action-hero 0.7.0

Creator: railscoderz

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actionhero 0.7.0

[action_hero_logo]: ./art/logo.svg![Action Hero Logo][action_hero_logo]![PyPI - Python Version](![Code style: black]([![codecov](]([![Build Status](]([![PEP8](](![PyPI - License](`action_hero` is a python package that helps you __manage user arguments in command line applications using `argparse`__ [Introduction](#introduction) · [Quick Usage](#quick-usage) · [Help & FAQ](#help-and-faq) · [Catalog](#catalog) · [Development](#development)## Introduction<dl><dt><code>argparse</code></dt><dd><code>argparse</code> is a python standard library module used to makecommand line applications.<code>argparse</code> provides<code>ArgumentParser</code> that parses user arguments and runs<code>argparse.Action</code>s on them.<a href="">⚓︎</a></dd><dt><code>action_hero</code> 🔥</dt><dd><code>action_hero</code> makes <code>argparse</code> more capable byproviding a large number of custom actions. For example, the<strong><code>FileIsWritableAction</code> automatically verifies that filepath(s) accepted as arguments are writable, informing the user if theyaren't.</strong> This saves you the trouble of doing that check yourself. Nice,no? <a href="#catalog">Browse the catalog</a> for many such actions.</dd></dl>## Quick Usage__1. Installation__:```python pip install action_hero```__2. Quick Usage__: Import an action and specify it when adding an argument to your parser.```python from action_hero import FileIsReadableAction...parser.add_argument("--file", action=FileIsReadableAction)...```__3. Full Example__: CLI program that counts number of lines of a file. ```python# examples/line_counter.pyimport argparsefrom action_hero import FileIsReadableActionif __name__ == "__main__": # Create parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # Add user argument "--file" and assert that it will be readable parser.add_argument("--file", action=FileIsReadableAction) # Parse user arguments args = parser.parse_args() if args.file: # Print number of lines in file with open(args.file) as f: print("{} has {} lines".format(args.file, len(f.readlines()))) else: # Print usage if no arguments were given parser.print_usage()```Run `` on the command line```bash$$ python --file has 39 lines$ python line_counter.pyusage: [-h] [--file FILE]$ python --file nofile.mdusage: [-h] [--file FILE] error: argument --file: File is not readable```**Note**: _Supported Python Versions >= 3.5_## Help and FAQ### Accepting `action_values`There are times your action requires an additional value. For instance, when your argument accepts only filenames with `md` or `markdown` extensions. You can use the `FileHasExtensionAction` action for this and pass in the extensions to check for via `action_values`, like so —```pythonparser.add_argument( "--file", action=FileHasExtensionAction, action_values=["md", "markdown"])```Unless otherwise mentioned, `action_values` should be provided as a non-emptylist of strings. e.g.`action_values = ["md", "markdown"]`.### Pipelining multiple actionsThe `PipelineAction` allows you to run multiple actions as a pipeline. Pass inyour pipeline of actions as a list to `action_values`. If one of the actionsyou're passing in has it's own `action_values`, put that one as a tuple, likesuch: `(FileHasExtensionAction, ["md", "markdown"])`. Here's an example ofpipelining actions for `--file` 1. File has extensions `md` or `markdown`2. File exists```pythonparser.add_argument( "--file", action=PipelineAction, action_values=[ (FileHasExtensionAction, ["md", "markdown"]), FileExistsAction ])```Another helpful feature, this action provides is the _order of errorreporting_. In the above example, if the supplied argument file did not havethe markdown extensions, the error message would reflect that and exit. Afterthe user redoes the entry with a valid filename the next action in the pipelineapplies `FileExistsAction` which checks for existence. If the file does notexist, an error message about file not existing will be shown and exitsallowing the user to try again.This behavior can save you a lot of manual condition checks later on. Forexample, here's how to check for an _existing, writable, non-empty_, markdownfile —```pythonparser.add_argument( "--file", action=PipelineAction, action_values=[ FileExistsAction, FileIsWritableAction, FileIsNotEmptyAction, (FileHasExtensionAction, ["md", "markdown"])]```### Exceptions in this moduleYou'll come across two different exceptions in `action_hero`.1. __`ValueError`__: These are intended for you, the CLI developer. You'd want to fix any underlying issue that causes them before releasing your CLI. e.g. when `action_values` is an empty list.2. __`argparse.ArgumentError`__: These are intended for your CLI's users, so they might use the messages as hints to provide corrent command line options.