ACE editor for Rails 3.2+ apps
Ace Editor JS files for Rails 3.1 Asset Pipeline
FORK FOR TESTING. Process monitoring tool. Inspired from Bluepill and God. Requires Ruby(MRI) >= 1.9.3-p194. Uses Celluloid and Celluloid::IO.
It embeed basic code for embeed Ace-Editor into webpage or application.
It implements Cards and Payments from aceitaFacil doc spec.
HTTP dialog for the Acenda API with the oAuth2 authentication.
A simple and flexible playing cards library.
This gem provides a generator to download and install ace ( Cloud9 Editor) into your Rails 3 project. It also...
The Cloud9 Editor (Ace) for the Rails 3.1 asset pipeline.
Redlock Redis-based distributed locks implementation in Ruby
Aceroute is field service management SaaS. Route and Schedule optimization, mobile dispatch, GPS tracking, and more.
My playground for building service objects that feel right in Ruby
Ace: A Jekyll theme.
Gem version == node package version
Write a longer description or delete this line.
API Client For Services
DNA for simple generators
Provides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
ach is a Ruby helper for building and parsing ACH files. In particular, it helps with field order and alignment,...
This gem helps to dry your hands right from the terminal.
Ruby tools for building ACH (Automated Clearing House) files
Adapter to interact with various ACH service providers
Active Merchant is a simple payment abstraction library used in and sponsored by Shopify. It is written by Tobias Luetke,...
Wrapper for AChecker Web Accessibility Checker
Listens to RabbitMQ and spams Slack.
`achetepe` is a small and simple library to execute a block of code after an asynchronous HTTP request.
A flattenmeta helper gem
Fluentd output plugin that sends aggregated errors/exception events to Sentry. Sentry is a event logging and aggregation platform.
Achievements is an abstract, Redis-backed, counter based achievements engine
designed to be included in Model classes in web...
Achiever is a simple way to add achievements into your rails application.
Provides enhancements to ActiveRecord to handle spatial datatypes in PostgreSQL and MySQL.
rubygem for commandlinefu
The library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the size of the string.
Idempotent operations for Rails apps, built on top of ActiveJob.
An adapter for Rails::ActiveRecord ORM to the KirbyBase pure-ruby DBMS
Uses the FaviconMaker library for generating favicons in various formats from a single .png source file.
Find a free TCP/UDP port
my first gem
Forum engine for Rails 4 and mongoid. Forked from
Add width, height and size methods to paperclip images
Paperclip Watermark processor
Ackr is the smallest subset of ack/rak/ag I can think of. For lazy developers
Jcrop plugin for rails admin. Forked from Image cropping made easy!
Mongoid / ActiveRecord + RailsAdmin App Settings management
RocketCMS fork
AckRocketCMS - RocketCMS fork - ActiveRecord metapackage
Items catalog with AckRocketCMS support.
AckRocketCMS - RocketCMS fork - Mongoid metapackage
Role-based authorization system for Rails with a concise DSL for securing your Rails application. Acl9 makes it easy to get...
Besides log levels, callstack you get easy parsable time stamps, log level marker and some.
Your summary here
ACLS is a library for autoloading Ruby source files in one or more directory trees.
An access control gem for Rails. A flexible declarative way of protecting your various controller actions using roles.
Scrapes ACLU court documents then extracts the plaintext and metadata.
Acmaker is a tool to manage AWS Certificate Manager (ACM). It defines the state of ACM using DSL, and updates...
Lolcommits refactored for use at the UIUC branch of ACM.
A namespace for mischief and silliness, feel free to publish your own Acme::* gems
Rails engine for generating SSL certificates using the ACME challenge and response method
The first time you run your code after requiring this module it will bleach your file, your code still runs...
Client for the ACME protocol.
When you're ready to live in more of an uncertain world. Just require this module, and when you observe true...
Ruby port of Acme::JapaneseAvActress
Provides a client library for interacting with the acme-manager server
( which assists with issuing lets-encrypt certificates
CLI tool to obtain certificates via ACME and update the matching TLSA records.
