abi2solc 0.1.0

Creator: railscoderz

Last updated:

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abi2solc 0.1.0


A library for generating Solidity interfaces from ABIs.
You can install the latest release via pip:
$ pip install abi2solc

Or clone the repo and use setuptools for the most up-to-date version:
$ python setup.py install

>>> import abi2solc

>>> abi = [{'constant': False, 'inputs': [{'name': 'spender', 'type': 'address'}, ...
>>> interface = abi2solc.generate_interface(abi, "TestInterface")

>>> print(interface)
'''pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

interface ExampleInterface {
event Approval (address indexed tokenOwner, address indexed spender, uint256 tokens);
event Transfer (address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 tokens);

function approve (address spender, uint256 tokens) external returns (bool success);
function transfer (address to, uint256 tokens) external returns (bool success);
function transferFrom (address from, address to, uint256 tokens) external returns (bool success);
function allowance (address tokenOwner, address spender) external view returns (uint256 remaining);
function balanceOf (address tokenOwner) external view returns (uint256 balance);
function totalSupply () external view returns (uint256);

Supported Versions

By default, abi2solc generates interfaces with pragma ^0.5.0
With the solc4=True kwarg, interfaces are generated with pragma ^0.4.17
If solc4=True and the ABI also contains tuple types, an abstract base contract is generated with pragma ^0.4.22

To run the test suite:
$ tox

Tests make use of py-solc-x.
This project is still under active development and should be considered a beta. Comments, questions, criticisms and pull requests are welcomed! Feel free to open an issue if you encounter a problem or would like to suggest a new feature.
This project is licensed under the MIT license.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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