acclaim-badges 0.1.0

Creator: codyrutscher

Last updated:

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acclaimbadges 0.1.0

Issue badges from Acclaim upon edx course completion.
Acclaim Badges for EDX

Adds a djangoapp to edx which provides a UI and API backend into Acclaim. Once installed, EDX adminstrators
will be able to add Acclaim auth tokens and select badges to be issued upon course completion. This app
then listens for course complete events, and issues badges if the student obtains a passing score.


Install “acclaim_badges” using pip:
pip install acclaim_badges

Add “acclaim_badges” to your INSTALLED_APPS setting for EDX lms like this:

Note: this file is usually located at /edx-platform/lms/envs/

Include the acclaim_badges URLconf in your project like this:
urlpatterns += (
url(r'^acclaim/', include('acclaim_badges.urls')),

The authorization token field is encypted. create a AES-256 keyset using keyzar:
$ mkdir fieldkeys
$ keyczart create --location=fieldkeys --purpose=crypt
$ keyczart addkey --location=fieldkeys --status=primary --size=256

Add keyset location to /edx-platform/lms/envs/
ENCRYPTED_FIELDS_KEYDIR = '/path/to/fieldkeys'

Run ./ lms syncdb --settings aws to create the acclaim_badges lms app.

The following useful URLs are made available after installation:

Add Acclaim organization and authorization token using /acclaim/tokens/
Define a mapping between badge and course by accessing /acclaim/badge-courses/

Note: when defining a mapping, the dropdown will populate with badge templates
if the Acclaim API call is successful (valid token and orgainzation combination are used).

The full documentation is at

The code in this repository is licensed under the AGPL 3.0 unless
otherwise noted.
Please see LICENSE.txt for details.

How To Contribute
Contributions are very welcome.
Please read How To Contribute for details.
Even though they were written with edx-platform in mind, the guidelines
should be followed for Open edX code in general.
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Getting Help
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Change Log


[0.1.0] - 2017-05-10

First release on PyPI.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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