The primary authentication method is...
Manage your keys, requests and certificates.
acme-plugin is a Ruby on Rails helper for ACME protocol services, ie. Let's Encryptfor retrieving SSL certificates (without using sudo,...
A cli interface for ACMEv2 DNS challenges with Route53
"S/mileage" is one of highly famous Japanese pop stars.
This module, acme-smileage, provides an easy method to catch up with...
This gem is a plugin for acmesmith and implements an automated dns-01 challenge responder using OpenStack Designate.
This gem is a plugin for acmesmith and implements an automated dns-01 challenge responder using Google Cloud DNS
This gem is a plugin for acmesmith and implements an automated dns-01 challenge responder using NS1 API.
This gem is a plugin for acmesmith and implements an automated dns-01 challenge responder using Verisign REST API.
a-blog cms をrubyで操作したい
A quick and dirty tool for analysis of transition and transversion frequency aross and alignment
Get things informations from Animal Crossing New Horizons using Warning: That doesn't get informations from players. Only included things.
`acoc` is a regular expression based colour formatter for programs
that display output on the command-line.
It works as...
A gem to enforce webpage accessibility'
A Ruby toolbox for implementing the specifications of the Association for Cooperative Operations Research and Development.
A DSL for seed.rb
A gem to generate page entries for jekyll sites
A simple HTTP interface to the API.
Annual Computer Poker Competition Dealer
ACPC Dealer data
Match state data manager.
Backend components to the ACPC Poker GUI Client. Includes a player that saves states from the dealer to persistent storage,...
The Acquia Toolbelt allows you to interact with the Acquia Cloud API via the CLI.
It will acquire a stock infomations form yahoofinance, although I am very sorry to Yahoo!.
An ActiveRecord Extension to deprecate attributes
This gem is gonna rock the world with impressive generators
Generate acronyms from strings
ActiveRecord to LDAP adapter
A wrapper for Ruby's standard CSV class that auto-detects column separator and file encoding.
Act, the command line tool to act on files.
Validate values from outside.
A rails engine to add Twitter style updates to your app
Helps you to build reliable API clients in a minute. Just add act_as_api_client to your classes
This gem allows you to write async processing code to your models right into your models code
Act-as-Buddy is a gem to allow any model to implement self relation. For eg: the friendships of a user can...
Friendly cache with ActiveRecord.
Permite formatar e validar um atributo ActiveRecord como CPF, CNPJ ou ambos
just test metaprogramming
A rails engine to add gamification to your app. Documentation ->
Helps import records from CSV files.
Simple and powerful Ruby service objects using dry-rb tools.
Act as JSONAPI is a small and flexible gem on top of `jsonapi_serializer`. By including Act as JSONAPI in your...
act_as_menu is ths first version
Add full name methods on a model
Easily integrate cancancan into your application with permission control of every controller action.
This tool is useful for managing the array in a text column in any database (mysql, sqlite and etc). This...
A rails engine to add sponsorhips
Add time_as_boolean feature to ActiveRecord classes
A Ruby gem to facilitate gathering contribution information from...
Command line client for APIs described by JSON Schema
Let your objects play an acting - just for a while
Isolate Rails actions in their own classes.
Better jobs. Good jobs.
Gem that helps process Amazon Alexa Intents with Rails
This gem introduces means for describing the content of methods in a human readable way. The descriptions are parsed and...
Rails plugin gem that supports Merbish style controller action arguments.
Allows to record models changes
Keep an audit trail of actions in your application
Using the built in features of Rails, ActionAuth provides a simple way to authorize users to perform actions on your...
Rails authorization with controllers's actions.
Automates Backend and Frontend Development. Supports Granular Authorization. Leverages PostgreSQL for Performance. Encourages Task Oriented UI
Create telegram bots with rails like structure with ease
Automatically extracts ActionCable objects into parameters
Manage Action Cable subscriptions using data-* attributes