This WordPress multisite plugin allows you to create subsites under the same subdomain depth as the main site.
about rand function
The iGetui SDK integration for the Yii2 framework and PHP 5.4
Package for creating Custom adminpanel in Laravel 5
Slim 3 MVC Skeleton With Swoole
Bundle used for integration with other Web Publisher bundles.
Admin package for Laravel 5.*, based on Vue 2.* and AdminLTE
The data table class for listing data in the table.
A psr7 http message implementation.
StringUtils class is similar to Apache Commons StringUtils for Java. It will be extended incrementally.
Validation de valeur. Plus de condition qui s'empile !
Envoie de formulaire en AJAX avec feedback utilisateur
Expose Odata services from laravel
Marello Unified Commerce Management Community Edition
pushbullet extension for yii2
yii2-shop it's a module for site shop backend, fork pistol88/yii2-shop
Knowledge sharing made easy
Build and execute mysql query
Icecat API
Translator is a very simple string translation library for PHP.
A simple API extension for DateTime.
Creating backup sites in the clouds through WebDav
SilverStripe Module for generating a humans.txt
PHP Raja Ongkir API
A simple Laravel-style way to create breadcrumbs in Laravel 5.
Plivo Bundle for Symfony - Send and receive text messages
Lightweigt rsync wrapper without dependencies
Simple wrapper around Guzzle Http Client to interact with Mailchimp API v3.0
Intercom API client built on top of Guzzle 6
Easy access to the Hi-Rez Studios API for Smite
Simple Google API wrapper in php
Selenide for php
Yii 2 Stripe
Image recognition for your Symfony2 project using Clarifai
Skips PhpSpec examples & specs that are tagged as a work-in-progress.
laravel5.3 sms
Laravel package to perform some very very basic statistical operations
A benchmark component
一个小巧的PHP MVC框架。它的名来自《异星战场》里那个速度极快的火星狗狗,它真的很快!
File utils
Wrap errors to exceptions
REST API Generator for Symfony 2
simple http for php
SucreCache provides common cache interface. APC, memcache, etc.
OAuth1 authentication for the HTTPlug library
Redbooth OAuth2 Provider for Laravel Socialite
Restfull controller for silex
Assetic extention filters.
Callable wrapper around PHP's password hashing and verification, optional with PSR3 Logger support
PhpBotFramework is a framework for Telegram Bots' APIs.
Yii2 Language Picker Widget
controller for php
Helper to test custom WP-CLI commands by bootstrapping WP-CLI in PHPUnit
Zanox API client
This is a Symfony2 Bundle helps you to read and write Excel files (including pdf, xlsx, odt), thanks to the...
Opine-PHP Micro-framework building APIs
A simple yet configurable instagram user feed
M2 Fix Admin Order module
Package to interact with semver via Laravel
Versão alterada serverfireteam/panel
Allows you send errors to hipchat
Fenom template module for BFW
Robots.txt Generator for Laravel 5 repository pattern library based in Laravel
Dummy package to reserve vendor name
The mini Symfony skeleton
Selenium Firefox web-driver interface for Laravel 5.1.* - 5.2.*
Doctrine ORM Service Provider
Convert documents using unoconv.
package showing various timezones
Torrent tracker
Tiny package to build HTTP URL query string compatible with Rails apps
This package allows you to export an array/Laravel Collection as an excel/csv file or import it.
Origami CMS
Article Yii2 Extension
Blog entities and classes.
Kiwi - Skeleton project
PHP library to efficiently stream contents from an AWS S3 bucket or folder as a zip file
Straightforward image manipulation library
Online Translate
A simple shunting-yard based math parser and executor for PHP
crcms input filter
Adds a simple support for searching objects from database in selected distance.
A basic package to interact with the DirectAdmin API.
Paydollar driver for the Omnipay payment processing library
Insert records from CSV File
A simple library to allow players to watch League of Legends replays on your server
JSON utilities