a10-nlbaas2oct 1.3.2

Creator: bradpython12

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a10nlbaas2oct 1.3.2

This tool has been designed to migration A10 devices and their associated neutron lbaas objects from the Neutron database to Octavia.


Install from PyPi
pip install a10-nlbaas2oct

Install from Source
git clone git@github.com:a10networks/a10-nlbaas2oct.git
cd a10-nlbaas2oct
pip install -e .
Note: This tool must be installed on the host running neutron-lbaas


Step 1: Copy the sample config file from the project to another directory

Installed from PyPi
pip show a10-nlbaas2oct | grep "Location" | cp $(awk '{print $2}')/a10_nlbaas2oct/a10_nlbaas2oct.conf /path/to/another/directory

Installed from source
cp /path/to/a10-nlbaas2oct/a10_nlbaas2oct/a10_nlbaas2oct.conf /path/to/another/directory

Sample Config File Contents

debug = True


# Run without making changes
# trial_run = False

# Delete the load balancer records from neutron-lbaas after migration
# delete_after_migration = False

# Octavia service account ID or username (ex: admin)
octavia_account_id =

# Example db connection string:
# connection = mysql+pymysql://root:password@
# Replace above with the IP address of the database used by the
# main octavia server. (Leave it as is if the database runs on this host.)

# Connection string for the keystone databas
keystone_db_connection =

# Connection string for the neutron database
neutron_db_connection =

# Connection string for the octavia database
octavia_db_connection =

# Connection string for the A10 database used in neutron lbaas env
# a10_nlbaas_db_connection =

# Connection string for the A10 database used in the octavia env
# a10_oct_connection =

# Path to config file. Default is /etc/a10/config.py
a10_config_path = /etc/a10/config.py

Step 2: Modify the config file

Database connection string locations
The keystone_db_connection can be found in the /etc/keystone/keystone.conf file under the database group.
connection = mysql+pymysql://root:password@
The neutron_db_connection can be found in the /etc/neutron/neutron.conf file under the database group.
connection = mysql+pymysql://user:password@
The octavia_db_connection can be found be found in the /etc/octavia/octavia.conffile under the database group.
connection = mysql+pymysql://root:password@

Config for migrating from Neutron LBaaS to Octavia on the same host
# Octavia service account ID or username (ex: admin)
octavia_account_id = admin

# Connection string for the keystone databas
keystone_db_connection = mysql+pymysql://root:password@

# Connection string for the neutron database
neutron_db_connection = mysql+pymysql://user:password@

# Connection string for the octavia database
octavia_db_connection = mysql+pymysql://root:password@

# Path to config file. Default is /etc/a10/config.py
a10_config_path = /etc/a10/config.py

Config for migrating from Neutron LBaaS to Octavia across hosts
# Octavia service account ID or username (ex: admin)
octavia_account_id = admin

# Connection string for the keystone databas
keystone_db_connection = mysql+pymysql://root:password@

# Connection string for the neutron database
neutron_db_connection = mysql+pymysql://user:password@

# Connection string for the octavia database
octavia_db_connection = mysql+pymysql://root:password@<b>ip_address_of_remote_host</b>:3306/octavia

# Path to config file. Default is /etc/a10/config.py
a10_config_path = /etc/a10/config.py

Performing cross host migration when A10 database is seperate from Neutron DB and Octavia DB
# Octavia service account ID or username (ex: admin)
octavia_account_id = admin

# Connection string for the keystone databas
keystone_db_connection = mysql+pymysql://root:password@

# Connection string for the neutron database
neutron_db_connection = mysql+pymysql://user:password@

# Connection string for the octavia database
octavia_db_connection = mysql+pymysql://root:password@<b>ip_address_of_remote_host</b>:3306/octavia

# Path to config file. Default is /etc/a10/config.py
a10_config_path = /etc/a10/config.py

# Connection string for the A10 database used in neutron lbaas env
a10_nlbaas_db_connection = mysql+pymysql://user:password@

# Connection string for the A10 database used in the octavia env
a10_oct_connection = mysql+pymysql://user:password@<b>ip_address_of_remote_host</b>/a10_db

Performing migration when using parent projects
# Octavia service account ID or username (ex: admin)
octavia_account_id = admin

# Connection string for the keystone database
<b>keystone_db_connection = mysql+pymysql://user:password@</b>

# Connection string for the neutron database
neutron_db_connection = mysql+pymysql://user:password@

# Connection string for the octavia database
octavia_db_connection = mysql+pymysql://root:password@

# Path to config file. Default is /etc/a10/config.py
a10_config_path = /etc/a10/config.py

Step 3: Perform the migration

Migrate a single loadbalancer and its child objects
a10_nlbaas2oct --config-file /path/to/a10_nlbaas2oct.conf --lb-id <loadbalancer_id>
Note: This takes in the UUID of the loadbalancer **not* the name*

Migrate all lbaas objects in a project
a10_nlbaas2oct --config-file /path/to/a10_nlbaas2oct.conf --project-id <project_id>
Note: This takes in the UUID of the project **not* the name*

Migrate all lbaas objects
a10_nlbaas2oct --config-file /path/to/a10_nlbaas2oct.conf --all

Step 4 (OPTIONAL): Cleanup post migration
There is a foreign key association with the VIP Port in the Neutron port table and the VIP entries in the Neutron lbaas_loadbalancer table. When performing a migration from Neutron LBaaS to Octavia, the VIPs are migrated to their own table and VIP port ownership is transferred to Octavia.
However, that foreign key relationship between VIP and VIP Port will still exist in the Neutron lbaas_loadbalancer table and the port table. Therefore, a delete action on either the load balancer in the Neutron LBaaS table or the Octavia will result in a failure due to the deadlocked foreign key state. As such, it is required that the Neutron LBaaS database entries are deleted or otherwise made inaccessible before performing delete commands via Octavia.
a10_nlbaas2oct --config-file /path/to/a10_nlbaas2oct.conf [--lb-id <lb_id> | --all | --project-id <project_id>] --cleanup
This step is only necessary if the delete_after_migration was not set to True in the config.

Note to Reader
The vast majority of this tooling was copied and modified from openstack’s neutron-lbaas repo for ease of use purposes. The
original can be found here https://github.com/openstack/neutron-lbaas/tree/stable/stein/tools/nlbaas2octavia


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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