aadict 0.2.3

Creator: railscoderz

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aadict 0.2.3

An aadict is a python dict sub-class that allows attribute-style
access to dict items, e.g. d.foo is equivalent to d['foo'].
aadict also provides a few other helpful methods, such as pick
and omit methods. Also, an aadict is more call chaining
friendly (e.g. methods such as update return self) and is


Homepage: https://github.com/metagriffin/aadict
Bugs: https://github.com/metagriffin/aadict/issues

$ pip install aadict
from aadict import aadict

# attribute access
d = aadict(foo='bar', zig=87)
assert d.foo == d['foo'] == 'bar'

# helper methods
assert d.pick('foo') == {'foo': 'bar'}
assert d.omit('foo') == {'zig': 87}

# method chaining
d2 = aadict(x='y').update(d).omit('zig')
assert d2.x == 'y' and d2.foo == 'bar' and d2.zig is None

# converting a dict to an aadict recursively
d3 = aadict.d2ar(dict(foo=dict(bar='zig')))
assert d3.foo.bar == 'zig'

The aadict module provides the following functionality:

An aadict object is basically identical to a dict object, with the
exception that attributes, if not reserved for other purposes, map to
the dict’s items. For example, if a dict d has an item 'foo',
then a request for d.foo will return that item lookup. aadicts
also have several helper methods, for example aadict.pick. To
fetch the value of an item that has the same name as one of the helper
methods you need to reference it by item lookup,
i.e. d['pick']. The helper methods are:

aadict.pick instance method:
Returns a new aadict, reduced to only include the specified
keys. Example:
d = aadict(foo='bar', zig=87, zag=['a', 'b'])
assert d.pick('foo', 'zag') == {'foo': 'bar', 'zag': ['a', 'b']}

aadict.omit instance method:
Identical to the aadict.pick method, but returns the complement,
i.e. all of those keys that are not specified. Example:
d = aadict(foo='bar', zig=87, zag=['a', 'b'])
assert d.omit('foo', 'zag') == {'zig': 87}

aadict.d2ar class method:
Recursively converts the supplied dict to an aadict, including
all sub-list and sub-dict types. Due to being recursive, but only
copying dict-types, this is effectively a hybrid of a shallow and
a deep clone. Example:
d = aadict.d2ar(dict(foo=dict(bar='zig')))
assert d.foo.bar == 'zig'
Without the recursive walking, the .bar attribute syntax
would yield an AttributeError exception because d.foo would
reference a dict type, not an aadict.

aadict.d2a class method:
Converts the supplied dict to an aadict. Example:
d = aadict.d2a(dict(foo='bar'))
assert d.foo == d['foo'] == 'bar'
Note that this is identical to just using the constructor,
but is provided as a symmetry to the aadict.d2ar class
method, e.g.:
d = aadict(dict(foo='bar'))
assert d.foo == d['foo'] == 'bar'


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