Provides the Alpaca JS library + its CSS to the Rails Asset Pipeline
Alpaca API lets you build and trade with real-time market data for free.
Wraps AuthorityLabs Partner API calls in a gem.
Parser for Slovenian mountaineering pages
The Alpha bot
Expose models with restful api
Rails engine to add landing page signup form to Rails app in early stages of development.
Alphabetical Pagination
Alphabetical Pagination Ukrainian
Sort schema.rb alphabetically to prevent conflicts
Paginates in alphabetic groups
Alphabetizes your Gemfile
Write a longer description or delete this line.
alphabets - alphabet (a-z) helpers incl. unaccent, downcase, variants, and more
With this gem, a user can set a custom alphabet and alphabatize words with it
The official gem for sending transactional emails via Comfirm's cloud service AlphaMail
The alpha-math is a Ruby gem which allows you to solve some problems related to the numbers.
Simple Gem to generate random alphanumeric secure random string
generate aplha numeric token using alpha numeric token gem.
Common reciples for persistent capistrano releases
A Jekyll theme designed for enhanced readability of (long) blog posts
Simple helper method to add alphabetical pagination.
Alphapoint websocket DSL is to easy request and listen event
A Ruby library to query the Alpha Vantage API.
Ruby SDK for Gameball's API
Have you ever wanted to do things like "6.business_days.from_now" and have weekends and holidays taken into account? Now you can.
Compass is a Sass-based Stylesheet Framework that streamlines the creation and maintainance of CSS.
Validates IBAN account numbers
Your Friendly Continuous Integration server. Easy, fun and painless!
Prawn is a fast, tiny, and nimble PDF generator for Ruby
Use Sprockets effectively with Sinatra.
Alphasign is handles communication with LED signs using the
Alpha Sign Protocol. These include Alpha signs and Betabrite signs
Comes with some plugins configured and some coffeescript/css/assets preloaded for JOY
SDL gem for ruby
Ruby library for the Alpha Vantage API, a leading provider of stock APIs as well as forex (FX) and cryptocurrency...
A ruby wrapper for Alpha Vantage's HTTP API
Converts letter to numbers and numbers to letters. For example, '23' will conver to 'W' or 'w' will become 23. ...
Deploy like The Fonz
Ruby wrapper for OpenALPR Cloud API. See
Plantilla per al meu lloc web
All the details can be collected of Holy Quran inclduing Parahs, Surahs, Ayahs and Transcriptions etc.
This is a POC of Envoy ALS Server, only do inspect for each received message
Control ALSA aconnect util through ruby with zero dependency
ALSA client to perform continuous recording
ALSA wrapper in Ruby, utilizing a purely-abstract C-Ruby API backend
and a pure Ruby middleware with extensibility.
Realtime MIDI IO with Ruby for Linux via the ALSA RawMIDI API.
A tiny tool for running multiple processes concurrently
A Ruby wrapper for the AlsoEnergy API
Migrate multiple tables with similar schema at once.
the first gem published by alsotang
An ActiveModel validator that validates associated models, copying any errors from composed models up to their parent.
Ruby client for ArtLebedevStudio.RemoteTypograf service
Easily Add ALT159 to a rails app
Wrapper for getting data from Alta Bike share systems
ALTADATA Ruby gem provides convenient access to the ALTADATA API from applications written in the Ruby language.
Interface to Altaire's API gateway
Kubernetes controller and client utility
A static version of the Altair GraphQL Client, for Rails and ActionCable subscriptions.
A lightweight library for creating and verifying ALTCHA challenges.
alt_characters alternate base32 without numeric characters and padding
ALTCHA is a free, open-source CAPTCHA alternative that protects your website from spam and abuse
Altered views allows one to inherit views from pluged in engines and extend them by operating on the DOM model.
AlterEgo is a Ruby gem for integrating two-factor authentication into your web application.
AlterEgo is a Ruby implementation of the State pattern as described by the Gang of Four. It differs from other...
Adapter to allow ActiveRecord to persist and restore state of objects using the AlterEgo state machine
Adapter to allow Mongoid to persist and restore state of objects using the AlterEgo state machine, ported from the alter-ego-activerecord...
More perfect decision for loading image in form with preview
Execute your ActiveRecord migrations with Percona's pt-online-schema-change.
Quickly switch to pre-defined remote folders with one command.
Alternator generates alternative wrapper scripts; it helps you stubbing
executed files.
Alterpath allows you to alter the system PATH on Windows in a flexible manner
Kayak alternative flights wrapper
Lightweight procfile runner
ActiveSalesforce (ASF) is a Rails connection adapter that provides direct access to hosted data and metadata via the ActiveRecord...
A tool to measure the tone or attitude of a body of text.
Random Sentences generator from Bram's Book
Jammit is an industrial strength asset packaging library for Rails,
providing both the CSS and JavaScript concatenation and...
Jammit-S3 is an extension to the awesome Jammit library that handles deployment to s3 and cloudfront.
Alt Memery is a gem for memoization.
It's a fork of Memery with implementation via `UnboundMethod` instead of `prepend Module`.
A gem which produces Altmetric badge URIs from a data hash
Altmetric API Client
bouquet description.
Transform an Array or Hash into a excel file using the spreadsheet gem.
Generate passwords derived from hand-alternating, visually unambiguous, alphanumeric characters. This is a Ruby gem and command-line utility.
A powerful printf-like template language
Diseñar e implementar un Lenguaje de Dominio Específico DSL, que permita la definición de listas de menús dietéticos diarios y...
"Gema de la práctica 6: Desarrollo Dirigido por Pruebas(TDD)"
"Clase para gestionar los glúcidos, lípidos y proteínas de un alimento específico"
"Gema prc06"
"Desarrollar una práctica sobre el "
Gema para los alimentos y su representacion
gema para usar en las prácticas de LPP
Práctica 6 de Lenguajes y paradigmas de programación utilizando TDD
Clase que representa una etiqueta de información nutricional
Gema para la utilizacion de Expresiones Regulares
Gema para programa TICTACTOE
Alucard is a simple card library.
Wrapper for alcatel-lucent call management APIs
Alula creates higly optimised static blogs while taking all the complexity and repeated tasks away from you.
This gem parses HyperChem's .HIN files, PDB files, and in the future others, converting them to Ruby objects for easy...
Alux is Ruby on Rails framework clone for learning purpose
Negative timestamp on an Active Record model
Provides generated HTML data for Rails Applications.
Alwan is a Ruby gem for colorizing text in the command line.
You may need this framework if you have a routine task that must be performed every once in a while,...
Always Be Contributing counts who has
contributing most to your orginization on Github.
Adds execute and expect test blocks for added BDD test clarity.
Make sure a has_one association always exists
Ruby’s net/http is setup to never verify SSL certificates by default. Most ruby libraries do the same. That means that...
Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
A simple wrapper for aliyun cli
Ruby wrapper around Amadeus Discover API
Converts and instantiates classes from native data structures