### Not capturing user argument exceptions`argparse.ArgumentParser` has a slightly unconventional approach to handling`argparse.ArgumentError`s. Upon encountering one, it prints argument usageinformation, error and exits. I mention this, so you don't setup a `try/except`around `parser.parse_args()` to capture that exception. In order to maintain consistency with the rest of your `argparse` code,exceptions in `action_hero` are also of type `argparse.ArgumentError` andcauses system exit as well. More information can be found in [PEP389]( Since this isexpected behavior, I recommend you allow this exception and let it display usageinformation and exit.### Arguments accepting multiple valuesJust like any other `argparse.Action` each `action_hero.Action` handlesmultiple values and provides relevant error messages.### FAQ<dl><dt>What do I need to know to use <code>action_hero</code> in my command line application?</dt><dd>Vanilla <code>argparse</code> knowledge should do it.</dd><dt>Where can I find information about <code>argparse</code>?</dt><dd><code>argparse</code> is part of the <a href="">Python standard library</a>.</dd><dt>Is <code>action_hero</code> tied to the <code>argparse</code> module?</dt><dd>Yes <em>(but technically no — any project that can use an <code>argpoarse.Action</code> should work as long as it handles the <code>argparse.ArgumentError</code> exception)</em></dd><dt>What type are the user argument exceptions?</dt><dd><code>argparse.ArgumentError{"helpful error message"}</code>, just like any other <code>argparse.Action</code></code></dd><dt>Why re-implement actions already provided by <code>argparse</code> like the <code>choices</code> action?</dt><dd>In order to include them in <code>PipelineAction</code>.</dd><dt>There was no mention of humans! Does this work for humans?</dt><dd>Yes, it works for humans :)</dd></dl>## Catalog1. __Special__ actions:| Action | Description | `action_values` || --- | --- | --- || __`PipelineAction`__ | Run multiple actions as a pipeline | Actions to run as a pipeline. e.g. `[FileExistsAction, FileIsWritableAction]`. ([Read more](#pipelining-multiple-actions)) || __`DebugAction`__ | Print debug information. There can be multiple of these in a pipeline | |2. __Path, Directory and File__ related actions:| Action | Description | `action_values` || --- | --- | --- || __`DirectoryDoesNotExistAction`__ | Check if directory does not exist | || __`DirectoryExistsAction`__ | Check if directory exists | || __`DirectoryIsExecutableAction`__ | Check if directory is executable | || __`DirectoryIsNotExecutableAction`__ | Check if directory is not executable | || __`DirectoryIsNotReadableAction`__ | Check if directory is not readable | || __`DirectoryIsNotWritableAction`__ | Check if directory is not writable | || __`DirectoryIsReadableAction`__ | Check if directory is readable | || __`DirectoryIsValidAction`__ | Check directory is valid | || __`DirectoryIsWritableAction`__ | Check if directory is writable | || __`EnsureDirectoryAction`__<sup>*</sup> | Ensure directory exists and create it if it doesnt | || __`EnsureFileAction`__<sup>*</sup> | Ensure file exists and create it if it doesnt | || __`FileDoesNotExistAction`__ | Check if file doesnt exist | || __`FileExistsAction`__ | Check if file exists | || __`FileIsEmptyAction`__ | Check if file is empty | || __`FileIsExecutableAction`__ | Check if file is executable | || __`FileIsNotEmptyAction`__ | Check if file is not empty | || __`FileIsNotExecutableAction`__ | Check if file is not executable | || __`FileIsNotReadableAction`__ | Check if file is not readable | || __`FileIsNotWritableAction`__ | Check if file is not writable | || __`FileIsReadableAction`__ | Check if file is readable | || __`FileIsValidAction`__ | Check file is valid | || __`FileIsWritableAction`__ | Check if file is writable | || __`FileHasExtensionAction`__ | Check if file has specified extension | Extensions to check against. e.g. `["md", "markdown"]` || __`PathDoesNotExistsAction`__ | Check if path does not exist | || __`PathExistsAction`__ | Check if path exists | || __`PathIsExecutableAction`__ | Check if path is executable | || __`PathIsNotExecutableAction`__ | Check if path is not executable | || __`PathIsNotReadableAction`__ | Check if path is not writable | || __`PathIsNotWritableAction`__ | Check if path is not writable | || __`PathIsReadableAction`__ | Check if path is readable | || __`PathIsValidAction`__ | Check if path is valid | || __`PathIsWritableAction`__ | Check if path is writable | || __`ResolvePathAction`__<sup>†</sup> | Resolves path to canonical path removing symbolic links if present | |3. __Net & Email__ related actions:| Action | Description | `action_values` || --- | --- | --- || __`IPIsValidIPAddressAction`__ | Check if ip is valid ipv4 or ipv6 address | || __`IPIsValidIPv4AddressAction`__ | Check if ip address is valid ipv4 address | || __`IPIsValidIPv6AddressAction`__ | Check if ip address is valid ipv6 address | || __`URLIsNotReachableAction`__ | Check if URL is not reachable | || __`URLIsReachableAction`__ | Check if URL is reachable | || __`URLWithHTTPResponseStatusCodeAction`__ | Check if upplied URL responds with expected HTTP response status code | [Status codes]( to check against. e.g. `["200", "201", "202", "204"]` || __`EmailIsValidAction`__ | Checks if email address is valid | |4. __Type__ related actions:| Action | Description | `action_values` || --- | --- | --- || __`IsConvertibleToFloatAction`__ | Check if value is convertible to float | || __`IsConvertibleToIntAction`__ | Check if value is convertible to int | || __`IsConvertibleToUUIDAction`__ | Checks if value is convertible to UUID | || __`IsFalsyAction`__ | Checks if value is falsy | || __`IsTruthyAction`__ | Checks if value is truthy | |5. __Range__ related actions:| Action | Description | `action_values` || --- | --- | --- |6. __Miscellaneous__ actions:| Action | Description | `action_values` || --- | --- | --- || __`ChoicesAction`__ | Argument can only have values from provided choice(s) | Choices e.g. `["red", "blue", "green"]` || __`NotifyAndContinueAction`__ | Print provided notification message(s) | Message(s) e.g. `["This command will be deprecated in the next version."]` || __`NotifyAndExitAction`__ | Print provided notification message(s) and Exit | Message(s) e.g. `["This command has been deprecated", "Try --new-command"]` || __`ConfirmAction`__ | Print provided message and proceed with user confirmation _yes or no_. | Message(s) e.g. `["Proceed to Installation? (Y/n)"]` || __`GetInputAction`__<sup>†</sup> | Get user input and save to `self.dest` | Message(s) e.g. `["Favorite color"]` || __`GetSecretInputAction`__<sup>†</sup> | Get user input without displaying characters and save to the `self.dest` | Message(s) e.g. `["Enter your Password"]` || __`LoadJSONFromFileAction`__<sup>†</sup> | Return loaded JSON file(s) | || __`LoadYAMLFromFileAction`__<sup>†</sup> | Return loaded YAML file(s) | || __`LoadPickleFromFileAction`__<sup>†</sup> | Return unpickled file(s) | || __`CollectIntoDictAction`__<sup>†</sup> | Collect values into a dict | Delimiter(s) to split value(s) into key:value pair(s) e.g. `[":", "="]` (If multiple delimiters exist inside a value, only the first match is used) || __`CollectIntoListAction`__<sup>†</sup> | Collect values into a list | || __`CollectIntoTupleAction`__<sup>†</sup> | Collect values into a tuple | |<strong><sup>*</sup></strong> Actions that can make changes to disk <strong><sup>†</sup></strong> Actions that can make changes to `self.dest`## Development### Notes- __Formatting__-: _PEP8 only. Please format with black using `black_linelength=79`_- __License__: _The MIT License_- __Image Attributions__: _Karate by Alex Auda Samora from the Noun Project_Thank you for using `action_hero` — [@kadimisetty]( ⭐️✨


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