PHP with JasperReports
A PHP event support Library
View Helper for reading current route info: Controller, Action, Module name
A simple PHP package for sending messages to Slack, with a focus on ease of use and elegant syntax.
Opta SDAPI php client
php immutable
View Helper for beautiful JS notifications.
RESTful RBAC Auth manager for Yii2
Modules that can be used with the g2app framework
Generators to speed up workflows
Additional controls for the WordPress theme customizer.
AIML parser
Google APIs Client Library for PHP
Post Format meta boxes for WordPress
Flexible state machine library that perfectly works with Laravels Eloquent models.
A very simple alert messager for Laravel 4 with twitter bootstrap
DBAL package that performs data operations through applying patterns
A simple way to search model id of the attributes model.
Snapshot Redis Adapter for ProophEventStore
Simple math evaluator
Annict API interface
Symfony2 bundle for interactions with geo-coding Yandex.Maps
PHP Drivers for SassC, PHP Sass, and scssphp, designed to work with Assetic.
An API client for Ricoh Click & Post service
Overrides ImageThumbnailGenerator and adjusts all images to progressive
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A Zend Framework 2 module which extends the registration feature of ZfcUser with email address verification
Predis Adapter for ProophEventStore
A collection of common PHP 7 libraries
A powerful PHP SQL template composer library which can significantly reduce the number and complexity of the SQL statement in...
Easy cache management library for PHP applications.
PHP Bootstrap Form Helper