Write a short summary, because RubyGems requires one.
Makes Appium Rspec set up a snap!
Thor tasks for Appium gems.
Appjam is iOS code repository, including framework, snippet, generators, etc.
That's how we structure the JS in our Rails-apps.
The additional library for javaScript.
Rails app toolkit.
AppKit provides a full framework for rapidly creating data driven application through a simple DSL.
A base class for command line applications doing options parsing
and generating exit codes.
Yet Another Command Line Option Parser
Manage ALB by DSL
a simple hello world gem
A mountable Sinatra application for introduce the universal link to your application
Integration with Apple Sign In and Devise for backend. Validate and Verify user token.
A robot for Apple Developer Center and iTunes Connect tasks
The first rule of the Apple Cart is... don't upset it!
Inspired by the "Creating and Customizing Rails Generators" guide
Downloader, Extractor and Parser for Apple Epf Affiliate files
with Apple backend library in Ruby.
Apple Sign In Token utilities; parse and check validity of token
Mountable Rails engine for iOS UDID capture and app (IPA) distribution. Uses the IPA's embedded.mobileprovision to determine if IPA can...
Apple Music API Client Ruby
Client for access to Apple Music APIs
Provides a Ruby interface to the information stored in an Apple Music (formerly iTunes) Library xml file.
Mobile and Web apps automation framework using Appium, Selenium and Cucumber
Apple Pay Merchant Backend
The higher the price you choose, the newer the item.
ApplePie Semantic and modular CSS Framework. Better way to build web interfaces.
Library for reading and interacting with Apple's installer (.pkg and .mpkg) file formats.
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
This formatter helps localize Apple plist files
Sinatra-based server to deliver Apple Push Notifications
Validate identity token claims, headers, and signatures.Exchange authorization codes for refresh tokens.
light wrapper for AppleSimulatorUtils
Easily parse Apple & iTunes Connect emails
Apple has a habit of failing to provide enough supply to meet demand early in a product's lifecycle.
Converts movies to a format playable on Apple TV. Supporting multiple subtitles.
Ruby bindings for the Apple VPP App Assignment API
Simple tool to get warranty info for Apple devices by it's IMEI from official site.
Deployment Recipes for Appli
Applicant Tracking API access gem
It is a pdf
The 'Actions' concept can help you move logic out from Controllers & Models
a gem that you can use for application specific settings
A simple system for configuring Ruby applications.
A service layer scaffold for rails apps extracted from Agra
Helper JS & Ruby Functions
Ruby Gem for AI Applied service (ai-applied.nl)
Gem for interrogating CSS and Script elements of a html document
Creates a list of free apps available on the Apple app store.
Easily pull in your locales from AppLocale.dev
Rack middleware to output like access log.
Wraps single-argument procs in conditional closures.
Ruby library for the AppMail E-Mail Platform
Use AppMail with the Ruby mail gem
No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen)
Arbitrary precision mathematics with application to real and complex linear algebra, graphical representation of functions, and 2D Kepler motion
Runs 1 or more headless apps from a kind of XML file for use in a back-end server
Client gem for pushing events from ruby to the appmon.it service
AppmMonitor agent for ruby language
A gem for tracking record changes and controller actions
To set the X-App-Name http header
The AppNeta gem really doesn't do anything yet.
Unofficial Ruby API Wrapper for Appnexus
Schedule appointments with Rails 3 and the jQuery-UI
Ruby gem that provides quick and easy access to the web api of Thoth WebApp -
Client interface with AppOps service.
An easy to use ruby wrapper for the AppOptics API
Appoxy API Helper gem description...
Appoxy Sessions gem description...
Drop in replacement for ActiveRecord to Amazon SimpleDB instead.
Analysis tool for iOS ipa and Android apk.
Agent for the AppPerf app.
Ruby Agent for the AppPerf app.
app permission statistics from ipas
Write a longer description or delete this line.
Collect performance profiles for your Rails application.
Gem to help building App Rail servers using Airtable as a backend
Utilities to generate JSON for expected step responses.
Appraisal integrates with bundler and rake to test your library against different versions of dependencies in repeatable scenarios called "appraisals."
Appraisal file DSL for generating a matrix of gemfiles.
`appraiser` is a rubygems subcommand which displays gem information in `./Gemfile`.
Apprank parses iOS app rank data from Apple.
Simple gem for works with persistent variables
A simple tool for updating the version of a Rails application
Apprise gives an overview of the dependencies of a Rails application.
Automatically uses apprise for confirms sent as a parameter to link_to
requires model attribute changes to be approved
Enable the approval pattern for an AR model
A library for interacting with the Enterprise Approval Kiosk
Pres Approval Ratings
A library to make it easier to do golden-master style testing in Ruby
Approval testing library for ruby
tool to help float numbers comparison
this is a description
Facilitates float comparisons in mocks
App runner utils
Convert any rack-capable application to run on Google's App Engine
The App Scrolls is a magical tool to generate new Rails and modify existing Rails applications (coming) to include your...
Ruby wrapper for the REST API for Conviso Armature
Ruby wrapper for the REST API for Conviso.
config management solution
This tool automatically generates server configs for Monit, Nginx and Unicorn to host your Rack-based (Rails) applications. Running it automatically...